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1. Carbohydrates Organic = Carbon!

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1 1. Carbohydrates Organic = Carbon!
Organic compound composed of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen Monomers – glucose Polymer – starch -ose = sugar 2 sugars = disaccharide 3 or more = polysaccharide Used for… short term energy storage Plants = celluose



4 2. Lipids Have a large amount of Carbon and Hydrogen with little or no oxygen (long chains) Are Fats, Waxes, and Oils Monomers – glycerol & fatty acids Polymer – Lipid Can be of 2 types… Saturated: Single Bonds Animal Fats (harder to digest) Unsaturated: Double Bonds Vegetable oils (easier to digest) Used for… Long term energy storage Protection Insulation


6 3. Nucleic Acids Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and 2 Phosphorus atoms arranged in 3 groups: Monomers: A Nitrogen Base Simple Sugar A Phosphate group Polymer – nucleotide Used for… cellular information in a code called DNA or RNA. Example: A, T, G, C


8 4. Proteins Composed of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Sulfur
Monomers = amino acids Polymers = proteins Provide structure for cells, tissues and organs. Carries out cell metabolism (enzymes) Proteins vary the most in structure because of the variable their amino acid makeup. (20 essential) Proteins can be destroyed by extreme heat (fever) = denature


10 Enzymes Enzymes enable molecules called to undergo a chemical reaction with specific substrates and form new substances called products. Energy can be exothermic (release heat, energy) or endothermic (require heat, energy) Enzymes speed up chemical reactions that take place in cells. They lower activation energy The substrate enters the active site which becomes the enzyme-substrate complex Active Site – special part of the of the enzyme in which chemical reactions take place. Can be damaged by extreme temperature (denatured) Leave the reaction unchanged and ready to catalyze the next reaction.


12 Enzyme Characteristics
Enzymes are catalytic proteins. 1. Speed up reaction rate but do not change the reaction 2. Enzymes are very specific. 3. Enzymes work like locks & keys Example: Lactose and Lactase 4. Enzymes are unchanged. 5. Enzymes are sensitive to changes in temperature and pH. 6. The suffix –ase means an enzyme Example: lactase, sucrase cellulase, maltase…


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