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Group 1 highlights— --1500’s Portuguese were the first to come to China to trade --the Chinese placed strict limits on foreign trade—only could trade in.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 1 highlights— --1500’s Portuguese were the first to come to China to trade --the Chinese placed strict limits on foreign trade—only could trade in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 1 highlights— --1500’s Portuguese were the first to come to China to trade --the Chinese placed strict limits on foreign trade—only could trade in two cities in China and only could trade with a few Chinese merchants --1700’s the Qing dynasty begins to decline and China loses power --The Europeans have an advanced navy and weapons --Europeans refuse the tradition of Kowtowing (bowing low) before the Chinese emperor and were beginning to get frustrated with the Chinese

2 --Chinese people became addicted and bought more
Group 2 highlights --When British couldn’t get what they wanted from the emperor, they resorted to selling the drug opium to the Chinese people. --Chinese people became addicted and bought more --drained the Chinese silver supply because they had to pay in silver --Chinese government passed harsh laws against opium, but it kept coming in to the nation --Chinese destroyed a British shipment of opium that started the opium war --Chinese lost the war. --the Treaty of Nanjing ended the Opium War and took away China’s power over trade --the Chinese had to open up more ports for European trade --the Chinese had to give the British Hong Kong --the Chinese had to pay the British for the Opium destroyed --Opened up trade to other European nations and the US --Gave outside nations Extraterritoriality—the right to set up foreign laws and court systems within China --created Spheres of Influence in China—areas where foreign countries had economic privileges.

3 --updated civil service exam --set up modern western-style schools
Group 3 highlights --US pushed for an Open Door Policy in China—this would be an agreement that all nations could trade equally and freely with China (failed, but helped the US) --Because the dynasty was failing, a series of peasant uprisings took place --Taiping Rebellion was the largest—lasted 14 years and killed 20 million --in an effort to stop uprisings and defeat foreigners Emperor Guang Xi set up the 100 days of reform. --updated civil service exam --set up modern western-style schools --promoted economic change --Empress Ci Xi seized power and stopped the reforms --secretly supported the Boxer Rebellion—led by the Fists of Fury who violently worked to push out foreigners from China --the Boxers were defeated by a united foreign army made up of members from European and American nations.

4 --1911 Sun Yatsen takes control and declares China a Republic
Group 4 highlights Empress Ci Xi dies Sun Yatsen takes control and declares China a Republic --three principles (goals) for China 1. nationalism--unified China without foreign domination 2. democracy 3. guaranteed livelihood for Chinese people Sun Yatsen is forced out by Yuan Shikai (civil war follows for 17 years) --Chiang Kai-shek becomes leader of the Nationalist party and China in 1928

5 --joined forces with the Nationalists to expel the foreigners
Group 5—highlights --Chinese Communist Party (CCP) formed in 1921 --joined forces with the Nationalists to expel the foreigners Chiang Kai-shek turns on the Communists and attacks them, they flee --Mao Zedong takes over as leader of the Communists—believed they needed to win the support of the peasants --treated peasants fairly and politely --paid for the food they took for their armies --Nationalists began to chase the Communists across China—lasted for more than a year and covered 6,000 miles—over 80,000 died --the Communists called this “The Long March” Japan invaded China, seizing Manchuria --in 1937 Japan launches a full war against China (right before WWII) --the Communists and Nationalists work together temporarily to fight J Japan --after the war they renew their battle and Communism gains power in 1949

6 Dynastic Cycle Diagram Dynasties chart
Organize your notes for your test and to turn in for points. (5 points each item) 15-1 Answers Activity Rivers notes 15-3 FIB notes Mind maps (there should be four—Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism, and Buddhism) Dynastic Cycle Diagram Dynasties chart Group notes on “Road to Revolution” (There should be notes for all five sections) **Confucian word find is 5 EC points ***You may also use your China Map Exercise on the Test if you have it

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