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Study abroad Education and Child Studies

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1 Study abroad Education and Child Studies
Jacquy Bouwer | Leiden University

2 Possibilities Exchange outside Europe Exchange in Europe/Free mover
Internship STREAM (Research programme) Master programme

3 Where to start: faculty vs university-wide
University-wide exchange Managed by central International Relations Office (IR) of Student and Educational Affairs (SEA) Generally open to all students Possible to study outside your field of study at different faculties Only outside of Europe ISEP programme Faculty exchange Managed by faculty’s international office Open to students from faculty/programme only Usually for your specific field of study Inside Europe (Erasmus+) Contact: Coordinator of your own programme. As said before, most of our students study abroad through one of our exchange programmes. Option 1. At Leiden University we have two different kind of exchange agreements: Faculty- and University wide agreements. [Explain differences] Faculty agreements - an agreement might only be open for students who study ancient history. -Inside Europe (referred to as the Erasmus+ programme) -Outside Europe (some faculties also have agreements outside Europe, usually in a specific field of study). Contact: International coordinator of your faculty University wide agreements -Managed by central international office (referred to as IR or SEA/SOZ) -Generally open to all students students from Leiden University: if your faculty participates in the university wide agreement, you are allowed to apply. -Possible to study outside your field of study at different faculties (als goedgekeurd) -Only agreements with partner universities outside of Europe Contact: International Relations Office Student and Educational Affairs

4 Where can you find the exchange agreements
Here you can find all the agreements, faculty and uni-wide. “intended for” indicates for which students this partner is open. If it says “all students (university-wide)” it means that it’s managed by International Relations Office. The rest indicates the relevant faculty/programme (graag hier goed uitleggen welke partner open is voor jouw studenten).

5 Erasmus + Erasmus agreements institute Education and Child Studies:
Denmark (2) Austria Turkey (3) Germany (2) Belgium Free mover: exchange without agreements (might be difficult to realise) Deadline: 15 februari 2019, appointment and apply online

6 STudent REseArch Mobility (STREAM) Programme
What is STREAM? Student Exchange programme between Leiden University and 7 European Universities*, with the focus on conducting research. Transfer of academic credits. Where? University of Cambridge (UK) Lund University (Sweden) University of Milan (Italy) University of Geneva (Switzerland) University of Zurich (Switzerland) Université Paris-Sud (France) Utrecht University (* mobility between institutions located in the same country are not allowed within this framework) For whom? Leiden University students registered in their 3rd, 4th or 5th year of study. Students who have been nominated by their Study Abroad / Exchange Coordinator. GPA of at least 3.2 (out of 4) / average grade: 7 or above Minimum English level: B2 Funding? Students who are selected may also be able to apply for an Erasmus Scholarship. More information:

7 When? Blok 1 Blok 2 Blok 3 Blok 4 Elective Specialisation course 2
(specialisation course 3, Educational studies) Intercultural Aspects Specialisation course 3 Specialisation course 5 Bachelorproject

8 Health and Safety It is very important that you go abroad well prepared! You are obliged, for example, to take out a good insurance, get the necessary vaccinations and bring along enough money. These and other very useful tips are mentioned on the website Before departure you need to attend a Health and Safety information session. The dates for these information sessions will be published on the website begin 2019 Graag Health&Safety website laten zien (zie link hierboven)

9 Internship In master only No agreements available
- Limited possibilities (supervision on distance difficult)

10 Entire Master abroad Not possible on exchange agreement
 You apply directly at the host university  You pay tuition fees to host university  Limited assistance from international office  Start early! At least 1 year in advance  Scholarships  Diploma recognition by DUO after you return At the infomarket: Fulbright, Studeren in Duitsland & It is also possible to do an entire master’s programme abroad. Please be aware of the following: It is not possible on exchange agreement. You are not longer a student of Leiden university, and you will have to apply as a new student to the university abroad. You are responsible for your registration and have to do all the research yourself. You have to meet the admission requirements of the university abroad. Scholarships are available, USA Fullbright, VSB. Check for more information If you are interested in this option, we have some organisations at the information market who can give your more information: Fulbright for the United States, Studeren in Duitsland for study in Germany and Wilweg for general information about educational systems.

11 Important: More information: Start in time
Discuss your plans with your study adviser More information: Website: Jacquy Bouwer Kamer 4B-01

12 Student experience Isaben Olsthoorn
Via University College, Aarhus, Denmark

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