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Some may be used more than once or not at all.

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Presentation on theme: "Some may be used more than once or not at all."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some may be used more than once or not at all.
WARM – UP Identify the A, B, and C position from each graph as the distribution’s Mean, Median, or Mode. Some may be used more than once or not at all. (a) (b) (c) MEAN: MEDIAN: MODE: A B C C B A A

2 Warm - up 1. Find the Mean and Standard Deviation of: 8, 5, 6, 8, 18, 5, 11, 9, 8, 7, 9, 10

3 Draw a Box Plot from this Cumulative Histogram
Cumulative Curve

4 A B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 Length of Service (years)
Length of Service (years) IQR = 4 years


6 Example 1 – Effects of Changing Observations
1. Find the Mean and Standard Deviation of: 1, 8, 5, 4, 9, 3 2. Multiply each # by 2 AND then Add 6 find the new Mean and Standard Deviation. (What are the difference as compared to #1’s results?) 1. 2.

7 Adding and Subtracting each individual data value by a constant number will:
Increase/decrease the Center – Mean, Median, and Mode. NOT Change the Spread – Std Dev., IQR, Range. Multiplying each individual data value by a scalar number will: Change both the Center and Spread.

8 1. How many tails would you expect to obtain?
If an experiment of Tossing a coin 20 times was performed with the variable of interest being the number of tails you obtain from 20 tosses,: 1. How many tails would you expect to obtain? 2. What kind of Distribution would you expect? DENSITY CURVES Density Curves are the smooth curves that represent the overall pattern of a Histogram or distribution. The AREA under the density curve represent the proportion of observations that fall in each range of values Entire curve = 100% Uniform Distribution Example: HEADS TAILS


10 Notation (Symbols): Sample Population
Mean: Standard Dev.: Density Curves that are symmetric, single-peaked, and bell shaped are called Normal Distributions

11 Represents a Normal Distribution with Mean μ and Standard Deviation σ.
Z-Score – The value that indicates how many Standard Deviations an observation is from the Mean. This is done with the z-score formula:

12 A student scores a 74% on Test #1
A student scores a 74% on Test #1. Test #1 has a mean (µ) equal to 86% and a Standard Deviation (σ) equal to 4.5%. How unusual is this student’s test score? (ie. How many standard deviation is the student’s score from the mean?)

13 HW: Page 123: 2-12 even (Omit #8)
French Math

14 HW: Page 123: 2-12 even, 8


16 HW: Page 123: 2-12 even a) standard deviations BELOW the mean. b) 10 mph is more unusual.

17 a) Mean =3.84 Standard deviation = 3.56
b) Mean = Standard deviation = 5.73


19 National gas prices are at $2. 72 a gallon with Std. Dev. at $0. 09
National gas prices are at $2.72 a gallon with Std. Dev. at $ How unusual would it be to find a gas station charging $2.60 a gallon? We must Standardize the Curve. This means that we are going to change the units so that the Mean = 0 and the Standard Deviation = This is done with a z-score.

20 Andy scored a 650 on the Math portion of the SAT
Andy scored a 650 on the Math portion of the SAT. Mary scored a 25 on the ACT. If the Math SAT has a Normal Distribution, , and the ACT has a Normal Distribution , which student did better and why? ACT SAT Andy = (650 – 500 )/95 = 1.58 Mary = (25 – 21)/3 = 1.33

21 4 Complete Response All three parts essentially correct 3 Substantial Response Two parts essentially correct and one part partially correct 2 Developing Response Two parts essentially correct and one part incorrect OR One part essentially correct and one or two parts partially correct Three parts partially correct 1 Minimal Response One part essentially correct and two parts incorrect Two parts partially correct and one part incorrect

22 Characteristics of Density Curves:
1. It is always on or above the horizontal axis. 2. The area underneath the curve is always equal to ONE or (100%). THE NORMAL CURVE

23 Characteristics of Density Curves
1. The area underneath the curve is always equal to ONE or (100%). THE NORMAL CURVE

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