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(With a Tech Twist!) October 2, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "(With a Tech Twist!) October 2, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 (With a Tech Twist!) October 2, 2017
MINUTE MEETINGs (With a Tech Twist!) October 2, 2017

2 Welcome! Welcome to all, thanks for taking the time to be here!

3 Overview and objectives

4 Why minute meetings? Not an original idea
Way to make a contact with all students Additional data point Danielle Schultz, Andrea Burston, many ideas by googling school counselor minute meetings

5 Benefits Snapshot of students
Alert to students who may need extra attention A way to see all students Additional data point Use in conjunction with other data Quick and easy

6 How to… NUTS and BOLTS!

7 Step one: Determine your questions
Keep it simple Use resources on the internet for ideas Use domains for guidance Tailor it to you/your school’s needs Don’t forget the demographics (name, homeroom)




11 Step two: Prepare Arrange a time with teachers (approximately 1-2 minutes per students) Get a copy of the class list Find a place outside each room Decide if you will use paper/pencil (no-tech) or Google Forms

12 No-tech option Create a system that works for you: grid with code, etc.

13 Here’s the Tech Twist… Time for Google Forms Demo! Google Forms Demo

14 What responses look like

15 Ways to use the data Remember it’s a snapshot Look for trends
Compare data points when done multiple times throughout the year Combine with other data Trend examples: fourth grade all said some/lots friends; first graders don’t know school counselor;



18 Could include other data from your school – minors, etc
Could include other data from your school – minors, etc. Then I brought this to grade level meetings to talk about what interventions might be needed.


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