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Two methods to observe tutorial

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1 Two methods to observe tutorial
Standard Method This method allows presentation to be resized to user preference. Slide Show Method (Example below) Presentation fills entire screen Click on Slide Show tab at top of screen Click icon <From Beginning> Note: Either method; to advance click the progression arrow in the bottom right corner of each slide or press the down-arrow key.

2 Transaction Procedures
Welcome to BSIP 101 Transaction Procedures “Vehicle History” Instructor: Stephen Wright DPI Technical Consultant

3 Purpose: To produce a report that displays vehicle orders and operations.

4 One transaction is required to complete this procedure:
IW49N Let’s get started -

5 Your screen should look similar to the example at the right.
From the SAP R/3 Easy Access screen box type IW49N or from your favorites menu, select transaction IW49N – Display Orders and Operations Your screen should look similar to the example at the right.

6 Display Orders and Operations: Selection of Orders and Operations
A new window opens: Display Orders and Operations: Selection of Orders and Operations Complete the following: Completed – ü this field Equipment – Enter number that corresponds to Vehicle. Tip: Instructions on how to determine the equipment number are included on the next two slides.

7 Determine the Equipment Number
(Slide 1 of 2) Steps: Click within the Equipment field. Click on the Matchcode Icon to the right of the field.

8 Determine the Equipment Number
(Slide 2 of 2) Steps: Enter the vehicle’s inventory number into the inventory number field. (Ex: ) Click on the Execute Icon . This action will return you to the Selection of Orders and Operations screen and will populate the Equipment number field.

9 Selection of Orders and Operations
Complete the following: Period – Enter the beginning and ending dates for the span time you are tracking. Click the Execute Icon to launch report OR Tip: Instructions on how to narrow search are included on the next two slides.

10 Narrowing the Search Steps:
(Screen 1 of 2) Steps: Click the tab labeled Operation; this action will move it to the forefront on your screen. In the Standard test key field insert the first 7 digits of the VMRS code to narrow search. (ex. Front Brakes and Drums = ). Tip: If uncertain of the VMRS click on the Matchcode Icon to the right of the field and make selection.

11 Narrowing the Search Steps:
(Screen 2 of 2) Steps: Click the Execute Icon to return to Selection of Orders and Operations screen and then click the Execute Icon to launch the report table.

12 Display Orders and Operations: List of Orders and Operations
A new window opens: Display Orders and Operations: List of Orders and Operations Tip: Table can be modified by clicking on the Select Layout Icon

13 A new window opens: Change Layout Order Activity Description
Modifying the Layout: On the right-hand side click on the Column Name header; this will sort the Column Set in alphabetical order. To make a baseline table choose the following from under Column set. Order Activity Description Actual Work Total actual costs

14 A new window opens: Change Layout Modifying the Layout: Use the left pointing arrow to add items form the Column Set to the Displayed Columns. Use the up/down arrows to move the items into the desired display order. When desired display is achieved click the save icon .

15 A new window opens: Save Layout Saving the Layout: Save Layout – Enter a descriptive name; top level. (Ex: IW49N) Name – Enter a name that meets the criteria you are searching; if this is the default table use something similar to “Master.” Click the Continue Icon to verify input. Click the Continue Icon to record changes.

16 The Report Table is produced.
(Note: Table data not from narrowed search). Things to note: This table will ONLY show for the span of time you selected. It will display the following: Work Order number Activity Number Description Actual Work Total Actual Costs

17 Things to note: The same work order may be reported multi time if multi activity numbers are used. (Ex: has activity number 0010 and 0030). Actual work is displayed accurately: 1.0 hours - activity 0010 0.5 hours - activity 0020 Be careful of grabbing a Total Actual Costs value. The value is the total per work order NOT per Activity. The cost to is $73.76 NOT $

18 Things to note: To make viewing of each work order easier; click on the word “Order” in the table’s column heading. The click on the Sort in Ascending Order Icon Your table will then display the work orders only once with all the activities beside the work order cell.

19 Questions

20 Thank You! Stephen Wright DPI Technical Consultant

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