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Published byEverett Cannon Modified over 6 years ago
Physical Development From One to Three The Developing Child
Chapter 10 Physical Development From One to Three The Developing Child Klees 2012, Revised Berry 2014
Growth and Development from One to Three
Vocabulary Developmentally appropriate Dexterity Preschooler Sensory integration Toddler
Toddlers vs. Preschoolers
Physical growth slows down after the first year, however children’s skills improve dramatically between their 1st and 4th birthday. Toddler refers to ages one and two year olds Preschooler refers to 3-5 year olds (they can hop, skip, and walk steadily) How can you help preschoolers build their physical skills??? Young children need plenty of space and room to move around… they need time each day for active play so they can exercise their muscles and use their stored-up energy Each day brings new learning
Influences on Growth and Development
Heredity Nutrition Health Life Expectancy Heredity refers to the various characteristics that children inherit from their parents and ancestors through their genes. What did you inherit from your parents? Heredity acts as a road map; genes don’t determine growth and physical development on their own Name the foods in the basket!
Proportion and Posture
Height and Weight Gain less than half the average monthly weight they did during their first year of life Growth also slows down by about half Refer to page 313: Average Heights and Weights Proportion and Posture Because of the change of physical proportions, a child’s posture improves during the period from ages 1-3 Teeth Teeth emerge at different rates, but there are averages 1 year olds usually have 8 teeth In 2nd year 8 more usually come in 3rd year last 4 back teeth usually come in Around 18 months take baby to dentist to being preventative care Heredity and environment influence the rate at which children grown in height and weight… these influences usually remain… a tall 2 year old is usually a tall adult. Until age 2, circumferences of a child’s head, abdomen, and chest are about the same… b/t ages two and three the chest becomes larger around than the head and abdomen… during this period the arms legs and torso lengthen --- this helps balance and motor skills Childs posture is straighter by 2, but still doesn’t stand completely erect… typical toddler still has a protruding abdomen… head is still bent forward somewhat… toddler’s knees and elbows are also slightly bent… by their 3 bdays children stand straighter because their spines are stronger.a DIET GREATLY INFLUENCES THE QUALITY OF A CHILDS TEETH. TEETH ARE FORMED BEFORE BIRTH SO THE MOTHERS DIET DURING PREGNANCY AFFECTS THE WALITY OF HER BABY’S TEETH THE CHILDS DIET DURING THE FIRST 2 YEARS IS ALSO IMPORTANT BECAUSE ADULT TEETH ARE FORMING UNDER THE PRIMARY TEETH A poor diet can cause tooth decay…. Sweets should be limited , tgum-like candy are a problem..s ugary cereals are bad, never put a child tro bed with a bottle Help hcildren brush teeth everyday
Motor Development from One to Three
Patterns of development: Head to Foot Near to Far Simple to Complex Hand skills show a pattern of development from simple to complex, at 13 months a child can stack blocks or bang them together, by age 4, the same child can create structures such as towers, houses, and roads
Tracking Development Children master physical skills at different paces based on their health, diet, interests temperament, or opportunities for play. There is a general average though and most children acquire the skills around that time frame Refer to page 315 for Physical Development Milestones What does developmentally appropriate mean? What would you have to think about?
Motor Skills – Gross and Fine
Physical exercise helps develop gross motor skills… run, jump, kick a ball Once a child is moving around and walking homes need to be childproof. What do you have to do to your home to make it safe? What all do you have to child proof? When do you child proof? Why do you have to do it?
Dexterity is the skillful use of hands and fingers.
Fine motor skills– first to develop is picking up objects with their thumb and forefinger They will be able to use their fine motor skills to feed themselves and drink from a cup between their 1st and 2nd birthday. Toys offer the chance for children to practice fine motor skills Blocks, large beads, stacking games, play phones, toys that roll, musical toys Dexterity is the skillful use of hands and fingers. Read page 317 on Changes in Play How might a child use a blanket and chair while using their imagination?
Dexterity Among the Navajos
Read page 318 Why do Navajo children generally have good fine motor skills?
