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Proposed Bylaw Amendments

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1 Proposed Bylaw Amendments

2 Bylaw Amendment Process
The Chairperson of Resolutions & Bylaws oversees the annual review of the association’s bylaws. The Board discusses proposed changes to Bylaws at Board Meeting. Bylaws Amendments are distributed to all members through the state publication (Nutmegger) or by direct mail at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting or deadline for casting vote. The membership votes on these changes at the annual meeting or established web-based vote. Adoption of Bylaws require a two-thirds vote at annual meeting of the association or by a two-thirds mail vote returned.

3 Proposed Amendment # 1 Incorporate changes per SNA National to align with their bylaws, as part of the process of renewing our state affiliation agreement.

4 Items & Locations Article I, Name Remove Name from front page of Bylaws and add new Article I –add copy in red as new paragraph to read: The name of this association shall be the School Nutrition Association of Connecticut, also referred to as the Association or SNACT, a 501(c)(6) corporation chartered in the State of Connecticut. SNACT is a chartered affiliate of the School Nutrition Association, Inc. (SNA) and bound by the SNA state affiliate agreement and the SNA bylaws.

5 Items & Locations Article II, Mission and Purpose Remove Mission and Vision from front page of Bylaws and add new Article II, named Mission and Purpose -paragraph to include updated mission to read: The mission of SNACT is to provide school nutrition professionals with tools, resources and opportunities for program success and sustainability and to support the mission and values of the School Nutrition Association, Inc.

6 Items & Locations Article I Membership Section A
Reorder Article I to Article III Membership Delete Section A, B, C, D and replace with following: Section A Categories of Membership: Membership shall consist of four(4) categories: School Foodservice and Nutrition, Associate, Affiliate, and Corporate. Members of SNA of Connecticut, except for Corporate Members, are also members of the School Nutrition Association (National). Other membership categories that are nonvoting may be created by the Executive Board. 1. School Foodservice and Nutrition Members: School nutrition members shall consist of employees, managers, supervisors/directors and educators employed in eligible fields as defined by SNA. 2. Associate members: This category shall consist of retired members, students enrolled in post-secondary food, nutrition, health or other food related programs, industry individuals, individuals and others committed to furthering the goals of the association. 3. Affiliate Members: This category shall consist of members who choose the option of being nonvoting supporter members. Affiliate members may be school nutrition employees working less than four hours per day or retired members. Affiliate members shall not be eligible for nomination to national or state elective office. 

7 Items & Locations Article I Membership Reorder Article I to Article III Membership Delete Section A, B, C, D and replace with following: (continued) Section A: (Continued-Categories allowed by SNA) 4. Corporate Members: This category shall consist of industry corporations which are interested in furthering the goals of the Association. All such members shall meet membership qualifications established by the Executive Board and listed in the SNA of Connecticut Policies and Procedures Manual, except that corporate members may only serve on the board in a corporate representative position. 5. Honorary Members: Honorary members shall consist of persons recognized by the Board for outstanding service to the Association.

8 Items & Locations Article I Membership
Reorder Article I to Article III Membership Delete Section A, B, C, D and replace with following: (continued) Section B. Rights and Privileges of Members: All school nutrition and associate retired members whose dues, if any, are currently paid, shall be entitled to vote for the election of officers for the coming year and to vote upon any matter submitted to the voting membership. School Foodservice and Nutrition members who cease to be employed in an eligible field may continue as members until their membership renewal date. Retired members may serve on committees but may not hold elected national or state office. Associate members(except for retired Associate members ) and all Affiliate and Corporate members shall be non-voting members. Industry members may only vote for the election of an industry representative to serve on the Executive Board. 4. The official publication of the Association shall be distributed to all members.

