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American History II Westward Migration.

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1 American History II Westward Migration

2 Westward Migration Push Factors- force people to leave an area
Civil War, Immigration, land shortage, Religion Pull Factors- attract a person to an area Cheap land, railroads (jobs), opportunity to own private property

3 Trails Oregon Trail Santa Fe Trail

4 Mormons Move to Chicago seeking religious freedom
Joseph Smith will lead them to Chicago Move to Utah for more religious freedom Led by Brigham Young

5 Acts to Encourage Movement West
Morrill-Land Grant Act Gave states money to set up college and universities to study mining and farming Ex- Texas A & M (Texas Agriculture and Mining) Homestead Act Cheap land Must be 21 yrs old and farm for 5 years Get 160 acres of land

6 Plains Farmers Problems Solutions
No wood, few trees, tough sod, little rainfall, low crop yield, extreme seasons Solutions Sod homes- made of mud due to no wood and few trees Windmills- allow digging of deeper wells Steel plow- dig through the tough sod Barbed wire fencing- keep predators out and animals in Will bring an end to the open range

7 Pictures of Homesteaders

8 Transcontinental Railroad
Provide lots of jobs (especially for Immigrants) Irish immigrants work in East Chinese immigrants work in West 2 Railroad Companies Join Union Pacific- from Nebraska to Promontory Point, Utah Central Pacific- from California to Promontory Point, Utah Final stake driven in at Promontory Point, Utah Result- Transportation quicker, West will grow quicker and divide US into time zones


10 Credit Mobilier Scandal
Credit Mobilier was a construction company given contracts to build railroads They were owned by Republican Senators They charged 3x the right amount and kept the extra as profit


12 Destruction of Buffalo
Indians relied on Buffalo for everything Food, clothing, shelter, tools, weapons Railroad will take up grazing land for Buffalo Passengers will hunt Buffalo for sport (their hides were made into coats for wealthy) Impact Indians will be forced to change and adapt to life without Buffalo- life on reservations

13 Mining Mining will become another reason people move West
Boom Towns- gold or silver discovered Create great growth overnight as people move in 49ers- Move to California for Gold in 1849 Denver, CO, Boise, Idaho and Sacramento, California Merchants will follow miners and shops set up Ghost Town- after gold or silver gone, people leave and town deserted Results West will become populated (states created) Indians forced to Reservations

14 Cattle Boom Cattle trade and herding will provide jobs
Cattle drives- from Texas to places like Abilene and Wichita, Kansas Rise of Cowboys Freedmen who move west after Civil War Hard work, little pay, long hours About 1/5 of Cowboys were Mexicans or African Americans


16 Pictures

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