During this time hand-eye coordination continues to improve
Greater ability to manipulate objects Sensory Integration The brain combines information taken in through the various senses to make a single concept or “picture” whole Some children are unable to normally process all the information their senses take in - may have sensory dysfunction and may overreact to stimulation (possible have behavior and learning problems)
Caring for Children from 1 to 3
VOCABULARY Flame-resistant Hygiene Night Terrors Sphincter Muscles Synthetic Fibers
Sleeping Sleeping habits usually change around a child’s 2nd birthday
Require less sleep May not fall asleep as easily Daytime naps shorter; sleep at night increases In total 2-3 year olds sleep about hours a day When a child’s sleep is disrupted, they may be tired and irritable the next day– does that happen to you? Sleeping Fears or anxiety about seperation from parents can make falling asleep dififcult for toddlers and preschoolers Some may call parents back into their rooms again again.. Did you do that? Children feel more comfortalbe when their lives are predictable. A nightly routine such as brushing teeth, reading stories, singging, and choosing a soft toy to take to bed can help rpepare children for sleep Usual for toddlers to wake up briefly while sleeping– best response depends on the problem. For exapmple, a trip to the bathroom may be needed…. Fear of the dark is common at ages to and three and may prevent a child from falling asleep… calmy discussing fears or a nightlight may help… never tease children about their fears
Night Terrors- type of sleep disturbance that occurs during the first few hours of sleep, when children are sleeping deeply May sit up with open eyes and scream May be very upset but unable to explain what is wrong In the morning the child usually remembers nothing about the night terror Just reassure the child; night terrors are generally not a cause for alarm Sleeping Fears or anxiety about seperation from parents can make falling asleep dififcult for toddlers and preschoolers Some may call parents back into their rooms again again.. Did you do that? Children feel more comfortalbe when their lives are predictable. A nightly routine such as brushing teeth, reading stories, singging, and choosing a soft toy to take to bed can help rpepare children for sleep Usual for toddlers to wake up briefly while sleeping– best response depends on the problem. For exapmple, a trip to the bathroom may be needed…. Fear of the dark is common at ages to and three and may prevent a child from falling asleep… calmy discussing fears or a nightlight may help… never tease children about their fears
Sleeping Nightmares – frightening dreams that often seem real
May have trouble separating the dream from reality Caregiver should respond immediately with words of comfort Usually occur due to stress or significant changes in the child’s life; i.e.: starting preschool Reassure the child and reduce stress if possible Avoid frightening images on all media Sleeping Fears or anxiety about seperation from parents can make falling asleep dififcult for toddlers and preschoolers Some may call parents back into their rooms again again.. Did you do that? Children feel more comfortalbe when their lives are predictable. A nightly routine such as brushing teeth, reading stories, singging, and choosing a soft toy to take to bed can help rpepare children for sleep Usual for toddlers to wake up briefly while sleeping– best response depends on the problem. For exapmple, a trip to the bathroom may be needed…. Fear of the dark is common at ages to and three and may prevent a child from falling asleep… calmy discussing fears or a nightlight may help… never tease children about their fears
Nutritional Needs and Eating
What children eat now will influence their eating habits throughout their life! Establish good habits early Nutritious foods Correct portion sizes Children will try more foods if they aren’t pressured and if the mom or dad “likes” it. Self-Feeding: depends on child’s fine motor skills 1 year olds: eat variety of foods, banana, avoid hard foods like raq carrots .. Using a spoon to eat usually begins before age of one… about 18 months when can eat with spoon with little spilling Sippy cups and can practice with a reg cup 2 year olds can usually feed selves and leran to use fork.. Take long time to eat… still improving… should eat with family 3 year olds skillful with spoon and fork… chewing foods is not problem… meats and other tough foods should be cut into small pieces
Children need to eat every 3-4 hours; amount depends on activity; healthy snacks (such as fresh fruit or vegetables) help bridge the gap between meals Nutritious foods Offer a variety of foods – use ways to make the food appealing : color _______________ texture ______________ shape _____________ temperature _____________ ease of eating______ Serving sizes WAY smaller than an adults Try to make meals appealing for children Color--- brightly colored=nutritious & fun Texture– different textures add variety to meal Shape– cut sandwiches into rectangles or triangles …. Cucumber cookies zucchini sticks or orange wedges to plate… identify shapes Temperature– serve both hot and cold foods at a meal… always check before serving hem Ease of eating– ground beef easier to swallow than a pork chop TEACH children about good nutrition--- parents and caregivers are role models when it comes to eating, share nutritious meals with children and trying new foods together…. Encourage children only to eat when hungry and to eat slowly … should keep in mind to not use food as a reward or withhold food as a punishment… encourage to drink water when thirsty, no milk or sugary drinks
