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Purposeful & Motivated

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Presentation on theme: "Purposeful & Motivated"— Presentation transcript:

1 Purposeful & Motivated
Project Rubric Date: Student Name: Explanation of Scoring Use values of 1-4. Decimals can be used. Students should show a depth of learning on the criteria applicable to their project. Scoring for Each Box 4 Exceptional 3 Exceeds Expectation 2 Meets Expectation 1 Does not Meet Expectation Expert Learner School-Wide Learning Outcomes Process (Portfolio) Product (Project and Presentation) Responding with wonder and awe Metacognition Managing Impulsivity Finding humor Persisting Listening to others with empathy and understanding Thinking interdependently (cooperative) Learning continuously Neat Appealing Creative Professional Detailed SCORE:____________ Demonstrates mission and enthusiasm for the project Monitors and regulates distractions Persists when the project is difficult Reflects on learning Collaborates with mentor and others involved Finds humor in struggles SCORE: ____________ Gathers data through all the senses Thinks and communicates with clarity and precision Questions and poses problems Applies past knowledge to new situations Project Checklist Completed Develops a challenging project using prior knowledge Communicates the project goal clearly Poses possible problems before starting their project Presentation Skills: Organized, Appealing, Creative, Professional, Rehearsed Taking responsible risks Creating, Imagining, and Innovating Thinking flexibly Striving for accuracy and precision Portfolio: Deadlines met Logical order Creativity, imagination, innovation Risk taking Organization of resources Monitoring progress Plans adjusted as needed Clear goal Purposeful & Motivated Resourceful & Knowledgeable Strategic & Goal-Directed

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