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Real Estate Investment & Review Tool

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Presentation on theme: "Real Estate Investment & Review Tool"— Presentation transcript:

1 Real Estate Investment & Review Tool
Team #2 - November 30th, 2018 Alex Miller - Ashley O’Brian Venkata Sravanti Malapaka - Yuxuan Chen Yonghyun Cho - Md Shadman Rafid Shiraksha Rao - Vikram Mudaliar Webber Wang - Jose G. Vicente H.

2 Agenda Operation Concept Overview (OCD) Product Demonstration
Test Cases, Procedures and Results Quality Focal Point Transition Plan Questions

3 Operation Concept Overview
System Purpose Actors using or who will use the Website Core Capabilities Level of Service Goals Organizational Goals Transition Objective Transition Strategy ~ 30s

4 System Purpose The Real Estate Investment and Review Tool is built for people interested in investing on property under the aim of buying or selling it. This allows prospective investors a medium to search for trustworthy and capable service providers. Investors can keep track of the financial performance of their properties. Registered Users can review and rate service providers with whom they have worked or know. 30s

5 Actors using/who will use the Website
Shown below are the possible actors of the Website

6 Registered User (Investor) View Service Providers list
Core Capabilities Capability Unregistered User Registered User (Investor) Registered User (Service Provider) Sign Up ✔️ (UC- 1) first time- (UC-12) first time (UC- 33) Login/Logout (UC- 11) (UC- 32) View Service Providers list (UC- 2) (UC-15 ) (repeated functionality) Write a review (UC- 22) Track Investment (UC- 20) Add Investment (UC-18 ) Changed Search to Browse,

7 Core Capabilities Capability Unregistered User
Registered User (Investor) Registered User (Service Provider) Add Service Provider ✔️ (UC- 13) (UC-37 ) Search Service Providers (UC- 3) (UC-16 ) (repeated functionality) View Service Provider profile (UC- 4) (UC-15 ) Read a review (UC- 5) (UC-23 ) Share a service Provider profile (UC- 6) (UC-14 )

8 Core Capabilities Capability Unregistered User
Registered User (Investor) Registered User (Service Provider) Export tracking data ✔️ (UC-21 ) (repeated functionality) Contact service provider (UC-45) (UC-10) Like and dislike reviews (UC-27) Reset password (UC-30) Two-factor Authentication (UC-29)

9 Level of Service Goals Browsers Support to be provided: Google Chrome: 68, Mozilla Firefox: 61. Safari: 11.1 RWD/Mobile Capability: Desktop, Laptop. Simultaneous Usage: The system will be able to support simultaneous usage by 100 users easily. Response Time: The website should be able to display any webpage within 3 seconds Database Scalability: The website database will be able to support thousands of users initially and more later should more space be bought. Availability: The system should be available 99.99% of the time with an acceptable downtime of 1 second User Differentiation: System shall be able to differentiate between different users accessing the website.

10 Organizational Goals Provide a trustworthy and easy to access platform for providing service provider data. Provide investors easy means of tracking financial performance of their investments. Provide service providers a free platform to advertise and market their businesses. To reduce the physical and financial costs for prospective investors to look for service providers for their properties.

11 Transition Objective Hand off system to the client.
Provide source code. Deploy the system using the domain and server provided by the client. Provide User Manual for the System Admin Unregistered User Registered User (Investor) Registered User (Service Provider) Training manual and user manual- prof. Su

12 Transition Strategy System has been transferred to the client’s hosting package. CCD feedback has already been implemented into the system. Provide client with the user manuals we have already created. Change tomorrow-- if not implemented User manual

13 Product Demonstration
Operational Capabilities Product Status Demo

14 Operational Capabilities
☑ Win Conditions pertaining to Use-Cases developed this semester have been addressed. ☑ All core functionalities have been created. ☑ The system has been transferred to the final hosting service. ☑ Changes from CCD have been incorporated. Third point change?

