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Students type their answers here

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1 Students type their answers here
1 What law do these cylinders represent? Students type their answers here

2 Students type their answers here
2 What volume does mol of gas occupy at STP? Students type their answers here

3 Students type their answers here
3 What quantity of gas, in moles, is contained in 2.21 L at STP? Students type their answers here

4 Students type their answers here
4 The _____ in a balanced equation specify volume ratios for gaseous reactants and products. Students type their answers here

5 Students type their answers here
5 A sample of neon gas occupies a volume of 752 mL at 25°C. What volume will the gas occupy at 50°C if the pressure remains constant? Students type their answers here

6 Students type their answers here
6 Gas is confined in a metal tank in the figure. At 20.20°C, the gas exerts a pressure of atm. After heating the tank, the pressure of the gas increases to atm. What is the temperature of the heated gas? Students type their answers here

7 Students type their answers here
7 A sample of oxygen gas has a volume of mL when its pressure is .947 atm. What will the volume of the gas be if the pressure is atm and the temperature remains constant? Students type their answers here

8 Students type their answers here
According to GayLussac’s law: a. pressure is inversely proportional to volume at constant temperature. b. pressure is directly proportional to temperature at constant volume. c. volume is inversely proportional to temperature at constant pressure. d. volume is directly proportional to temperature at constant pressure. 8 Students type their answers here

9 Students type their answers here
9 In one city, a balloon with a volume of 6.0 L is filled with air at 101 kPa pressure. The balloon is then taken to a second city at a much higher altitude. At this second city, atmospheric pressure is only 91 kPa. If the temperature is the same in both places, what will be the new volume of the balloon? Students type their answers here

10 Students type their answers here
10 A certain mass of gas in a 2.25-L container has a pressure of 164 kPa. What will the new pressure be if the volume of the container is reduced to 1.50 L and the temperature stays constant? Students type their answers here

11 Students type their answers here
11 A natural gas tank is constructed so that the pressure remains constant. On a hot day when the temperature was 330C, the volume of gas in the tank was determined to be L. What would the volume be on a warm day when the temperature is 110C? Students type their answers here

12 Students type their answers here
12 What is the molar mass of a sample of gas that has a density of 2.85g/L at 101 kPa pressure and 290C? Students type their answers here

13 Students type their answers here
13 Use the reaction shown to calculate the mass of iron that must be used to obtain L of hydrogen at STP. 3Fe(s) + 4H2O(l) →Fe3O4(s) + 4H2(g) Students type their answers here

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