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World War I.

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Presentation on theme: "World War I."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War I

2 Woodrow Wilson The American President in office throughout World War I (Republican) )

3 Causes of World War I Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

4 Map Credit: historicair
Alliances Map Credit: historicair

5 The “spark”: Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand June 28, 1914


7 American Isolationism
After an intense several decades of imperialistic expansion, America retreats back to one of neutrality and isolationism

8 “He kept us out of war.” -- Wilson Campaign Slogan

9 Sinking of the Lusitania May 7, 1915
British Luxury Liner 1,198 Dead 128 Americans

10 Zimmerman Note (aka, Zimmerman Telegram)


12 Reasons for American Involvment…
Telegram Cruise Ship U-boat warfare Protect American Trade and Economy

13 Wilson’s War Message The Big Reason:
April, 1917 The Big Reason: United States needs to ensure repayment of war debts and success by its trading allies America’s Mission: “Make the world safe for democracy”

14 America sends troops in 1917…
Grab your gas mask… America sends troops in 1917…

15 Chemical Warfare!?!?

16 U-BOATS German Submarines

17 Lots of new weapons and technology

18 Trench Warfare

19 America Declares War on April 6th, 1917
Pause: Visit class website to watch the video of America’s support on the home front!

20 Selective Service Act (1917)
Draft Card 


22 Propaganda Campaign 1. Recruitment 4. Dehumanize the enemy
Soldiers Nurses Sailors 4. Dehumanize the enemy 2. War Financing 3. Conserve Resources




26 Food Administration




30 Armistice 11/ 11:00 AM


32 Wilson’s Fourteen Points
PRINCIPLES: Freedom of the Seas Reduction of Arms Open Treaty Negotiations Self Determination of Peoples League of Nations 14

33 “PEACE Without Victory”

34 More Info

35 Wilson’s Fourteen Points
PRINCIPLES: Freedom of the Seas Reduction of Arms Open Treaty Negotiations Self Determination of Peoples League of Nations 14

36 “War Guilt” Clause Germany claims responsibility for the war and agrees to pay reparations to the allies.

37 Signing of the Treaty of Versailles
Wilson scores TWO big victories.

38 Re-drawn to give back land taken by German/Austria Hungary
New National Borders Re-drawn to give back land taken by German/Austria Hungary LINK TO MAPS

39 The League of Nations Wilson’s Baby

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