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Presentation on theme: "RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL"— Presentation transcript:

Fast urban impact assessments for data-scarce, large urban agglomerations of the South Matthias Lüdeke, Oleksandr Kit, Bin Zhou, Sebastian Schubert et al. RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure

Fast urban impact assessments for data-scarce, large urban agglomerations of the South Matthias Lüdeke, Oleksandr Kit, Bin Zhou, Sebastian Schubert et al. Motivation: why - urban CC impact assessments? still insufficient coverage by existing studies regarding: spatial coverage & impact paths; quality varies greatly due to diverse methods no reliable global overview most cities‘ adaptation planning lacks a solid impact analysis - large urban agglomerations of the South? - fast methods? - approaching data-scarcity? RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure MKBL/OK

Fast urban impact assessments for data-scarce, large urban agglomerations of the South Matthias Lüdeke, Oleksandr Kit, Bin Zhou, Sebastian Schubert et al. Motivation: why - urban CC impact assessments? still insufficient coverage by existing studies regarding: spatial coverage & impact paths; quality varies greatly due to diverse methods no reliable global overview most cities‘ adaptation planning lacks a solid impact analysis - large urban agglomerations of the South? quantitatively: most future urbanization will happen there qualitatively: specific development properties (informality, rapidness, etc) - fast methods? - approaching data-scarcity? RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure MKBL/OK

Fast urban impact assessments for data-scarce, large urban agglomerations of the South Matthias Lüdeke, Oleksandr Kit, Bin Zhou, Sebastian Schubert et al. Motivation: why - urban CC impact assessments? still insufficient coverage by existing studies regarding: spatial coverage & impact paths; quality varies greatly due to diverse methods no reliable global overview most cities‘ adaptation planning lacks a solid impact analysis - large urban agglomerations of the South? quantitatively: most future urbanization will happen there qualitatively: specific development properties (informality, rapidness, etc) - fast methods? major obstacle: presently a comprehensive, “from the scratch” CC-impact study for an urban area takes years - approaching data-scarcity? RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure MKBL/OK

Fast urban impact assessments for data-scarce, large urban agglomerations of the South Matthias Lüdeke, Oleksandr Kit, Bin Zhou, Sebastian Schubert et al. Motivation: why - urban CC impact assessments? still insufficient coverage by existing studies regarding: spatial coverage & impact paths; quality varies greatly due to diverse methods no reliable global overview most cities‘ adaptation planning lacks a solid impact analysis - large urban agglomerations of the South? quantitatively: most future urbanization will happen there qualitatively: specific development properties (informality, rapidness, etc) - fast methods? major obstacle: presently a comprehensive, “from the scratch” CC-impact study for an urban area takes years - approaching data-scarcity? major impediment for impact assessment – choice of cases according to data availablilty -> poor global coverage RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure MKBL/OK

Fast urban impact assessments for data-scarce, large urban agglomerations of the South Matthias Lüdeke, Oleksandr Kit, Bin Zhou, Sebastian Schubert et al. Basic idea: Step 1 – Filtering cities: Identifying urban agglomerations where a specific Climate Change impact path is relevant or even the dominant one. For a specific case study -> choice of impact path to be studied with priority For a global overview > global distribution of cities showing a specific impact path Step 2 – targeted, fast quantitative Impact Assessment : Urban remote sensing oriented toolbox to quantify impacts along the chosen relevant impact path RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure MKBL/OK

Fast urban impact assessments for data-scarce, large urban agglomerations of the South Climate change impact paths: Exposure unit: Traffic Slum areas Critical infrastructure Residential settlements Flooding: Climatic Stimulus: pluvial fluvial coastal Heat waves ... Impact type: People affected Property loss Break down ... Temperature extremes RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure MKBL/OK

8 Residential settlements
RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 1: filtering Fast urban impact assessments for data-scarce, large urban agglomerations of the South Climate change impact paths: two examples Exposure unit: Traffic Slum areas Critical infrastructure Residential settlements Flooding: Climatic Stimulus: pluvial fluvial coastal Heat waves ... Impact type: People affected Property loss Break down ... Temperature extremes RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure MKBL/OK

9 RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 1: filtering 1st example
Pluvial flooding Slum areas People affected Large urban agglomerations >1000km2 RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure OK/MKBL

10 RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 1: filtering 1st example
Pluvial flooding Slum areas People affected Climate zones with high-intensity rainfall RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure OK/MKBL

11 RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 1: filtering 1st example
Pluvial flooding Slum areas People affected Climate zones with high-intensity rainfall RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure OK/MKBL

12 RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 1: filtering 1st example
Pluvial flooding Slum areas People affected Close to watersheds and distant to coasts RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure OK/MKBL

13 RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 1: filtering 1st example
Pluvial flooding Slum areas People affected Close to watersheds and distant to coasts RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure OK/MKBL

14 RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 1: filtering 1st example
Pluvial flooding Slum areas People affected Orography: hilly urban landscape RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure OK/MKBL

15 RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 1: filtering 1st example
Pluvial flooding Slum areas People affected Orogaphy: hilly urban landscape RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure OK/MKBL

16 RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 1: filtering 1st example
Pluvial flooding Slum areas People affected High probability of urban slum settlements RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure OK/MKBL

