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How to Handle an OSHA Inspection

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1 How to Handle an OSHA Inspection

2 The Knock at the Door No advanced notice of inspections
Have a plan before they arrive (i.e. who will participate, who to call, etc.) Notify the office and Bermac immediately. We will make every effort to have someone there within an hour. OSHA will not come back later but it is not unreasonable for them to wait up to an hour for company representation to arrive. Compliance Officer (CSHO) should present his/her credentials. You have the right to call and verify them.

3 Opening Conference Determine the purpose of the inspection
Establish the “scope” of the inspection- get a copy of complaint if applicable Set ground rules for inspection Don’t volunteer information Treat the CSHO in a professional fashion Coordinate onsite contractors and vendors if they need to be involved

4 The Walkaround You have the right to accompany the CSHO
Require the CSHO to comply with company safety rules, including training and PPE where applicable Take accurate notes on areas reviewed and all discussions and comments from CSHO Maintain control- limit the areas seen by CSHO as much as possible Side-by-side pictures, videos, monitoring, etc. Correct anything that the CSHO finds on the spot if possible

5 The Inspection Interviews Schedule away from production/work areas
Usually in a jobsite conference room or office OSHA takes the position no management present Up to employee- it is voluntary for them and they can have an employee representative Advise employees of their rights, appreciation of cooperation, and to tell the truth Warning: Employee have whistleblower rights Tape recording, signed statement, deposition

6 The Inspection Management and supervisor interviews
Always have another manager/counsel present- agent of company Fatality investigation- attorney should always be present No tape recording, Signed Statement

7 The Inspection Documentation Recordkeeping Training
Safety & Health Policies Monitoring results Medical surveillance Safety Warnings/Discipline Preview Safety Audits- only if they ask for them

8 Closing Conference Employer’s opportunity for free discovery
Advise of observed unsafe conditions Usually brief description of possible violations- no discussion of penalties, classification or abatement dates Suggest possible corrections Request photos and monitoring results Discuss appeal rights NOT A TIME FOR DEBATE All document requests from OSHA should be reviewed and approved by Bermac prior to being provided to OSHA

9 Citations In writing Violation described
Timely- must issue within 6 months of the violation Proposed penalty specified Served by certified mail Must post citation for 3 days or until abatement, whichever is longer

10 Current Penalties Other Than Serious $12,675 per violation Serious
Failure to Abate $12,675 per day beyond abatement date Willful Up to $124,790 per violation Grouping Permitted Repeat Egregious No Grouping

11 Citation Options Agree to citations, pay full penalty
Informal conference/informal settlement Notice of Contest- 15 working days under Federal OSHA; some state plans have different time period Formal Settlement Hearing

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