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Wellbore Trajectory Example Calculation.

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Presentation on theme: "Wellbore Trajectory Example Calculation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wellbore Trajectory Example Calculation

2 Simulator Outputs Figure 1

3 Dogleg & Axial Force Interactions
9000 lb. Dogleg & Axial Force Interactions 1.25deg/12.5’ Angle with perfectly straight 10 deg/ 100’ Med Radius Just Above Small Pump 0.35 * 390 = 137 lb 2*9000 * sin (1.25deg) = * 0.022 = 390 lbs 390 lb / 40lb per guide max = 10 guides per rod 9000 lb. Figure 2

4 Inclined, but straight Gravity Forces Incl N f * A 30 32 6.4 49.0 50
9.8 31.3 70 60 12 9.9 79 62.8 12.6 Inclined, but straight Gravity Forces N = 64 * sin(Incl) * CoeffFrict = 0.2, steel-on-steel f = N * CoeffFrict A A =[ 64 * cos(Incl)] – f (effective rod weight f N

5 ‘Morphing’ Downhole Cards Peak Wear Point in Tbg

6 Existing Wellbores Try smaller & lighter high strength rods

7 Existing Wellbores Try smaller & lighter high strength rods
Smaller Pump

8 Existing Wellbores Try smaller & lighter high strength rods
Smaller Pump Rod and Tubing rotators

9 Existing Wellbores Try smaller & lighter high strength rods
Smaller Pump Rod and Tubing rotators Rod Guides with Supplier Design Input

10 Existing Wellbores Try smaller & lighter high strength rods
Smaller Pump Rod and Tubing rotators Rod Guides with Supplier Design Input Batch/Continuous Corrosion Inhibition

11 Existing Wellbores Try smaller & lighter high strength rods
Smaller Pump Rod and Tubing rotators Rod Guides with Supplier Design Input Batch/Continuous Corrosion Inhibition Spray Metal Rod Couplings

12 Desirable Wellbore Trajectory Beam Pumping Planning
Avoid even small doglegs near surface where axial loads are high.

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