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Popcorn 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Popcorn 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Popcorn 2018

2 In This Training You Will Learn…
Why We Are Selling Popcorn How to Make Your Unit Successful Learn the Different Ways to Sell Get an Overview on Prizes and Other Incentives Logistics and Timeline of 2018 Popcorn Campaign Additional Resources to You

3 Why do we sell popcorn? We sell popcorn so that these young people have this great program!

Scouts fundraise to earn their own way as well as provide the opportunity to fund their entire year in Scouting. Provides Units the funding needed to execute a successful program year.

OVER $4 BILLION RAISED FOR SCOUTING SINCE 1980 We have partnered with Boy Scouts of America Councils and Units to raise the funds needed to deliver the promise of Scouting for over 37 years. Thank you! Trail’s End has a great track record of supporting local Scouting.

6 Show and Sell, Take Order, and Online Sales
3 Ways to Sell Show and Sell, Take Order, and Online Sales

7 SHOW and SELL Show and Sell
Units purchase popcorn in predetermined amounts with a postdated check and then sell in front of locations (i.e. stores) SHAC currently has 122 units participating. It is too late for 2018 but if your unit is not doing it please consider for 2019.

8 TAKE-Order Take-Order Traditional way Scouts Sell Popcorn
Highest Dollar Average Per $ale Highest Grossing Method This is the largest part of the 3 ways to sell accounting for almost $2 million dollars in retail sales or almost $600,000 back to units directly.

9 Options for Take Order………..
Download the Trails End App and take orders this way Or traditional way - orders can be taken on order forms

10 Trail’s End App Trail’s End App
Mobile App by council w/their mix & pricing Cascades to units & their Scouts’ phones Take orders & CC payment in real time Available in Apple App Store or Google Play Instructions for setting up the app are at

11 Military donation is for monetary donations that a unit may receive.
FOR THE MILITARY Military donation is for monetary donations that a unit may receive. Very popular amongst Boy Scout troops and Venturing crews Great way to raise funds, help support our troops, and never handle popcorn. 2018 POPCORN FUNDRAISER

12 BLITZ DAYS 09/29/18 10/13/18 10/27/18

13 The winner will be drawn and announced on Facebook the following week.
September 29, 2018 – Sell a total of 20 total traditional items by 9/29/18 October 13, 2018 – Sell a total of 40 total traditional items by 10/13/18 October 27, 2018 – Sell a total of 60 total traditional items by 10/27/18 Go to council website ( to find entry link. All sales are cumulative Multiple entries are allowed per Blitz Day Scouts that meet the items sold count indicated by each date will qualify for entry into the drawing for one of three GoPro Hero3+ Silver Edition.

14 Online Selling Personalized story Simple to setup w/out help
Goal based & real time Digital and social components drive viral possibilities In 2017 this doubled over the previous year. This is the easiest and fastest growing type of selling. Remember that the scout, family, and unit do not have to handle any popcorn for online sales. IT IS MAILBOX MONEY!

15 Online Selling Scouts share their stories
Product line of products will be different Serves as a testing ground for new TE products Pricing will be different Depends on prices for all councils across the country Shipping A good time to do an extra push is when Trail’s End is doing a free shipping promotion which they have been known to do from time-to-time.

16 Online Incentives Online Commission check are mailed
10 for $10 Promotion (Leaders) Units earn a $10 Amazon e-gift card for each 10 Scouts in their unit with an online sale Redemption: Amazon code ed to unit primary contact monthly Qualification Period: August 1 to December 31, 2018 Bonus at $300 (Scouts) Scout receives $5 back for every $100 sold in the form of an Amazon e-gift card once $300 in online sales is reached. Redemption: Amazon code transferred to the Scout’s REWARDS section of their online sales account. Qualification Period: August 1 to December 31, 2018. Online Commission check are mailed to unit CC no later than 02/15/19 Leader Example: 10 Scouts w/ online sale = $10 30 Scouts w/ online sale = $30 Scout Example: $350 in online sales = $15 $400 in online sales = $20 $500 in online sales = $25

17 Keep It Fun Keep It Moving Keep It Short
Unit Kickoffs Keep It Fun Keep It Moving Keep It Short Fastest way to…. What – products / prizes Why – camping / gear / special trips When – dates & deadlines Where – storefronts / neighborhoods How – blitz’s / app / forms / online High quality unit kick-offs are the single biggest factor in the amount of popcorn a unit sells!! The kick-off sets the tone for the entire sell.

