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7th Grade Adjustment to Jr. High Grades Conduct Passing Standards

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1 7th Grade Adjustment to Jr. High Grades Conduct Passing Standards
Visiting the Counselors’ office

2 How Do I Get to 8th grade? Come to School
Pass ALL classes in 7th grade Pass all STAAR tests Math Reading Writing

3 Attendance An absence, is an absence, is an absence, is an absence. No matter what the reason, doctor note, excuse, ("I was only gone one class period" or "I talked to the principal and they said it was excused,") an absence is still a loss of exemptions. Excused absences are still absences. Missing 23 minutes of a class period is an absence. 0 absences = 2 Exemption Tickets 1-2 absences = 1 Exemption Ticket

4 What If I Fail? Look at grades for the YEAR Go to Summer School
$160 per class Possibly repeat 7th grade

5 How To Not Fail Get organized!! Use a calendar or a homework folder
Turn in all work! It takes three 100’s to make up one zero Attend tutoring Before or after school with your teacher

6 Testing STAAR Reading Writing Math CBA / DBA
Six Weeks, Semester, and Final Exams

7 Conduct Grades E = Excellent S = Satisfactory I = Needs improvement
U = Unsatisfactory

8 Bullying Physical Verbal Nonverbal Cyberbullying

9 Mrs. Sanchez Counseling Secretary/Registrar
Counseling Office Staff Mrs. Williamson, L – Z Mrs. Jokisch, A – K Mrs. Sanchez Counseling Secretary/Registrar Ms. Lindsey Community in Schools

10 Front Office Staff Mrs. Russo Principal Mr. Weatherspoon
Asst. Principal A-K Mrs. Butler Asst. Principal L-Z Mrs. Keohane Nurse Mrs. Wittmayer Receptionist Mrs. McGrew Attendance

11 How Do I See the Counselors?
Come On In!  Fill out a problem sheet Leave your counselor a note Called in during an elective REMEMBER!!! You are NEVER in trouble if you are called into the Counselors office

12 How to get to our Counseling Website?
Go to HJH main page. Select Administrators and Front Office.

13 How to get to our Counseling Website?
Click on the link “ _________________________” Need to update once name of link is updated -----

14 HJH Anonymous Reporting
HJH anonymous reporting is a simple and effective way for you and your peers to report incidents in which you are not comfortable reporting in person. Reporting provides the payoff of having all of our students feel safe while here at Hurst Jr. High.

15 Go to
How to report. Go to

16 Click ‘Support’, then ‘Reporting’, then ‘Report Now’
How to report cont. Click ‘Support’, then ‘Reporting’, then ‘Report Now’

17 Let’s take a look! HJH Anonymous Reporting

18 We Are Happy You Are Here! Enjoy Your 7th Grade Year!
Welcome We Are Happy You Are Here! Enjoy Your 7th Grade Year!

19 Telephone Game The brown dog jumped over the lazy cat
I rode my bike to my friends house and then to the store A blue bird crashed into a closed window and fell to the ground. The beginning of the book will always get you hooked to read the rest

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