9 Items & Locations Article I Membership
Reorder Article I to Article III Membership Delete Section A, B, C, D and replace with following: (continued) Section C. Dues: Dues for SNA of CT and SNA shall be remitted directly to SNA. The Executive Board shall establish state dues for School Foodservice and Nutrition Members, Associate, Affiliate and Corporate Members. Any person desiring membership in the Association for any given year may join at any time and renew membership twelve months from that date. Dues for membership in the School Nutrition Association (National) and SNA of Connecticut shall be payable annually. Notices of dues payable shall be sent annually from the School Nutrition Association (National), except for Corporate Members. Honorary members shall not be required to pay dues. All rights and privileges of membership shall be terminated for nonpayment of dues.

10 Items & Locations Article II, Officers Reorder from Article II to IV Officers Section A. Elected Officers- Remove Regional Representative and Industry Representative. Add to read: The elected officers shall be: President, President-elect, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. All officers shall hold office from August 1 through July 31. Candidates for State Office shall have held membership in the Association for at least three (3) years immediately preceding the nomination. Section B: Delete entirely (Move to Executive Board Section 2) Add to read: Terms of Office for officers shall be: Delete f. & g. (Move to Executive Board Section 2) Reorderl Section C to B: Election: Add the copy in red to read: Election of Officers shall be by electronic/web ballot in accordance with applicable law.

11 Items & Locations Section C change to B – Responsibilities of Elected Officers: 1. President d. Replace House of Delegates with Delegate Assembly to read: Serves on the SNA Delegate Assembly. Add i. to read: i. The President must be an active school nutrition member for the entire term of office. 1. President-elect: f. Succeeds to the office of President. 1. August 1 of the second year following election: or Add k. to read: k. The President-elect must be an active school nutrition member for the entire term of office.

12 Items & Locations Section C change to B – Responsibilities of Elected Officers: 1. President d. Replace House of Delegates with Delegate Assembly to read: Serves on the SNA Delegate Assembly. Add copy in red to read: The President must be an active school nutrition member for the entire term of office. 2. President-elect: Add copy in red to read: f. Succeeds to the office of President. 1. August 1 of the second year following election: or k. The President-elect must be an active school nutrition member for the entire term of office. 3. Vice-President: Add copy in red to read: a. Succeeds to the office of President-elect. 1. August 1 of the first year following the election; or

13 Items & Locations Article III change to V, Meetings Add the copy in red to read: Notices of meetings may be electronic, as allowed by state law. Section A. Type of meeting: Add new # 1 the copy in read to read: Annual Meeting- There shall be an Annual Meeting of the members of the Association for the purpose of introduction of elected officers and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Reorder numbers original 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to read: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

14 Items & Locations Article IV reordered to VI Executive Board
Add in front of “Composition” the copy in red to read: Section 1. Composition Add copy in red below after Section 1. d. (language removed from officers) Section 2. School Foodservice and Nutrition and Industry Representatives A. A school foodservice and nutrition candidate shall: 1. Have demonstrated leadership ability by serving as chapter officer, previous elected officer or on a SNACT committee or advisory board/ad hoc committee. 2. Shall be a member in good standing of the School Nutrition Association. 3. Be elected for a specified term and shall maintain active membership at the time of nomination and election. If a change in status occurs they shall complete their term of office provided one year of their term has been completed.(The Executive Committee may, by 2/3 vote, temporarily fill officer vacancies subject to majority approval of the Executive Board).  B An industry member candidate shall: 1. Be an individual industry sponsor or a representative of a corporate industry sponsor. 2. Be elected for a specified term and shall maintain active industry sponsorship at the time of nomination and election. If a change in status occurs they shall complete their term of office provided one year of their term has been completed.

