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If you were absent Tuesday, 10/24/17

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2 If you were absent Tuesday, 10/24/17
Read the article “How to Conquer the College Admissions Essay” on Mrs. Dragavon’s website. Find it under LINKS, not documents essay- admissions.html?rref=collection%2Ftimestopic%2FCollege%20and%20Univers ity%20Admissions&action=click&contentCollection=timestopics&region=strea m&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=8&pgtype=colle ction Write a top 5 list of the MOST IMPORTANT THINGS you learned from this article. Your list must be written in complete sentences You will have to use your brain to decide what are the five most important things. It isn’t listed in the article for you.

3 After writing your top 5 list, complete the following reflection:
What did you learn about the college admission essay through this assignment? The article mentions that you should write what you are passionate about– what “keeps you up at night,” something that is complex, and that “conflict is good.” Write a list of at least three possible topics you could write about in your essay Turn your list and reflection in to the alpha folder if you get it done in class with us, or to the late work folder if you were absent

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