18 Grand Opening - 5 minutes
Make some noise Make a scene Rewards – 10 minutes Make them notice Educate – 10 minutes No more than 35 minutes It should NOT be just hand out the forms Make sure that the kick-off is memorable (make noise, make a scene, make it noticeable) Train – 10 minutes

19 KICKOFF GREAT TRAINING FOR YOUR UNIT’S KICKOFF AT: For your unit’s kickoff, be sure to: PLAN COMMUNICATE EXCITE PREPARE YOUR UNIT Stress all the videos we have available on and are around 3-5 minutes each. Not long videos! The videos are not being shown tonight not because we don’t like them, they really are good, but to save time.

20 Prizes Units that participate in the council prize program sell more popcorn! Prizes give Scouts a goal to work toward Prizes are easy to order and are shipped directly to the unit IF a unit does not want to participate in prizes (NOT recommended) they must NO LATER 09/01/18 @11:59PM (HARD DEADLINE) in order to receive additional 3% commission (instead of prizes) All people (men, women, and children) are motivated by rewards. Prizes help motivate scouts! No prizes make selling a work instead of drive to achieve. We have leveraged the council’s buy power to get great deals. IF you are not going to use the council’s program (not recommended) please do your own unit prizes.

21 These are in each of the packets you are receiving tonight after the training.

22 The Trail’s End Scholarship*
A Scout selling $2500 sold in one fall sale selling period (Show and Sell, Door-to-Door, Online) to qualify 6% of the retail goes into his “scholarship account” Only have to hit $2500 once, all sales thereafter are eligible for the 6% Accrues interest Learn more at * If a person has a specific question get it offline * *Trail’s End Scholarship still applies even if a unit chooses not to do prizes.

23 SHAC SCOUT CHAMPIONS* Trail’s End 2018 Top Seller Incentives $ 1, Movie (Scout + parent or guardian) $ 1, $ Amazon eGift card + Movie + Dynamo Game $ 2, $ 150 Amazon eGift card + Movie + Dynamo Game $ 3, $ 250 Amazon eGift card + Movie + Dynamo Game $ 5, $ 400 Amazon eGift card + Movie + Dynamo Game $10, $1,000 Amazon eGift card + Movie + Dynamo Game $15, $1,500 Amazon eGift card + Movie + Dynamo Game $20, $2,000 Amazon eGift card + Movie + Dynamo Game Movie: Lego Movie 2 (Feb 8 release date – attend that weekend) Houston Dynamo: (2 tickets to a Dynamo or Dash soccer match) This is combined sales by scout (Show and Sell, Take Order, and Online) In order to qualify sales must be entered BY SCOUT This program takes the place of the top sellers party in January *SHAC Scout Champions still applies even if a unit chooses not to do prizes.

24 Unit orders due online by 11/01/18 @ 4:00 pm Popcorn Ordering
Login to: scouting.trails- Click “Order Popcorn” Follow the step-by-step instructions. Orders from the app will be prepopulated Can’t stress enough those who setup the app will already have there orders in the system (don’t double enter)

25 Popcorn Delivery Home Delivery for Unit Orders of $15,000 and Above!
Gets product to you much easier, stress-free and saves volunteers time, money and effort Great service / benefit for the high-achieving Units Home delivery dollar amount applies to Take Order sales only (excludes Show and Sell and Online)

26 Popcorn Pickup Product will be available for pickup at your districts warehouse on November 16th or 17th (depending on district and warehouse) Product must be paid for onsite using a unit check or money order (all other forms of payment will be refused and product will not be given) Please bring an appropriate vehicle(s) that can pickup the popcorn in one trip Don’t forget to turn in Unit Top Seller Forms Contact your District Kernel for more information

27 Don’t forget….. Like us on Facebook:

28 Resources for Your Unit
Kernel Journal Semi-month blast and on SHAC Popcorn Facebook page with items each unit kernel should be doing. Written by kernels for kernels. Trail’s End Specialists Tess Wall – or District Executives and District Kernels Great for tips and tricks… well as a refill of supplies Trail’s End website ( training-dashboard) Short videos (3 mins. or less) on a myriad of topics, FAQs, and more Council Staff Nathan Doherty – or (but please try your DE first) Resources for Your Unit

29 Questions? Timeline August 14, 2018 Popcorn kickoff for unit popcorn kernel After unit kick off take-order popcorn sales period September 29, 2018 Popcorn Blitz Day (goal: sell 20 traditional sales items total) October 13, 2018 Popcorn Blitz Day (goal: sell 40 traditional sales items total) October 27, 2018 Popcorn Blitz Day (goal: sell 60 traditional sales items total) November 1, 2018 by 4:00 pm Unit orders due online by 4:00 pm (scouting.trails-, click order popcorn) November 17, Popcorn distribution (see district website for location) November 17, Unit top sellers form due to district (at distribution center) November 17, Unit payments due to district (at distribution center) February 15, 2019 Online commissions issued and mailed to the committee chair on file for the unit This PowerPoint will be posted on the council’s website ( by next Friday This presentation will be ed out as a PDF to all kernels in the Trail’s End system

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