15 Product Status ☑ Final System Product, a fully functioning website has been developed ☑ Started working on Admin and User Manuals To do transition plan and System and Software support plan as a part of the As-Built package

16 Demo Backup slides to be added before presentation

17 Backup Slides

18 Backup Slides

19 Backup Slides

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22 Backup Slides

23 Backup Slides

24 Backup Slides

25 Backup Slides

26 Backup Slides

27 Backup Slides

28 Backup Slides

29 Backup Slides

30 Backup Slides

31 Backup Slides

32 Backup Slides

33 Backup Slides

34 Test Cases, Procedures and Results

35 Test Cases Account creation (TC-02)
A new user can be created using Sign Up form. Fields from Sign Up form are validated. Two users can not have same . Password should have 8 characters minimum. The newly created user can login into website. User can activate and deactivate the two factor authentication. Password reset (TC-01) User can request password reset. User can receive with the link that will allow to reset his password. User can reset password using URL. Password should be minimum 8 characters. User can login using the newly reset password. The link expire after certain time.

36 Test Cases Property Investment tracking (TC-03)
A new property can be added with property details. A property can be deleted. The property is tracked in a graph. (*) Expenses form validates all the fields. Expenses can be added and removed from the properties. Investment data can be exported in a CSV file. Expenses data are included in CSV. (*) Service providers (TC-05) Registered user can create service providers profiles. Unregistered users can not create service providers. Registered and unregistered user can search for service providers. Service providers can be found using address, , phone, location and service type.

37 Test Cases Review System (TC-06)
A registered user can leave reviews to service providers. Review include the evaluation (number of stars). The review form validates review text is not empty. Service providers can read the reviews left by others.

38 Jose Vicente, Yonghyun Cho, Venkata Sravanti Malapaka
Procedures Date Testing Sessions Test Identifier Responsible Person Resources Training Needs 09/11/18 TC-01, TC-02, TC-03, TC-05, TC-06 Jose Vicente, Yonghyun Cho, Venkata Sravanti Malapaka Laptop with Chrome and internet connection. N/A 16/11/18 23/11/18

39 Results Date Testing Sessions TC-01 Password reset TC-02
Account creation TC-03 Investment tracking TC-05 Service providers TC-06 Review System 02/11/18 3/5 4/6 2/7 2/4 2/3 14/11/18 4/5 5/6 3/7 3/4 28/11/18 5/5 (100%) 6/6 (100%) 5/7 (71%) 4/4(100%) 3/3(100%)

40 Quality Focal Point Technical Debt Traceability Matrix Metrics

41 Technical Debt # Description Category 1 2 Has it been fixed?
How do you fix it? No. of weeks Due to time constraints, we lack of unit tests and integration tests Life Cycle Management Shortfalls Prudent Deliberate No We have added unit tests however, there are still unit tests missing. 6 The website has technology that not all developers are familiar with. For example: GraphQL, Prisma, Node.js and Angular. Personnel Shortfalls Reckless Inadvertent Yes The persons who develop are becoming familiar with it using tutorials and documentation from internet. 3 Due to the fact that each website page has been developed by different people, the website pages are not consistent. Methods, Processes and Tools Shortfalls Prudent Deliberate We scheduled time and the development people invested time to make consistent the website.

42 Technical Debt # Description Category 1 2 Has it been fixed?
How do you fix it? No. of weeks 4 Due to time constraints, the website code is not reviewed properly. So, it is probably that potential avoidable bugs exist currently in the code. Methods, Processes and Tools Shortfalls Prudent Deliberate Yes We have reviewed part of the code using Crucible. 5 Due to time constraints we will not be able to finish with the following features: Google and Facebook authentication, Website Analytics, Notification System, Blogs System and Discussions System Life Cycle Management Shortfalls We have talk with the customer and we have set these features as out of scope for this project.