15 Items & Locations Section 2 reordered 3 Add copy in red below to read:
 C. Terms of office 1. Regional Representatives: Regional Representatives shall serve a two (2) year term. Their principal place of employment shall be in the respective region. If a change in region of employment occurs they shall complete their term of office provided one year of their term has been completed. Elections shall be held on the following schedule: Even Years: (term begins in the summer of an even numbered year) Nutmeg Chapter, Minute Maid Chapter and Naugatuck Chapter Odd Years: (term begins in the summer of an odd numbered year) Yankee Chapter, Mohegan Chapter and Charter Oak Chapter. 2. Industry Representatives: The Industry Representative shall be on the ballot in January of even numbered years and shall serve for two (2) years beginning in August of that year. Section 2 reordered 3 Add copy in red below to read: Section 3. Responsibilities of the Executive Board

16 Items & Locations Article V reordered to VII Executive Committee
Section A. 1. Composition a. Remove Regional Representatives and Industry Representative Add copy in red to read: Elected members shall consist of the President, as chair, President-elect, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer.

17 Items & Locations Article XI Removal from Office Add the copy in red to the last sentence to read: The Board, upon receipt of charges, shall investigate the charges, hold a hearing at which the accused officer may attend and speak on his or her behalf, and render a decision. Article XII Dissolution Add the copy in red to the last sentence to read: Should dissolution of the Association become necessary, it shall be dissolved in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation and applicable law.

18 Items & Locations DEFINITIONS: B. Non-eligible Field Add the copy in red to the sentence to read: Any field not defined as an eligible field by SNA. C. Nonprofit: Any school food and nutrition program maintained by a school food authority for the benefit of children, all of the income from which is used solely for the operation or improvement of such service and exempt from income tax under 501(c)(6) Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended F. Mail Delete copy in red from sentence: including electronic mail.

19 Items & Locations Article V reorder to VII Executive Committee Article VI reordered to VIII Committees Section A. Standing Committees f. Rename Committee from Nutrition & Wellness Committee to f. Child Nutrition Committee Rationale: to reflect the redirection of focus and work of committee Article IX Advisory Boards/Ad Hoc Committees

20 Items & Locations Article IX Reorder to X– Parliamentary Authority Replace Current language with the following in red: The eleventh edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this association in all cases that are not otherwise provided for in the law, the articles of incorporation, bylaws or adopted rules. When a new edition of the parliamentary authority is published, the board may, by majority vote and after ensuring that they have familiarized themselves with the changes in the new version, update the edition reference in the bylaws. Members shall be notified promptly after the change is made. The immediate Past President shall serve as Parliamentarian.

21 Items & Locations Article X reorder to XI Amendment Section B Replace Section B first sentence with copy below in red. Proposed amendments to these bylaws shall be sent to SNA in accordance with the SNA State Affiliation Agreement. Article XI reorder to XII Removal from Office Add the copy in red to the last sentence to read: The Board, upon receipt of charges, shall investigate the charges, hold a hearing at which the accused officer may attend and speak on his or her behalf, and render a decision.

22 Items & Locations Article XII reorder to XIII Dissolution Add the copy in red to the last sentence to read: Should dissolution of the Association become necessary, it shall be dissolved in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation and applicable law.

23 Proposed Amendment # 2 Change the term to name of our Nutrition & Wellness Committee to Child Nutrition Committee

24 Items & Locations Article VI reordered to VIII Committees Section A. Standing Committees 5. f. Nutrition & Wellness Rename from Nutrition & Wellness Committee to Child Nutrition Committee Rationale: In changing the name to describe the Nutrition & Wellness Committee to the Child Nutrition Committee the name will more accurately reflect the focus and work of the committee to support and aide child nutrition professionals.

25 Additional Items & Locations
Article I Membership Reorder Article I to Article III Membership Section A: (Continued-Categories allowed by SNA) Add language in red to read: 4. Corporate Members: This category shall consist of industry corporations which are interested in furthering the goals of the Association. All such members shall meet membership qualifications established by the Executive Board and listed in the SNA of Connecticut Policies and Procedures Manual, except that corporate members may only serve on the board in a corporate representative position.

26 Additional Items & Locations
Rationale: The addition of “Corporate Membership” category formerly know as “Corporate Sponsor” declares the existence of the corporate category for corporations to support SNACT and describes the requirements , responsibilities and benefits as established by the Board.



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