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Aptitude (noun) Capability; ability; innate or acquired capacity for something; talent. Write the definition in your own words/simplify the definition.

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Presentation on theme: "Aptitude (noun) Capability; ability; innate or acquired capacity for something; talent. Write the definition in your own words/simplify the definition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aptitude (noun) Capability; ability; innate or acquired capacity for something; talent. Write the definition in your own words/simplify the definition. Write a sentence using the word. Remember to use context clues. Context clues give that big hint at what a word means. Make sure the part of speech you write next to the word is how you use it in a sentence. Draw a picture that shows the meaning of the word without using the word.

2 Concoction (noun) The act of creating something by compounding or mixing. Write the definition in your own words/simplify the definition. Write a sentence using the word. Remember to use context clues. Context clues give that big hint at what a word means. Make sure the part of speech you write next to the word is how you use it in a sentence. Draw a picture that shows the meaning of the word without using the word.

3 Diminish (verb) To make or cause to seem smaller, less, less important, etc. Write the definition in your own words/simplify the definition. Write a sentence using the word. Remember to use context clues. Context clues give that big hint at what a word means. Make sure the part of speech you write next to the word is how you use it in a sentence. Draw a picture that shows the meaning of the word without using the word.

4 Exasperation (noun) Actions that cause great irritation.
Write the definition in your own words/simplify the definition. Write a sentence using the word. Remember to use context clues. Context clues give that big hint at what a word means. Make sure the part of speech you write next to the word is how you use it in a sentence. Draw a picture that shows the meaning of the word without using the word.

5 Grueling (adjective) Exhausting; very tiring.
Write the definition in your own words/simplify the definition. Write a sentence using the word. Remember to use context clues. Context clues give that big hint at what a word means. Make sure the part of speech you write next to the word is how you use it in a sentence. Draw a picture that shows the meaning of the word without using the word.

6 Havoc (noun) Great destruction or devastation.
Write the definition in your own words/simplify the definition. Write a sentence using the word. Remember to use context clues. Context clues give that big hint at what a word means. Make sure the part of speech you write next to the word is how you use it in a sentence. Draw a picture that shows the meaning of the word without using the word.

7 Knoll (noun) A small, rounded hill.
Write the definition in your own words/simplify the definition. Write a sentence using the word. Remember to use context clues. Context clues give that big hint at what a word means. Make sure the part of speech you write next to the word is how you use it in a sentence. Draw a picture that shows the meaning of the word without using the word.

8 Multitude (noun) A great number; the state or character of being many; numerous. Write the definition in your own words/simplify the definition. Write a sentence using the word. Remember to use context clues. Context clues give that big hint at what a word means. Make sure the part of speech you write next to the word is how you use it in a sentence. Draw a picture that shows the meaning of the word without using the word.

9 Outlandish (adjective)
Freakishly or grotesquely strange or odd, as appearance, dress, objects, ideas, or practices; bizarre. Write the definition in your own words/simplify the definition. Write a sentence using the word. Remember to use context clues. Context clues give that big hint at what a word means. Make sure the part of speech you write next to the word is how you use it in a sentence. Draw a picture that shows the meaning of the word without using the word.

10 Pristine (adjective) Having its original purity; uncorrupted.
Write the definition in your own words/simplify the definition. Write a sentence using the word. Remember to use context clues. Context clues give that big hint at what a word means. Make sure the part of speech you write next to the word is how you use it in a sentence. Draw a picture that shows the meaning of the word without using the word.

11 Aptitude concoction diminish exasperation grueling havoc knoll multitude outlandish pristine
After the concert, the crowd started to _____________ because they were ready to go home. The child rolled down the grassy ______ because he was too afraid to roll down the large hill. Asher made a ________________ of ketchup and mustard to dip his French fries in. Teagan always tells the most _________ stories. Once she talked about how a dragon showed up to school and tripped her. The young child caused me so much _________ because he would not stop screaming.

12 Aptitude concoction diminish exasperation grueling havoc knoll multitude outlandish pristine
The tornado wreaked _______ on the community; it destroyed trees and houses. Bobby had the ____________ to juggle five water bottles without dropping a single one. Hannah likes to keep her room __________ because she can’t stand a messy room. My first semester in college was very _____________ because I had a lot of work to do everyday and had little time to sleep. Steven had a _______________ of excuses ready because he never had his homework ready to turn in.

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