43 Traceability Matrix (½)
OCD Requirements SSAD Test Case [OC-1] Login/Logout [WC_4759] Create account from signup link [WC_4767] Two-factor authentication [WC_4764] Password reset via [WC_4633] Social media login [ART-1] User Access Level [ART-2] Investor Profile UC-1, UC-11, UC-29, UC-30, TC-01-01, TC-01-02, TC-02-01, TC-02-02 [OC-2] Browse Service Providers [WC_4762] Search providers by state, city, type [WC_4664] Search provider [WC_4632] View a list of service providers UC-2, UC-3, UC-4, UC-16 TC-05-01, TC-05-02, TC-05-03 [OC-3] Review System [WC_4758] Read reviews [WC_4665] Rate service provider [WC_4634] Leave reviews for service providers [ART-5] Reviews UC-5, UC-22, UC-23 TC-06-01, TC-06-02, TC-06-03 Not all UC/WC covered, such ass add profile, share etc. No artifact for moderate site No testcase for Add Service Provider (added a placeholder)

44 Traceability Matrix (2/2)
OCD Requirements SSAD Test Case [OC-4] Track Investment [WC_4769] Export investments to CSV file [WC_4763] Track investment using address, rent, price, loan amount, downpayment, expenses [WC_4663] Add property info to tracking tool [ART-3] Investments UC-18, UC-20, UC-21 TC-03-01, TC-03-02, TC-03-03 [OC-5] Add Service Provider [WC_4637] Create profiles for service providers [ART-4] Service Provider Profile UC-13, UC-37 TC-06-05 [OC-6] Moderate Site [WC_4652 ]Admin can view website usage [WC_4650] Admin can verify service providers [WC_4646] Admin can remove a flagged user UC-41, UC-42, UC-43, UC-44 TC-04-01, TC-07-01, TC-07-02, TC-07-03

45 Metric 1: Remaining vs Accomplished task Burndown Chart
This chart shows the number of remaining tasks vs. the percentage of cumulative completed tasks and the percentage of completed tasks The remaining task was high during initial week because of requirement change - Requirement Volatility Gradual declination in remaining tasks and rise of cumulative tasks completed determines the overall strategy used in the Project

46 Metric 2: Team Progress (1/2) Created vs. Resolved Issue Report
This chart shows the number of issues created vs. the number of issues resolved in the last 90 days The graph portrays teams efficiency in resolving the issue over time Shows backlog is not growing and kept up to date Testing the defect per LOC and resolving then with reduced backlog Cumulative Total Issue - Progressive addition

47 Metric 2: Team Progress (2/2) Created vs. Resolved Issue Report
Non-Cumulative Task

48 Metric 3: Task Estimate Pie chart of Issue & task (Backup Slide)
A major parts of the task were encountered from other activities, followed by team, document, meeting, and development The chart depicts the effort associated with each task based on JIRA label

49 Transition Plan Preparation
Operational Testing, Training and Preparation Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities Milestone Plan Required Resources

50 Preparation Hardware Preparation • Desktop/Laptop with Safari 11.1, Firefox 61, Chrome 68 Hosting Preparation • – Delegate Access – Prisma – File Manager/ FTP Account

51 Operational Testing, Training and Preparation
Testing • Testers performed test cases to determine functionality and possible bugs • Team test session to test thoroughly all the different use cases as well as participate in a bug bash Training • Manual for Maintainers and Admins • Technical support as needed • No formal training session, but informal sessions as required Evaluation • Core Capability Drive-through feedback with client – All the comments were addressed and implemented to system

52 Stakeholder Roles And Responsibilities
StakeHolders Responsibilities Alex Miller Client/Admin Provide delegate access to a2hosting accounts Assess capabilities and provide comments Understand maintenance needs and structure of system Maintainer Attend training sessions and learn complete functions of the system. Give feedback on user documentation. Understand maintenance requirements. Development Team - Implementers Adjust code post testing to fix bugs and defects Address comments from CCD and make suggested changes Finalize website for hosting on client’s hosting package Development Team - Testers Ensure win conditions are met and test cases passed Provide feedback of the system and list any concerns and bugs Development Team - Trainers Develop training manual and technical manuals for the system Provide technical support and training as needed

53 Milestone Plan This is our milestone plan.
Until now, we focused on development and testing. From now, we would focus on testing and fixing bugs to make the system stable. Additionally, we would release the website.

54 Required Resources Manual Product User Manuals
Introduction to system & basic capabilities Investment tools Browse providers Product GitHub private repository with source code Team class website Project archive Documents Online Web Application - OOSRE

55 Questions


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