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PRESENTATION TITLE Faculty Enhancement and Instructional Development (FEID) Proposal Support Sharon Seidman, Ph.D. (HHD) and Erica Bowers, Ed.D. (Director,

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION TITLE Faculty Enhancement and Instructional Development (FEID) Proposal Support Sharon Seidman, Ph.D. (HHD) and Erica Bowers, Ed.D. (Director,"— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENTATION TITLE Faculty Enhancement and Instructional Development (FEID) Proposal Support Sharon Seidman, Ph.D. (HHD) and Erica Bowers, Ed.D. (Director, FDC) February 19 and 20, 2019

2 What is the FEID grant? The Faculty Enhancement and Instructional Development (FEID) Award program funds instructional improvement projects that lead to increased student success. Priority is given to proposals that support Goal One and Goal Two of the University Strategic Plan Projects shall address course redesign and/or innovative teaching. Examples include: Implementation or expansion of high-impact practices Application of best/promising practices produced from the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Multi/Interdisciplinary collaboration, i.e., Explore Core Study Abroad or Service Learning Implementation of pedagogy for diverse audiences

3 Breaking Down the FEID Narrative
Description of project Innovation Connection to Goal One and/or Goal Two of the University Strategic Plan Outcomes and Assessment Benefits Sustainability Budget and Timeline

4 Description What pedagogical or practical instructional problem does this project attempt to solve? Provide details about your project’s objectives, methods, and activities intended to try to solve this problem.

5 Innovation: Course Redesign and/or Innovative Teaching Practices
Describe why your project is innovative Some Possibilities include: Implementation or expansion of high-impact practices Application of best/promising practices produced from the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Multi/Interdisciplinary collaboration, i.e., Explore Core Study Abroad or Service Learning Implementation of pedagogy for diverse audiences ………

6 Connection to Goal One and/or Two of the University Strategic Plan
Provide a transformative educational experience and environment for all students. Titan students are immeasurably enriched by immersive experiences and a robust array of services that support their well-being, provide a sense of belonging, and promote academic success. The many benefits from this institutional commitment — enhanced learning, retention, confidence, and affinity for the university — ensure Titan graduates are well prepared to excel in the workforce or in further education.

7 Connection to Goal One and/or Two of the University Strategic Plan
Goal Two: Strengthen opportunities for student completion and graduation. Perhaps nothing is more central to our educational mission than providing equitable access to the opportunities and resources necessary for student success. Degree completion is one metric, albeit a fundamental one, by which student success is measured, and our commitment to supporting students achieve that goal is interlinked with myriad endeavors that promote student success in all its forms.

8 Outcomes and Assessment
Goals/Outcomes are defined Measure(s) Aligned to goals/outcomes Feasible Evaluative

9 Benefits Proposed project clearly describes the benefits the implementation will have on students, the department, and/or instructional processes

10 Sustainability Plan for the future Funding (if needed)
Sustained implementation Expansion To other sections To other courses

11 Examples of Past Projects
Redesign of Theatre Management Class to Address 21st Century Realities International Cohort Cultural Experience: Japan Developing counseling skills through co-curricular, experiential education, and service learning Including Undergraduate Research in a CAS Senior Seminar Course A Humanity at Work: Alumni Career Webinars for History Majors Design and implementation of a cross-disciplinary Bio-Geo intersession field course

12 Budget and Timeline Reassigned Time/ Summer Stipend
Need for reassignment Any other supports for project (e.g., department, college, grants and stipends) Deliverable dates Operating Expenses & Equipment Need for resources Any other supports for project (e.g., department, college, grants and stipends) Deliverable dates

13 Money will be transferred to your Department
This means: If you are asking for reassigned time- the FDC will budget transfer this money to your dept If you are asking for summer stipend there are new rules on faculty additional pay. OE & E- there are rules on how state funds can be used- money will be transferred to your dept- make sure your dept is in agreement on how you are spending funds- i.e., gift cards can’t be bought with state funds.

14 How will my project be scored?
Criterion Weight Strong (5,4) Weak (3,2) Unacceptable (1,0) Score Problem and objectives 20% Clear statement of problem, and meaningful objectives which address the problem. Problem clearly stated, but some objectives are unclear or inappropriate to the problem. Problem not clearly stated. Objectives unclear or inappropriate to the problem. Connection to Goal One and/or Two of the University Strategic Plan 10% Proposed project demonstrates a clear connection to Goal 1 and/or Goal 2 of the University Strategic Plan. Proposed project discusses Goal 1 and/or Goal 2 of the University Strategic Plan, but does not demonstrate a clear connection. Proposed project does not discuss Goal 1 and/or Goal 2 of the University Strategic Plan. Clarity of assessment of outcomes/objectives 15% Assessment strategies are clearly aligned and measure project objectives or (expected) outcomes. Assessment strategies do not adequately measure and/or clearly align to project objectives or (expected) outcomes. Assessment strategies do not measure and/or align to project objectives or (expected) outcomes. Plan: Methods and Activities Clear plan which delineates methods and activities that are aligned to the problem and will meet the objectives. Some methods and activities are unclear or the case has not been made that all of the methods and activities will accomplish the objectives. Methods and activities are unclear and/or the methods and activities will not accomplish the objectives. Innovation to include best/promising practices Clearly explains what is new and how it reflects best or promising practices Project clearly incorporates a limited number of new and best or promising practices. Unclear how project incorporates best or promising practices. Benefits Proposed project clearly describes the benefits the implementation will have on students, the department, and/or instructional processes. Benefits described in the proposed project are not clear and/or are not strong. Benefits are unclear or not discussed. Sustainability 5% Clear and detailed indication of how the project will provide sustained benefit once the course release or stipend is exhausted. More resources are likely to be needed to sustain benefit once the course release or stipend is exhausted. Little or no indication of sustained benefit once course release or stipend is exhausted. Cost justification and feasibility of completion (see Budget and Timeline template for further explanation) Clear justification of WTUs/stipend and OEE. Project completion likely given timeline and scope. Project completion questionable given timeline and scope. Or, work completed outside of time-frame requested. Unclear justification of WTUs/stipend or not all of the aspects of the budget are addressed. Automatic calculations occur in this row: Total:

15 Online Application Process

16 TIPS Remember that the faculty reviewers reading your narrative might not be from your discipline. Your narrative should be clearly understandable by a faculty member outside your own field. Take the time to review the weblinks throughout the powerpoint. Explore the FDC's teaching pages and scholarship pages for helpful online resources when developing your project concept. Compare your draft proposal to the rubric and revise your draft as necessary to clearly address the criteria.

17 Questions? Slide Title

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