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History of Health Care.

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1 History of Health Care

2 State Standard 1) Synthesize information found in news media, professional journals, and trade magazines to create a report and/or presentation on the historical evolution of healthcare in the United States. Use a timeline or other graphic to illustrate major developments beginning with the first medical school through today. 7) Investigate current innovations in healthcare. Develop pro and con arguments based on information found in news media, professional journals, and trade magazines on how innovations have influenced the healthcare system. Support arguments with evidence presented in oral, visual, or written format.

3 Bell Work Who was Ignaz Seimmelweis based on our past lessons?
What did he do or discover?

4 Objectives Students will:
Explore the evolution of healthcare paying attention to specific individual contributors by completing a matching worksheet and creating a fictional historical figure resume’. Investigate current innovations or in healthcare by creating a timeline of the radiology modalities explaining the pros and cons of each.

5 Individual Contributions

6 Hippocrates (460 – 377 BC) Greek physician known as the “Father of Medicine” Authored code of conduct for doctors known as the “Hippocratic Oath” that is the basis of medical practice today High standard of ethics Believed illness was not caused by evil spirits and stressed importance of good diet, fresh air, cleanliness, and exercise

7 Rhazes (854-925) AD Arab physician Observed signs and symptoms
Suggested that blood was cause of many infectious diseases Called father of pediatrics Began the use of animal gut for suture material What is a suture or the skill of suturing?

8 Leonardo Da Vinci ( ) One of the first to use dissection to draw the human body realistically.

9 William Harvey ( ) First to recognize full circulation of blood in the human body and provided experimental research to prove it. British physician to the king Participated in examining women accused of witchcraft and proved them innocent

10 Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723)
Invented the microscope lens that allowed visualization of organisms First to observe muscle fibers, blood vessels, and even sperm

11 Edward Jenner ( ) Developed a vaccination for smallpox in 1796

12 Rene Laennec ( ) Invented the stethoscope in 1819 First stethoscope was made of wood

13 Ignaz Seimelweiss ( ) First to recommend hand-washing to reduce risk of spreading of disease. Noticed infection rates resulting from doctors leaving the cadavers and to deliver babies.

14 Dorthea Dix (1802-1887) Educator and social reformer
Dedicated her life to the welfare of the mentally ill Most individuals suffering from mental illness were placed in asylums, ignored or neglected, even caged These individuals were treated as though they could not learn or feel

15 Florence Nightingale (1820-1910)
Known as the “Founder of Modern Nursing” Established efficient and sanitary nursing units during the Crimean War in 1854 Invented the call bell system and use of dumbwaiters to deliver meals Begin the professional education of nurses

16 Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) Known as the “Father of Microbiology”
His germ theory proved that microorganisms cause disease Proved that heat can be used to destroy germs through a process called pasteurization Created a vaccine for rabies in 1885 Founded the basic rules for sterilization

17 Joseph Lister ( ) Used carbolic acid on wounds to kill germs. It was also used to sterilize surgical instruments. First doctor to use an antiseptic during surgery.

18 Clara Barton ( ) Volunteer nurse for wounded soldiers during the Civil War After Civil War, established a bureau of records to search for missing men Campaigned for the USA to sign the Treaty of Geneva, which provided relief for sick and wounded soldiers Formed American Red Cross in 1881 and served as its first president

19 Gregory Mendel ( ) Established principles of heredity and dominance and recessive genes. Father of genetics.

20 Robert Koch ( ) Developed the culture plate method to identify pathogens Isolated the bacterium that causes tuberculosis

21 Wilhelm Roentgen ( ) Discovered roentgenograms (X-rays) in 1895 Let doctors see inside the body X-rayed wife’s hand

22 Carl Landsteiner (1901) Alexander Wiener (1937)
In 1901, establishes ABO Blood Types Four groups (A, B, AB, and O) In 1937, both discovered an extra antigen an then classified the distinctions of Rh- or RH+. (Tested on Rhesus monkeys).

23 Marie Curie (1867-1934) Discovered radium and polonium
Coined the phrase radioactivity First woman to win the Nobel Prize (she was awarded twice) Directed radioactive treatments Invented mobile x-ray to be used during the war

24 Frederick Banting and Charles Best (1922)
Discovered and used insulin to treat diabetes.

25 Sigmund Freud ( ) Discovered the conscious and unconscious part of the mind His studies were the basis for psychology and psychiatry

26 Sir Alexander Fleming (1881-1955)
Discovered penicillin in 1928 which is considered one of the most important discoveries of the twentieth century What is penicillin?

27 Jonas Salk (1914-1995) Albert Sabin (1906 – 1993)
Created polio vaccine Saved many people from this virus that paralyzed thousands of adults and children each year. (dead or live pathogen?)

28 Francis Crick (1916 – 2004) James Watson (1928 - )
Described the structure of DNA and how it carries genetic information in 1953 Built a three-dimensional model of the molecules of DNA Shared the Noble Prize in 1962

29 Christian Barnard (1922 – 2001) Performed first successful heart transplant in 1968

30 Ben Carson ( ) Famous for his surgeries to separate Siamese twins Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins He has refined hemispherectomy, a surgery on the brain to stop seizures

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