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Jim Linnemann, Michigan State
Recent Tevatron Searches: Large Extra Dimensions, SUSY, and other New Phenomena Jim Linnemann, Michigan State For DØ and CDF Moriond EW La Thuile, Italy, March 23, 2004
Overview Tevatron LED, Z, miscellany and SUSY
Emphasize updates since LP 03 We are starting to see a flood of new results! Shortchanging older analyses Will also skip some interesting new analyses—time Showing limits (alas) at 95% CL In a mixture of prescriptions
Large Extra Dimensions: Strategies
ee, and EM = e+γ Central + central-end end-end has big QCD bkg 2-D M, Cos θ* fit Fit C-C and C-E separately to background + model Model: specific processes CDF ee Central + central-end mostly Likelihood fit to M Cos θ* is a cross-check Spin-dependent σ·B limits beyond SM Interpret in many models
Large Extra Dimension Searches
DØ 2-D model-specific fit CDF σ ·BSpin limits Spin = 2 (example)
LED signal limits New limits from both DØ & CDF L= 200 events/pb
ηG95 = F/M4S parameterizes ED effects Limits using GRW: F= = HLZ n=4, F = 2/(n-2) =1 CDF II Ms > TeV DØ II Ms > 1.36 TeV DØ I + II Ms > 1.43 TeV most restrictive to date LED signal MC “bump” looks like statistics, not signal fakes L = 200 / pb Bkg
Dedicated ee Search for TeV-1 Dimensions
Model: fermions on 3d SM gauge bosons in bulk of branes M2n= Mo^2 + n2/M2c KK towers extra virtual effects Negative Interference effects unlike LED Find: Mc > 1.12 TeV (95% CL) First direct search Indirect searches: LEP: > 6.6 TeV; all: > 6.8 TeV Jet mis-ID Mc signal SM + mis-ID
Z Limits from ee: SM, E6 CDF: use spin 1 acceptance DØ: Pythia Z
Optimize window vs. MZ Limits in Aσ/σZ SM Couplings Run I SM Run II CDF : DØ: E ZI Zχ Zψ Zη CDF II: DØ: Some difference from σZ’ calculations Caveat: DØ: K(MZ), K= actually, using NNLO + M-dependent K factor. Mass dependence increases limit by perhaps 5 GeV CDF: K = 1.30, but wrt different LO X section
CDF Forward ee? DØ sees 1 event > 450, ± .2 SM expected
LED with jets + MET: DØ update (L= 85/pb)
Consider G radiation Monojet-like J1 > 150, J2 < 50, MET > 150 ΔΦJ,MET > 30o Observe 63; expect 100 ±6±7 -37 “signal” Signal Limit = 84 events expected 128 ± 28—a bit lucky? Includes large energy scale uncertainty Both MC and Data scales! Efficiency: 20% Background: +50% and –30% K=1 Better than Run I, but need better Jet Energy Scale
Other CDF limits from ee
Reinterpret Spin 0, 1, 2 σ·B limits in various models .05 to .2 pb (mass, spin dependent) Examples: little higgs RPV sneutrino R-S graviton techni rho: more data needed Non-optimal is still useful ! From TOF (not ee): Mstop > 95 “Champ” Analysis
DØ Jets + MET SUSY interest: LSP escapes as MET
Light squarks decay to q LSP Light gluinos: decay to qqbar LSP (more jets) acoplanar, but not monojets Require acoplanar topology: j1 > 60 j2 > opposite of LED ΔΦj,MET > 30o ΔΦjj < 165o Optimize MET, Ht: σLimit / σs σs is typical mSUGRA signal use: M0 = 25, M½ = 130 Choose: MET > 175, HT > 275
Squark Gluino Limit Status
Expect 2.7 ± 1.0 SM efficiency ~ 5% See 4 events with L=85/pb Analysis better optimized for light squarks than light gluinos Results of M½ scan with Mo = 25, Ao = 0, tan β = 3, μ < 0 For Msquark ~ 290, Mgluino > 333 Already better limit than Run I better QCD rejection data, MC) +25%, -15% efficiency; +77%, -43% background
SUSY trilepton search: DØ
Chargino + N2; masses ~ 2 MLSP Decay to WZ or sleptons +2 LSP Low mass sleptons: good BR Gold plated: trileptons 2 like-sign available BUT: Signal a bit thin on the ground σ·B < 1pb low chargino mass: soft leptons LEP II cleared a good bit of mSUGRA space Strategy: Combine ee, μμ, eμ: tune cuts for low background
Like Sign μμ with 147/pb μ1 > 11, μ2 > 5 isolated MET > 15
Kinematics to kill Z M < 80 sign flip avoided exclude Z if have μ+μ- pair And QCD b and c+ν decays ΔΦμμ < 2.7 If μ2 < 11, tighten further: .5 < ΔΦ μ,MET < 2.4 ΔΦμj < 2.4 not fully optimized, but blind Expect .13 events; observe 1 σ·B SUSY ~ .2 to .4/pb: ε ~1% .2 to .4 SUSY events expected B/c background in LS checked by using same method to estimate background in OS low-mass data b background scaled from like-sign data non-isolated μ’s
SUSY eμ L = 158/pb e >12 μ > 8 isolated WW, Wj prevention:
15 < MET < 80 tighter ID near MT (W) 10 < Meμ < 100 |e, μ, MET| > 6 ~ pT(l3) Expect 2.9 ± See 1 event can also require: Iso Track > 3 weak 3rd lepton Expect 0.5 ± See 0 events SUSY: .6 to .9 events for either (little loss due to isolated track) Before pT(l3) cuts
SUSY ee with L = 174/pb e > 12, 8 one central MET > 20
track >3; ΔRe,tr > rd lepton Kill Z, top by kinematics irritating SM backgrounds already! jets < 80 Mee < 60, ΔΦee < 2.8 Mt >15; ΔRe,MET > .4 tr MET > 250 Expect SM .3 ±.4; observe 1 Signal: to 1.6 events
η φ Et e Friday the 13th Event track 33.2 -.97 3.37 25.7 -2.19 2.97
8.6 .67 5.87 MET 52.1 .12
DØ combined lepton limits
SUSY Scan M0 M½ A0 = 0, tan β = 3, μ < 0 72 165 180 88 185 .4 to 2 pb σ·B SUSY typically 2-3 events . CLs combination of 3 channels including correlations Channel Data SM stat syst. L/pb eel .42 eμl .24 eμ μ+μ+ μ-μ .06
SUSY Limit Results Better than Run I σ·B < .5pb
Not quite excluding predictions
Summary Nature declined to flood us with new phenomena so far
Clear improvements over Run I are visible L ~ 200/pb x 2 and counting apparatus understood well enough to use it Not fully optimized but already have σ·B <.5 pb –or better- limits e.g. sensitive to 10 ε~10% Publications in our near future buon appetito!
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