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Listening and Dialogue June 2018 – May 2019

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Presentation on theme: "Listening and Dialogue June 2018 – May 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 Listening and Dialogue June 2018 – May 2019
Plenary Council 2020 Listening and Dialogue June 2018 – May 2019

2 Listening and Discernment June 2019 – November 2019
Plenary Council 2020 Listening and Discernment June 2019 – November 2019

3 Placing of the Oil Tree

4 This Day Was Made By The Lord Christopher Walker
This day was made by the Lord, let us rejoice, let us be glad. This day was made by the Lord, let us rejoice in salvation!

Come, Holy Spirit of Pentecost. Come, Holy spirit of the great South Land. O God, bless and unite all your people in Australia and guide us on the pilgrim way of the Plenary Council.

6 Give us the grace to see your face in one another
and to recognise Jesus, our companion on the road. Give us the courage to tell our stories and to speak boldly to your truth.

7 Give us ears to listen humbly to each other and a discerning heart to hear what you are saying.
Lead your Church into a hope-filled future, that we may live the joy of the Gospel.

8 Through Jesus Christ our Lord, bread for the journey from age to age
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, bread for the journey from age to age. Amen. Our Lady Help of Christians, pray for us. St Mary MacKillop, pray for us.

9 Final Blessing

10 This Day Was Made By The Lord Christopher Walker
This day was made by the Lord, let us rejoice, let us be glad. This day was made by the Lord, let us rejoice in salvation!

11 I thank you, your love is eternal,
you have given me life. You have given me life. I will proclaim the wonders you do! This day was made by the Lord, let us rejoice, let us be glad. This day was made by the Lord, let us rejoice in salvation!

12 Your hand raised me up in triumph,
you have given me life. You have given me life. I will proclaim the wonders you do! This day was made by the Lord, let us rejoice, let us be glad. This day was made by the Lord, let us rejoice in salvation!

13 The stone which the builders rejected
is the cornerstone, is the cornerstone. I will proclaim the wonders you do! This day was made by the Lord, let us rejoice, let us be glad. This day was made by the Lord, let us rejoice in salvation!

14 You opened the gates of heaven, you have given me life
You opened the gates of heaven, you have given me life. You have given me life. I will proclaim the wonders you do! This day was made by the Lord, let us rejoice, let us be glad. This day was made by the Lord, let us rejoice in salvation!

15 You are my strength and my Savior, you have given me life.
I will proclaim the wonders you do! This day was made by the Lord, let us rejoice, let us be glad. This day was made by the Lord, let us rejoice in salvation! Text: Based on Psalm 118. Text and music © 1988, 1989, Christopher Walker. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Used with Permission. ONE LICENSE #A

16 Listening and Discernment

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