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Civil Rights Chap 5, Day 3 Aim:.

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1 Civil Rights Chap 5, Day 3 Aim:

2 The Second Feminist Wave
The Battle for the Vote Nineteenth Amendment: Extended suffrage to women in 1920. The “Doldrums”: Laws were designed to protect women, and protect men from competition with women. The Second Feminist Wave Reed v. Reed (1971)-

3 The Second Feminist Wave, continued
Craig v. Boren (1976) Draft is not discriminatory Women in the Workplace Wage Discrimination and Comparable Worth Women in the Military Sexual Harassment

4 Newly Active Groups Under the Civil Rights Umbrella
Civil Rights and the Graying of America- most workers no compulsory retirement Civil Rights and People With Disabilities Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Gay and Lesbian Rights Bowers v. Hardwick (1986)- Ct. said states could ban homosexual relations In 2000 said Boy Scouts could ban Homosexual members- b/c it violates organization’s principles Lawrence v. Texas (2003) Ct. overturned Bowers- said unconstit intrusions of right to privacy

5 Discrimination Against Homosexuals How have Americans’ views changed
Discrimination Against Homosexuals How have Americans’ views changed? For which professions?

6 Affirmative Action Definition: A move towards equal results?
A policy designed to give special attention to or compensatory treatment of members of some previously disadvantaged group. A move towards equal results? Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978) Kept out of Med School, quota, Ct. ordered Bakke admitted. Ct. said no quota but race could be “one factor” in selection process. Other factors? Adarand Constructors v. Pena (1995) Said Fed programs that use race even for expanding opportunity are unconstit. Limited Aff. Action impact

7 Affirmative Action and University of Michigan
Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger 2003 Court voted 5-4 to uphold the University of Michigan's law school affirmative action policy, which favors minorities. But in a 6-3 vote, the justices struck down the affirmative action policy for undergraduate admissions, which awards 20 points for blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans on an admissions rating scale. Cases tested whether the university is allowed to discriminate because it values diversity in its student body, or whether discrimination is only justified to reverse past racial injustice.

8 Understanding Civil Rights and Public Policy
Civil Rights and Democracy Equality favors majority rule. Suffrage gave many groups political power. Civil Rights and the Scope of Government Civil rights laws increase the size of government. WHY? Positive or negative effect? Civil rights protect individuals.

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