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The Life of Christ – Lesson 8

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1 The Life of Christ – Lesson 8
In 1978, when the waters receded in a drought, an ancient fishing boat dated from the time of Jesus was found on the north-west shore by two local fishermen, Moshe and Yuval Lufan. The boat has been dated to 40 BC (plus or minus 80 years) based on radio-carbon dating and 50 BC to AD 50 based on finds of pottery and nails in the boat. – Slide 10 A life-sized reconstruction of the boat can be found at Kibbutz Ginosar. The Galilean boat had a stern deck for the storage of large fishing nets. Beneath its planks, such a deck provided a somewhat secluded area where tired fishermen could rest. – Slide 14 Preaching in galilee – Raising a widows son - John’s inquiry Dinner with a pharisee - Luke 7 February 27, 2019

2 Raising the widow’s son Luke 7:11-17
Their reaction: “Fear gripped them all.” (Will we fear?) “Began glorifying God.” (Will we honor and glorify God?) Said: “A great prophet has risen among us” (Deuteronomy 18:15; John 6:14; 7:40; 1 Kings 17:17-24; 2 Kings 4:18-37) (Will we listen and heed the Prophet?) “This report concerning Him went out all over Judea, and in all the surrounding district.” (Will the “report concerning Him” go out from us?) Fear – “phobos” – to put to flight (flee from), fear, dread or terror. Includes reverence and awe. Philippians 2:12; 2 Corinthians 7:1 Glorify – doxazoo – magnify, praise, extol honor. Interesting – glorifying God it says and not Jesus – they recognized that no one could do such things unless God was with Him. John 3:2; 9:33

3 Raising the widow’s son Luke 7:11-17
Three times Jesus raised the dead by His word: Widow’s son. “Arise.” Luke 7:14-15 Jairus’ daughter. “Arise.” Luke 8:54-55 Lazarus. “Come forth.” John 11:43

4 Messengers from John the Baptist Luke 7:18-35; Matthew 11:2-30
While imprisoned* (Matthew 11:2), John the Baptist heard from two of his disciples re: “all these things.” *according to Josephus, John was imprisoned and put to death in Machaerus. MACHAERUS - the place where JOHN THE BAPTIST was apparently imprisoned and put to death, according to the Jewish historian, Josephus. Machaerus is not mentioned in the Bible. (from Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Copyright © 1986, Thomas Nelson Publishers) it was rebuilt and fortified by Herod the Great who had built a palace there

5 Messengers from John the Baptist Luke 7:18-35; Matthew 11:2-30
“When John in prison heard of the works of Christ …” (Matthew 11:2) John sent two of his disciples “to the Lord”* asking, “Are You the Expected One (Coming One), or do we look for someone else?” (Luke 7:19) What John previously concluded about Jesus: John 1:29-34, “… this is the Son of God.” _________________________________________________________________________ * Note that it would appear to be the first time Luke refers to Jesus as “the Lord” but would do so many more times following this.

6 Messengers from John the Baptist Luke 7:18-35; Matthew 11:2-30
“Are You the Expected One (Coming One), or do we look for someone else?” (Luke 7:19) Why would John ask this? (John 1:19-34) So that his disciples would go to witness the works of Jesus and His message? Was this for his disciples’ benefit … that Jesus might continue to “increase”? (John 3:30) Like the apostles, did John have questions based on his expectations re: the nature of the kingdom? The scriptures do not record any rebuke by Jesus of John’s weak faith … as noted earlier Was John like Moses, Num. 11:10-15; Elijah; 1 Kings 19; Jeremiah; Jer. 20:7-18) who got down and dejected? While in prison, could he simply need verification of what he was hearing? Had John the Baptist’s inspiration “passed away”? Did Jesus rebuke John’s lack of faith?

7 Messengers from John the Baptist Luke 7:18-35; Matthew 11:2-30
“At that very time He cured many people of diseases and afflictions and evil spirits; and He gave sight to many who were blind.” (Luke 7:21) The messengers became eyewitnesses of Jesus’ miraculous power. John 10:25, “The works which the Father has given Me to accomplish – the very works that I do – testify about Me, that the Father has sent Me.” (Luke 6:17-19; Mark 1:32-34)

8 Messengers from John the Baptist Luke 7:18-35; Matthew 11:2-30
Jesus’ response … “Go and report to John what you have seen and heard …” “Blind receive sight” “Lame walk” “Lepers are cleansed” “Deaf hear” “Dead are raised up” “Poor have the gospel preached to them” cf. Isaiah 35:5-6; 61:1-2, tell John that prophecy is being fulfilled.

9 Messengers from John the Baptist Luke 7:18-35; Matthew 11:2-30
Jesus’ response … “Blessed is he who does not take offense at Me …” Why? Continues with prophecy … Isaiah 8:14-15, “… a stone to strike and a rock to stumble over, and a snare and a trap … many will stumble …”; (cf. Romans 9:30-33) Luke 2:34, “… this Child is appointed for the fall and rise of many in Israel …”

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