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BME Curriculum Do the curriculum at your home institution and supplement with equivalent classes at other school. Upper-level electives are usually only.

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Presentation on theme: "BME Curriculum Do the curriculum at your home institution and supplement with equivalent classes at other school. Upper-level electives are usually only."— Presentation transcript:

1 BME Curriculum Do the curriculum at your home institution and supplement with equivalent classes at other school. Upper-level electives are usually only offered at one school, so you may want to travel Plan to spend a whole day at the other side, and make sure that the van hours work with your schedule Or take a bus or drive your own car or steal a car (not my car) Check advising notes each semester for BME courses to take at the partner campus Non-BME classes are also on the approved list. Other classes can be approved by an advisor

2 What’s equivalent? UNC NC State

3 BME Classes at “Other” School
After getting courses approved by an advisor (you have advising holds on both campuses), enroll yourself and notify Dr. Cartee UNC: submit a form to Dr. Cartee so a placeholder class can be added at your home school (see BME website) NCSU: Dr. Cartee with course info (no form) Any grades from the other school will transfer AS THAT GRADE to your home school. Not just “credit.” Only 1 online course per semester for UNC students enrollment/ lists UNC details, but many apply to NCSU students Rule of thumb “if it isn’t allowed on one campus, it isn’t allowed on two” – credit hours limits, two versions of same course, etc.

4 BME Summer Classes If you want to free up later semesters for premed electives, research, etc., consider taking summer classes after sophomore year Tentative list BMME 201 / BME 201 UNC) BMME 150 / BME 203 UNC) or MSE 201 NCSU) Kenny’s Scottish Sophomore Design abroad in Scotland …? Summer school tuition is paid to the campus where you take the course

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