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Acne Allie Shaw.

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1 Acne Allie Shaw

2 What is Acne? Acne is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that causes spots and pimples, especially on the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms Scientific term: acne vulgaris is caused from the overactive sebaceous(oil) glands in the skin become clogged creating the whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples

3 Signs/Symptoms? Vary depending on severity:
Whiteheads - closed clogged pores Blackheads - open clogged pores Small red tender bumps - papules Pimples (pustules) - papules with pus at tips Nodules - Large, solid, painful lumps beneath the surface of the skin Cystic Lesions - painful, pus-filled lumps beneath the surface of the skin Common Acne Cystic Acne

4 What is the cause? When the oily liquid called sebum carries dead skin cells to the surface of the skin then a small hair grows through the follicle, pimples grow when the follicle gets blocked and the oil builds up under the skin Rise in androgen(hormone) levels cause the oil glands under skin to grow, these large glands cause the production of more sebum with the excessive amount of sebum the pore’s cell walls begin to break down causing more bacteria to grow Other causes could be: medications with androgen or lithium, greasy cosmetics, emotional stress, and for girls menstruation

5 What is the treatment? Moderate to severe:
A skin specialist or dermatologist will prescribe a gel/cream or an antibiotic that is much stronger than OTC items Mild acne: Any OTC medications, gels, soaps, pads, creams, and lotions that include resorsinol: breaks down whiteheads/blackheads, benzoyl peroxide: kills bacteria/slows production of sebum, salicylic acid: helps reduce inflammation/swelling , sulfur, retin-a: helps unblock cells through cell turnover, azelaic acid: strengthens cell walls of follicles and helps reduce the risk of sebum eruption

6 What happens if not treated?
If left untreated acne can cause bad scarring especially with a more severe type As blemishes heal they may leave behind a discolored patch that will stay for months even years In the worst case acne can cause emotional distress, including low self-esteem, and even depression

7 Facts! Affects 3 out of 4 people from age 11 to 30
Not dangerous, but can leave skin scars Different treatments for different severities Popping pimples can make them worse Risk factors are genetics, menstrual cycle, anxiety, stress, hot and humid climates, and using oil-based makeup A healthy diet can potentially help your skin clear up Acne is the most common skin disorder in the United States

8 Sources
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