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New English Language Development and Common Core State Standards Institute Addressing the Needs of Long Term English Learners (LTELs) who are also Students.

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Presentation on theme: "New English Language Development and Common Core State Standards Institute Addressing the Needs of Long Term English Learners (LTELs) who are also Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 New English Language Development and Common Core State Standards Institute
Addressing the Needs of Long Term English Learners (LTELs) who are also Students with Disabilities (SwD) June 28, 2013 Debbie

2 Introductions Debbie Jaggers-Baccino Denise Kilpatrick Maggie Spehar Campbell Unified School Districts’ Journey to Meeting the Needs of English Language Learners with Disabilities Debbie, Denise, & Maggie

3 Prepare every English Learner for college and career success!
Goal Prepare every English Learner for college and career success! Debbie

4 Objectives Understand the importance of having a growth mindset
Use data support decisions for LTELs with Disabilities Provide Professional Development to administrators and teachers to support LTELs with Disabilities Require explicit English Language Development (ELD) instruction for all students, including LTELs with Disabilities Understand that coaching benefits teachers and LTELs with Disabilities Debbie

5 Areas to be considered using a growth mindset
The Special Education and ELD Departments came together and realized that we could be doing more for our LTELs with Disabilities. Areas to be considered using a growth mindset Core Curriculum Assessment IEP goals Coaching Debbie Define RSP students and SDC students. LEAP Title III Plan Core Curriculum all RSP and SDC students need to be supported in all core curriculum areas

6 Our Core Team Special Education Director ELD Administrator
Program Specialist Special Education Equity Coach CELDT Coordinator Debbie

7 Data Drove Our Decisions
CELDT Data State Data Benchmark Formative Data Cognitive Data Informal Data Denise CELDT Data – RSP/SDC teachers trained to administer the CELDT – These teachers are familiar with students, IEPs, and testing accommodations Informal Data – exit slips Formative Data Alternate Assessment

8 CUSD Alternate Assessment
Maggie and Denise Bring Alternate Assessment Blanks (Maggie), Our color copy (Maggie), and release forms(Denise) Denise Make sure to explain how we created the Alternate Assessment Jarice Books Websites Venture’s Example SCCOE EL Conference – March 2012 Maggie Explain Who qualifies Student who current take the CAPA with a score of Proficient or above on CAPA Kinder with an ID eligibility. We reviewed most current pysc report

9 Professional Development
IEP Goal Writing and Monitoring ELD Services Administration Training GLAD Systematic ELD ADEPT CCSS Debbie Point out that many of our IEPs were missing the ELD goals Resources ELD IEP goals, services, and monitoring Provided All Special Education service providers with PD in Fall 2012 on ELD goal writing Had Teachers trained in GLAD and Systematic ELD Admin PD – goals, how to use web IEPs Bring the ADEPT Binder (Denise) CCSS – Debbie to talk about CCSS and the roll out plan for SDC students that ELs are supported throughout the day in all content areas

10 IEP Testing Accommodations
Maggie The accommodations are small group just as the CST/CMA. All Special Education teacher will continue to proctor the CELDT for EL SwD.

11 ELD is a core subject for English Learners
ELD Program & Service Models for EL Students in Special Education in CUSD ELD is a core subject for English Learners English Language Development (ELD) Settings English Language Mainstream (ELM) English Language Instruction (Pull Out) Structured English Instruction (SEI in SDC) Methodology Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) Support SDAIE Systematic ELD Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD) Denise This will depend upon the individual student. Services will depend upon both school site and Special Education Services. This will be listed on form 3A on the Web IEP. RSP: Service may be done in general education not a direct service, unless student was qualified under SLI at anytime then Language is an area of need and requires a goal. SDC: If student is qualified under SLI at anytime then Language is an area of need and requires a goal. If student is clustered for ELD instruction take out ELD minutes from the total minutes (daily or weekly)

12 How to Document Programs, Services & Instruction on IEP
Programs: Indicate on IEP what type of EL program the student will be in, such as SEI, ELM, or alternate program Services: Indicate on the IEP if the student needs primary language support or other services to be successful Instruction: Indicate where the instruction will take place (SPED classroom, general education, etc.) and if the instruction will be in English or primary language Denise

13 How to Document Programs, Services & Instruction on IEP
Maggie SDC Students: case manager responsible for this

14 How to Document Programs, Services & Instruction on IEP
Maggie RSP students, case manager must complete and provide to ALL teachers who provide instruction to this student.

