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Kingwood Park High School National Honor Society

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1 Kingwood Park High School National Honor Society
Prospective Member Packet Information Meeting

2 How do I get in? National Honor Society is an honor and privilege extended by the faculty to deserving students of Kingwood Park High School. It is an invitation given to the students Membership decisions are made by the NHS Faculty Council Group of five teachers chosen by principal Students do not EARN the right to be in National Honor Society, it is a privilege extended to them

3 4 5 2 6 8 Required Points Sophomore Junior Senior Scholarship
Character Leadership Service Sophomore 4 5 2 Junior 6 Senior 8

4 Scholarship The student must have:
Met the Texas State Standards for on-level coursework Minimum cumulative GPA of 4.0 4 points rewarded on a sliding scale, more points rewarded for higher GPA (the higher your GPA the better your chances)

5 Character Teachers will evaluate the candidate’s character
Average of several teacher’s evaluations Examples of traits evaluated: Attitude Classroom leadership Integrity

6 Leadership Points awarded for:
Leadership / officer positions Leading service projects Leadership conferences Awards KP Merit Awards Lettering NHS is offering two Leadership conferences (you may only earn 1 leadership point from a conference) Tentative dates pending building use approval Sept. 25h, Thur. 3:00-5:00 pm in the cafeteria Oct. 3rd, Wed. 3:00-5:00 pm in the cafeteria

7 Leadership

8 Service Divided into several categories in the New Member Packet
Candidate must have points in at least 3 of the categories Points awarded for: Club and organization membership Athletics, fine arts, FFA StuCo, other school groups Community groups Community Service

9 Service

10 General Guidelines Write legibly
Make sure you and your parents have signed the front page Contact number and signatures (not parent) for ALL ACTIVITIES MORE INFORMATION IS BETTER THAN LESS INFORMATION

11 Leadership and Service forms are on the KPark website
Leadership and Service forms are on the KPark website. Current members and prospective members will use the same form to record hours. All applications are due in 1600 office no later than 3:00pm on Monday, October 15, 2018

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