Hygiene Need to teach children about hygiene– personal care and cleanliness Using a tissue for runny nose Wash hands Bathing Potty training Daily bath helps develop good hygiene skills What are some household items you can use as bath toys? ______________________ A child can drown in as little as 1 in of water! NEVER leave a child unattended in the bathtub!!!! To prevent falls use a no slip sticker or a rubber matt in the tub By age of 1, brush teeth daily—by age 2 they can practice on their own Children should brush teeth 2 a day to fight cavities… dentists suggest that 18 months is a good age for the first check up Preschoolers should visit dentist every 6 months
Toilet Teaching Most children learn to use the toilet between their 2nd and 3rd birthdays. If parents start before 2, the process takes longer Readiness: children have to be both physically and emotionally ready Children have to be able to control their bladder & bowel functions; and remove their clothes easily Sphincter muscles are the muscles that help regulate elimination– usually around 18 months Have to recognize the signals that elimination is necessary Emotional readiness means the child shows an interest in wanting to be grown up and use a toilet Caregivers’ attitude during potty training is very impoprtant Be CALM Build self-esteem Accidents happen! Bowel training is usually before bladder training. Most children are ready when they show awareness that a bowel movement is imminent. When caregivers see this awareness in the childs facial expressions or gestures, they should sugggest that the child try sittin gon the toilet seat… should be available and encouraging. If caregivers are too forceful or demanding toilet learning will become harder Many young children are encouraged when they are given cloth or disposable training pants instead of diapers
Encourage self dressing when a child shows interest.
Dressing involves both gross and fine motor skills Frequent practice!! 13-14 months is when a child starts to help dress themselves and by 2, a child can pull up pants Teaches independence and responsibility Comfort Allow free movement Stretch Soft & Sturdy Fabric Natural fibers May shrink, absorbs moisture well, wears well Durability Must withstand hard wear and washing Economy Outgrow clothes often, exchange outgrown clothes with other families to cut costs, resale shops, etc Synthetic fibers are made from chemicals rather than natural sources… polyester and acrylic are durrable wrinkle resistant and quick drying.. Unlike cotton most synthetic fibers don’t absorb moister well and hold heat and perspiration against the body… good choice for clothes worn in cool weather Natural and synthetic fibers are blended to take advantage of the benefits of each Clothing labels explain how to care for clothes and what fabric is Children's sleepwear is supposed to be FLAME RESISTANT---- fabric can still catch on fire but will not burn as quickly as other fabrics (BEST TO BUY COTTON AND IT BE FITTING---so that the child is not exposed to the chemicals that is put into fabric to make it flame resistant) Durability---
Health, Illness, and Safety
Prevent problems and deal with them when they do occur Children 1-3 are prone to accidents, old enough to be mobile but too young to understand the many hazards Children have a checkup at 12 months Dr. checks growth and development, language, behavior, etc. Next checkups at 15, 18, and 24 months
Immunizations Protect children from a particular disease
When given a vaccine, a small amount of disease - carrying germs is introduced to the body on purpose so that the body can build resistance to that disease Bolster the immune system so when exposed the child can easily fight of the infection Complications from vaccines are rare State laws require certain vaccines be given before entering school
Illnesses Environmental influences on health: pollution Smoke
Not uncommon for children to get sick Take temperature Plenty of rest Lots of fluids (WATER) Chronic ear inflections do require medical attention Temperature over 101’ – call doctor Environmental influences on health: pollution Smoke What else? Lead, paint, ingredients in lotions, etc
Safe Environment Choking Hazards Safe Toys Poisons Fire and Burns
Parents watch children while eating, stay seated while eating Make sure any toys with small parts are put away until the child is old enough Safe Toys Age appropriate Remove small parts Poisons Avoid using strong household cleaning products, keep locked away from where children can get to Keep Poison Control Center number posted Fire and Burns Keep children away from candles, fireplaces, and lighters/matches Teach stop, drop, and roll Consult doctor if burned
Safe Environment Motor Vehicle Safety Avoiding Sunburn Pet Protection
EXTENDED REAR FACING Once child reaches limit of seat and is older than 2, may forward face Avoiding Sunburn Protective hats, sunscreen, reapply every few hours Pet Protection Never leave child alone with animal Teach children to wash hands after petting animals
Joel's Story
Extended Rear Facing CarSeats
RF vs FF beware of used car seats
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