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Finding Support on Campus

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1 Finding Support on Campus

2 Advising 101 Advisors are Key to success.
They help you navigate the course catalog and provide guidance as to which courses are most appropriate for your interests and future goals. Build a relationship with your advisor. Share your history. They are very valuable, if you don’t communicate well with one advisor, change to someone you communicate well with. Practice honest communication.

3 4 Ways to Make the Most of Your Mentor Relationship
Talk about your future goals, not just what’s happening in your life right now. Ask about your mentor’s life to learn from his or her experiences. Share not only your achievements, but also any difficulties you are experiencing. Thank your mentor when his or her advice and support have proved helpful.

4 Instructors Make the most of office hours.
Introduce yourself to the instructor. Discuss interesting aspects of the class. Share your progress on a paper. Talk about your grade on the last quiz. Ask for studying and test-taking advice. Share your academic struggles. If you find yourself struggling with course material, meet with your instructors after class or during office hours. Use appropriate communication.

5 Ask Questions and Get Help Often
Anxiety is understandable. Seeking assistance is key. College supports Speak with advisors, mentors, instructors, academic center staff, tutors, or counselors when you have an issue. Peer supports Don’t underestimate the level of support you may receive from fellow classmates and upperclassmen. Family and friends Reaching out to family members and friends can also provide a level of support that is integral to feeling secure on campus.

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