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Can Dorothy escape the atmosphere??

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Presentation on theme: "Can Dorothy escape the atmosphere??"— Presentation transcript:

1 Can Dorothy escape the atmosphere??

2 The Great and Wonderful OZ originally got to OZ in a hot air balloon.

3 What if Dorothy had stayed in the balloon,
And kept going UP……

4 Troposphere: 1. Name one thing the balloon could get hit by.
2. What happens in this layer that might make it impossible for the balloon to even take off on some days? 3. Would a light jacket be enough at the top of the Troposphere?

5 Stratosphere 4. The Stratosphere contains a layer of gas called _______ 5. What does this layer protect us from ? 6. What health problem might you develop if you spent too much time above this protective layer of atmosphere ?

6 Mesosphere 7. What might hit your balloon in this layer that the Mesospere protects us from by burning up? 8. How much does the temperature drop as you float from the bottom to the top of this layer.

7 Thermosphere 9. Since you can’t go back down, what could you get into to be safe this high up? 10. In the Thermosphere, you have left the protective layers and are getting closer to something that causes the heat to rise dramatically. What is causing the heat? This is not in your notes. Use your brain!

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