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Listening Lesson Spring 2018

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2 Listening Lesson Spring 2018
Literacy at LHS Listening Lesson Spring 2018

3 20180228 Agenda, Eq’S, AND Word Wall
**Take out a full sheet of paper for today’s lesson and write your name on top!** Agenda EQ’s and Word Wall Bellwork- Numeracy Vocabulary Identifying Different Parts of a Pie Chart Listening and Annotation Creation of a Pie Chart Analysis of a pie chart Class Discussion Exit Ticket EQ #10 How do we use algebraic structures to solve proportional reasoning problems? Word of the Day: Pie Chart ___360° in a circle_____ 1-2 Minutes- You should be reviewing your agenda for the day as well as the EQ being covered in this lesson and any word wall words that will be discussed. CUSTOMIZE THIS SLIDE TO MEET THE NEEDS OF YOUR INDIVIDUAL CLASS!

4 You have __ minutes to complete this task!
Bellwork (Math) 1. On your paper, write the word “Bellwork.” 2. Underneath the word “Bellwork,” write down the 4 key terms below. 3. After writing down the terms, match them to their correct definition to the right. Write the letter only for the matching definition. *EXAMPLE- 1. A* 1. Pie Chart 2. Title 3. Sectors 4. Sector Labels The label of each sector indicates the category of information it refers to, and may also give numeric data (often a percentage) so we know the size of each sector. Gives an overview of the information being presented in the graph. Noted at the top of the graph. Each sector represents one part of the whole. The size of each sector represents its fraction of the whole. Circle graphs, also called pie charts, are a type of graph used to represent a part to whole relationship. 2-4 Minutes- You should give the students sufficient time to complete this activity (based on your class needs), review their answers, and then do a quick review of all of the vocabulary words (Key Term Review Discussion Slide). ERASE THIS SLIDE IF YOU DO NOT TEACH SOCIAL STUDIES! You have __ minutes to complete this task!

5 Key Terms and Key Term Visual
Title Pie Chart – Circle graphs, also called pie charts, are a type of graph used to represent a part to whole relationship. Title – Gives an overview of the information being presented in the graph. Noted at the top of the graph. Sectors – Each sector represents one part of the whole. The size of each sector represents its fraction of the whole. Sector Labels - The label of each sector indicates the category of information it refers to, and may also give numeric data (often a percentage) so we know the size of each sector. **Data Table- The table of data used to create the pie chart.** (New Term) Pie Chart 1 Minute- Review the key terms and key term visual. Sector Labels Data Table Sector

6 Four Steps for Using Graphs
You Can Change This! WHAT – Read the title and determine WHAT the graph is describing. DESCRIBE – Explain what the graph is telling, or attempting to tell the reader using actual EVIDENCE presented by the graph. DESCRIBE what is being measured and what measuring tool is being used. LABEL – Identify the data points by LABELING THEM and then explain what these data points are telling you. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS – Using active reading strategies to answer questions about the graph. 2-3 minutes- review the four steps for using graphs.

7 Article Prediction 1. Looking at the pie chart to the right, what topic do you think today’s listening component will be about? 2. What evidence suggestions your prediction? 17 % Burps 87 % Farts 1-2 minutes- Have the students predict what the article will be about based on a graph that includes SIMILAR information to what is in today’s listening component.

8 Using Your Inner Voice Good readers have an inner voice that speaks to them as they read. It helps them make inferences and monitor when they understand or DON’T understand something. Your inner voice can also be used to identify data that is being presented to you. When you are LISTENING to something, RECORD your inner voice. This is a way to ANNOTATE something you are hearing! 1-2 minutes- Explain the idea of your “inner voice” to the students.

9 Listening- Creating a Pie Chart
“Drawing a pie chart” 10-12 minutes You have _10_ minutes to complete this task!

10 Modeling- Creating a Pie Chart
8-10 minutes You have _8_ minutes to complete this task!

11 Student will make a Pie Chart A Trip To The Nashville Zoo!
Jessica took a trip to the Nashville zoo with her friends. All the friends decided to record each animal they saw and was brave enough to pet. The most interesting zoo in the world and some animals seemed out of place. Together Jessica and her friends saw 20 dogs, 16 cats, 9 elephants, 26 tigers, and 1 snake.

12 Percentages 28% 22% 13% 36% 1% ____________ 100% Snake 1% Dog 28%
Tiger 36% Cat 22% Elephant 13%

13 Practicing- Creating a Pie Chart
Using your inner voice annotations, you must CREATE your own pie chart that includes each of the following components: A Title Sectors Sector Labels Be sure to LABEL each of the above components (just like it was labeled on the key term visual). Also be sure to label the actual pie chart with the term “Pie Chart.” Once you have completed your pie chart, write 1-2 sentences explaining the information found in your pie chart. 5 minutes

14 Analyzing and Understanding Your Pie Chart
With your partner, analyze the graphs that you created. On your individual papers, both you and your partner need to answer the following questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES: Explain how the pie charts you created are related to the information found in today’s listening component. Explain how the pie chart you created is similar to the pie chart included in today’s prediction. 17 % Burps 87 % Farts 1-2 minutes- Have the students predict what the article will be about based on a graph that includes SIMILAR information to what is in today’s listening component.

15 Class Discussion Let’s discuss the following information as a class:
Give a 30 second explanation of what you heard in today’s listening component. What type of data was discussed in today’s listening component? How did you use this data to create a pie chart? Why would a pie chart be useful to someone who is listening to this listening component? Would it be possible to take the data from today and create a line graph or bar graph? If so, how? 5-6 minutes

16 Exit ticket Answer the following questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES:
1. How does the pie chart YOU created connect to the information in today’s listening component? 2. What is your level of confidence in making a pie chart after listening to the components today? Put that 100% by my name. I got this fish farts and all. I kinda listened. I need to start paying attention. 3 minutes

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