15 How to Document Programs, Services & Instruction on IEP
Maggie RSP students Services or if student is clustered within general education.

16 How to Document Programs, Services & Instruction on IEP
Maggie SDC ELD services taught by SDC teacher

17 ELD IEP Goals Maggie

18 ELD IEP Goals Maggie

Following Peer Coaching Professional Development Workshop and modeling Workshop, modeling and practice modeling, practice, and feedback practice, feedback, and peer coaching 10% 12-13% 14-16% 16-19% 95% Debbie Types of Professional Development Source: "Effective Staff Development," by Robert N. Bush.  In Far West Laboratory (Ed.), Making Our Schools More Effective Proceedings of Three State Conferences. San Francisco: Author, 1984.

20 Coaching Special Education Equity Coach Learner Profiles
Monitoring Plans for LTEL SwD Articulation High Leverage Activities Debbie SpED Coach went from 50% to 100% and the coaching focus for the school year was ELD content area. The coach provided both formal and informal coaching. District ensured all EL SwD students received 150 instructional minutes of ELD each week. All Special Education teachers implementing ELD for the first time were provided with coaching throughout the school. Learner Profiles were developed for RSP students receiving ELD instruction in the mainstream setting at two school site. (Bring Learner Profiles) A majority LTEL were given the ADEPT to identify specific areas of need and monitoring plans were create by the case managers and SpEquity Information about CELDT results, CST results, current ELD instructional level, and recommended ELD levels were written for all students transiting from an Elementary school site to a Middle School - May 2013

21 Explicit ELD Instruction
Maggie SDC Classroom

22 ELD Sample Lesson Plans
Maggie Mild/Moderate student population

23 ELD Sample Lesson Plans
Maggie Moderate/Serve student population Adapted to assist teachers in writing ELD lessons and following the Systematic ELD format. Language Objective, I do, We do, You do/informal assessment, wrap up portion.

24 Learner Profiles Denise
These were created for a general education teacher to use during ELD instruction to use for students with an IEP. This is an EL SwD with ELA goals and ELD goals.

25 Sample LTEL Plan Denise
Individual LTEL plans were created for some SDC students by SpEd Equity Coach and IEP case manager. These plans included ADEPT results to ensure areas of improvement for ELD instruction in conjunction with the students IEP goals for ELD and ELA – These plans were submitted to the ELD Department to support the LTEL plans submitted for the Title III, Year 4 plan

26 ELD Instruction Structured English Instruction (SEI in SDC)
Stacey Video Maggie This is a middle school class (5-6) Mild to Moderate student population

27 ELD Instruction Structured English Instruction (SEI in SDC)
Laura Video Maggie This is a an elementary class (3-5) Moderate to Serve student population

28 ELD Instruction Structured English Instruction (ELM in SDC)
Una Video Maggie English Language mainstream elementary class (4-5) Mild to Moderate student population – mostly Early Intermediate

29 Our Journey Continues Collaborative Coaching Informal Coaching
Additional Learner Profiles Preschool GLAD SDC/ RSP General Education collaboration for all content areas Professional Development for Core Team, Administrators, & Teachers on Common Core State Standards and the ELD Standards Parent Meetings for Special Education Students who are also Students with Disabilities Debbie

30 Thank You! Thank you for attending our session. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Contact Information: Debbie: Denise: Maggie: Debbie

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