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9.4 Tues. Objectives: Analyze texts rhetorically.

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Presentation on theme: "9.4 Tues. Objectives: Analyze texts rhetorically."— Presentation transcript:

1 9.4 Tues. Objectives: Analyze texts rhetorically.
Evaluate student composition. warm-up: Student essay score activity 1: Released essays activity 2: Discussion of scores activity 3: Your essay! close: Turn in summer assignment HW DUE: Summer assignment; Browning released essay #1. In tracker as “Browning released essay 1.” HW Tonight: Released essay 5 or 6; type/print YOUR Browning FRQ As I’m checking HW, finish your Browning questions.

2 9.4 housekeeping: Portfolio
The file folder you brought today will be used to house your work for the year. Write your last name then first name on the tab. (Please do this in ALL CAPS so it’s easy to read.) Inside, write the following info: Parents’/guardians’ names Contact info for parents/guardians (phone and —look these up if you don’t know them) Put your summer assignment in the folder after we do Browning stuff

3 9.4 warm-up: Browning student essay #1
Briefly, discuss the score you gave this essay. Come to a consensus regarding the score with your neighbors. Make sure you have justification. Justification should pull from the language of the rubric you read for your summer assignment (question 1 of HW).

4 9.4 notes: Released essay 1 The essay effectively addresses how the structure of Browning’s letter serves her rhetorical purposes. The student effectively analyzes the ways in which Browning appeals to Napoleon’s ego and national pride to achieve her purpose. The essay underscores Browning’s motivations for writing the letter (for instance, “she understands the transformative power art can have”). The essay scored . . . An 8 Shall we discuss?

5 9.4 activity: Released essay bonanza!
You will be put into groups. Each group will receive one of three released essays for this prompt (NOTE: essays 2-4). Read the released essay, discuss, answer the questions, and come to a consensus on the answers. We’ll repeat the process as many times as we can.

6 9.4 activity: Released essay bonanza!
Quickly move (we don’t have time for you to wander) Turn your desks TOWARD each other (DO NOT DRAG THEM OR I WILL GIVE A ZERO IN THE GRADEBOOK FOR FUNSIES) You will not assault each other to try to get to the tables You will discuss the text – not whatever the latest Snapchat feed included You will be mature and respectful GROUP 1: Lauren, Caitlin, Preet GROUP 2: Megan, Ethan, Julia GROUP 3: Jack, Dev, Sierra GROUP 4: Ella, Jonathan, Hope GROUP 5: Simona, Antanee, Rachel GROUP 6: Jordan, Will, Dani GROUP 7: Gautham, Melany, Emily GROUP 8: Ananya, Sherry, Kelsey, Nick

7 9.4 notes: Scores! ESSAY 2 The essay adequately analyzes the strategies Browning uses to petition Napoleon. Its evidences and explanations are appropriate and sufficient. Developing three points (“applying flattery, evoking sympathy, and suggesting protection [for Napoleon’s legacy]”), the student presents a clear analysis of Browning’s letter that is supported by references to the passage. Though not particularly sophisticated, the essay’s efforts to connect the letter’s formal features with rhetorical purpose are adequate (for instance, “The use of flattery is also evident in the repetition of Browning’s ‘trust’ in Napoleon’s greatness and will to do the right thing”). Score? 6!

8 9.4 notes: Scores! ESSAY 3 This essay demonstrates a sophisticated grasp of the rhetorical situation and the ways in which Browning’s attempts to persuade her audience are informed by this context. [Why did I bold those things?] The student effectively analyzes how Browning shrewdly exploits Napoleon’s concern for public opinion, his nationalism and paternal feelings, establishing a clear connection between Browning’s understanding of her audience and the rhetorical choices she makes to communicate her message to that audience. [Why did I bold those things???] Although there are lapses, overall the essay provides an especially thorough analysis of the rhetorical moves that Browning makes in her letter. Score? 9!

9 9.4 notes: Scores! ESSAY 4 The essay inadequately analyzes the strategies Browning uses to petition Napoleon. The student attempts analysis but misrepresents the strategies, invoking rather confused terminology (“factual allusion” and “credible anaphora”). The limited structure of the student’s essay (three-point thesis, five-paragraph format) highlights the student’s limited organizational strategies. The student supports three major points with explanations that are insufficient and unconvincing. Score? 4 

10 9.4 close: Your essay Tear off/separate YOUR Browning FRQ from your summer assignment. Read through it. Score it. On a separate sheet of paper, justify the score you give your essay in a sentence or two. Use the language of the CB rubric. This is step #1 of the bootcamp process for this essay. What is the bootcamp?

11 9.4 close: Your essay 1st edition: You wrote the essay over the summer. Score it and justify your score. 1st revision (self-edit): You may add to your essay, you may revamp it, you may use a hammer and tear it apart. (Are you a woman or a mouse?) Type your edited essay, print it, and bring it to class on 9.6 for . . . 2nd edition (peer-revised): A peer will read through your essay next class (using guided notes) and make comments, suggestions, and score your essay. Taking this into account, you will turn in a… Final revision: A final essay that is typed, submitted to, and will be scored by me. Let’s take a look at the rubric for this assignment.

12 9.4 close: Bootamp rubric

13 9.4 close: Bootamp rubric

14 9.4 close: Bootamp rubric

15 CLOSE and HW 9.4 HW 1 Read and score released essay #5 or #6. Post your score and justification in the Google Classroom discussion board for the essay you have read. Respond to another student’s score by explaining why you agree or disagree with them. You won’t be able to see your peers’ work until YOU submit. HW 2 Revise (note the revision suggestions on the bootcamp rubric) and type your Browning FRQ essay. You must bring a hard copy of your typed essay for peer editing next class. Keep your hand- written one as well. 9.4: summer assignment due 9.6: Browning essay due (1st revision) 9.12: vocab. 1 due 9.14: Browning essay due (final revision) (formal grade) 9.27: Orwell seminar 10.5: grammar 1 due 10.9: TEST 1 (rhet. triangle / SOAPS) (formal grade) 10.17: rhetorical analysis FRQ (formal grade) 10.19: vocab. 2 due

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