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Leah Wawro Head of Conflict and Insecurity.

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Presentation on theme: "Leah Wawro Head of Conflict and Insecurity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leah Wawro Head of Conflict and Insecurity

THE ARMED FORCES, AND ARMS TRANSFERS ARE TRANSPARENT, ACCOUNTABLE, AND FREE FROM CORRUPTION. Transparency and openness are crucial for accountability A risk based approach Developing tangible solutions Countries and territories with Transparency International affiliates (September 2017)

3 TI’s approach to the arms trade
A global trade where anti-corruption and transparency is at the heart of decision making in sales and procurement; Arms export controls are observed and serve to reduce the risks of corruption and diversion; Robust enforcement where corrupt actors are held to account without fear or favour; and where the voices of victims are heard. Government Defence Anti-Corruption Index (GI) Defence procurement toolkit; Policy capture analysis; Engagement with law enforcement, regulators, and industry to respond to corruption threats; Developing defence specific knowledge and capacity building to support national chapters; Enhancing arms export controls and their implementation; Collective Action; Defence Companies Anti-Corruption Index. External business environment Company culture, standards, and procedures Procurement reform Companies Index Enforcement Export control Regulatory framework and oversight

4 Defence Companies Anti-Corruption Index
Published in 2012 & 2015 Ca. 150 world’s largest defence companies Used by government, industry, investors, regulators Contributed to improved anti-bribery and compliance programmes in the sector

5 Companies are still facing corruption allegations

6 Business increasingly conducted in high risk markets
Top 10 defence importers : government anti-corruption index score Top ten defence importers (volume of arms transfers - SIPRI) Country score for procurement (Government Defence Anti-Corruption index 2015) Overall country score A-F (Government Defence Anti-Corruption Index 2015) India 54% D Saudi Arabia 15% E Egypt 8% F UAE 21% China 29% Australia 35% B Algeria 10% Iraq 13% Pakistan 25% Indonesia 45% government.

7 Transparency is key to driving sector wide change
Collective review and oversight of the sector Allow information to be reviewed by suppliers, shareholders, enforcement agencies, employees and the public at large Hold governments to account Allow oversight bodies such as parliaments, external auditors, and ultimately the public, to hold governments to account Internal scrutiny and quality Ensure information is seriously considered to reflect the practice Set expectations Set the right expectations on the company’s standards and procedures for anyone wishing to engage with the company, whether prospective employees, customers, suppliers or third parties Create permanence Possess a legitimacy and permanence which greatly exceeds internal documents Collective action Facilitate sharing of learning and resources

8 & Internal Investigations Political Activities & Government relations
We’re calling for more transparency in….. Incentive Structures & Internal Investigations Political Activities & Government relations Supply Chains Offset obligations Agents Markets & Company Information

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