17 RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 1: filtering 1st example
Pluvial flooding Slum areas People affected High probability of urban slum settlements RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure OK/MKBL

18 RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 1: filtering 1st example
Pluvial flooding Slum areas People affected Filtered urban agglomerations in India RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure OK/MKBL

19 RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 1: filtering 2nd example
Heat waves Urban settlements Extreme temperatures (UHI) Large urban agglomerations >40km2 RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure BZ/MKBL

20 RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 1: filtering 2nd example
Heat waves Urban settlements Extreme temperatures (UHI) Day-time and night-time UHI increases with increasing temperature of the urban periphery Zhou, 2012 MODIS analysis RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure BZ/MKBL

21 RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 1: filtering 2nd example
Heat waves Urban settlements Extreme temperatures (UHI) Day-time and night-time UHI increases with increasing temperature of the urban periphery Zhou, 2012 MODIS analysis RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure BZ/MKBL

22 RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 1: filtering 2nd example
Heat waves Urban settlements Extreme temperatures (UHI) Day-time and night-time UHI increases with increasing temperature of the urban periphery rank correlation coefficient (day/night) > 0.4/0.3 Zhou, 2012 MODIS analysis RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure BZ/MKBL

23 RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 1: filtering 2nd example
Heat waves Urban settlements Extreme temperatures (UHI) Day-time and night-time UHI increases with increasing temperature of the urban periphery rank correlation coefficient (day/night) > 0.4/0.3 Zhou, 2012 MODIS analysis RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure BZ/MKBL

24 RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 1: filtering 2nd example
Heat waves Urban settlements Extreme temperatures (UHI) Day-time and night-time UHI increases with increasing temperature of the urban periphery rank correlation coefficient (day/night) > 0.6/0.5 Zhou, 2012 MODIS analysis RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure BZ/MKBL

25 RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 1: filtering 2nd example
Heat waves Urban settlements Extreme temperatures (UHI) Day-time and night-time UHI increases with increasing temperature of the urban periphery rank correlation coefficient (day/night) > 0.6/0.5 Zhou, 2012 MODIS analysis RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure BZ/MKBL

26 RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 1: filtering 2nd example
Heat waves Urban settlements Extreme temperatures (UHI) Day-time and night-time UHI increases with increasing temperature of the urban periphery rank correlation coefficient (day/night) > 0.7/0.55 Zhou, 2012 MODIS analysis RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure BZ/MKBL

27 RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 1: filtering 2nd example
Heat waves Urban settlements Extreme temperatures (UHI) Day-time and night-time UHI increases with increasing temperature of the urban periphery rank correlation coefficient (day/night) > 0.7/0.55 Zhou, 2012 RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure BZ/MKBL

28 RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 2: fast impact quantification
1st example: Pluvial flooding Slum areas People affected Analyzing SRTM data Slum dwellers affected by future flooding (mid 21stcent.) Trend-based slum dev. scenarios Numerical Analysis of QuickBird scenes Hyderabad/India Screenshot of the “Climate Assessment Tool for Hyderabad“ (CATHY, PIK 2012) Kit et al., 2012 RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure OK/MKBL

29 ? RAPID URBAN IMPACT APPRAISAL – Step 2: fast? impact quantification
2nd example: Heat waves Urban settlements Extreme temperatures (UHI) Relations between local UHI, urban fraction, building height and street width Berlin: COSMO-CLM (CCLM) Schubert & Grossman-Clarke (2012) local QuickBird ? MODIS agglomeration - Published papers directly related to the Rapid Urban Impact Appraisal-activity - ISI-journals Kit, O.; Lüdeke, M. K. B.; Reckien, D., Defining the bull's eye: satellite imagery-assisted slum population assessment in Hyderabad/India. Urban Geography, in press Kit, O.; Lüdeke, M. K. B.; Reckien, D., Texture-based identification of urban slums in Hyderabad, India using remote sensing data. Applied Geography 32, p. Schubert, S.; Grossman-Clarke, S., The influence of green areas and roof albedos on air temperatures during extreme heat events in Berlin. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, accepted Other journals Lüdeke, M. K. B.; Budde, M.; Kit, O.; Reckien, D Climate Change Scenarios for Hyderabad: integrating uncertainties and consolidation. Emerging megacities V1/2010, ISSN , pp 3-37 Book chapters Kit, O.; Lüdeke, M. K. B.; Reckien, D Assessment of climate change-induced vulnerability to floods in Hyderabad/India using remote sensing data. In: Resilient Cities - Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change Ed.: Otto-Zimmermann, K. Dordrecht : Springer p. Reckien D, Lüdeke M, Reusswig F, Kit O, Meyer-Ohlendorf L, Budde M, Hyderabad, India, infrastructure adaptation planning. In Rosenzweig C, Solecki WD, Hammer SA, Mehrotra S: Climate Change and Cities – First Assessment Report of the Urban Climate Change Research Network, Cambridge University Press, pp Zhou, B. (2012): Urban Heat Islands: A study based on a vast number of urban agglomerations. MSc. in Geography of Global Change, Univ. of Freiburg RD2/CCD: Climate proof cities and infrastructure SS/SGC/MKBL


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