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FDR & The New Deal.

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1 FDR & The New Deal

2 Essential Question: How did the New Deal programs provide relief, recovery, and reform for the American people and economy?

3 Herbert Hoover Elected 1928 Noted Humanitarian
WWI Food Relief to war torn Europe Depression Policy>From Top Down Reconstruction Finance Company (loans to banks, insurance companies, and railroads) Bonus Army fiasco

4 FDR’s Background From Prosperity 5th Cousin to T.R. Polio Victim
Eleanor was Teddy’s Niece Polio Victim

5 FDR inspired American public
bulldog determination to succeed the Brain Trust instill hope and courage in the people - "We have nothing to fear but fear itself" pragmatist rather than ideologue

6 Fireside Chats

7 Hundred Days 4 day bank holiday--Emergency Banking Relief Act
June, FDIC, guaranteed deposits up to $5,000 Federal Securities Act--SEC regulate the stock market abandoned gold standard 21st Amendment, ending prohibition Farm Credit Administration & Home Owner's Loan Act-- low-interest rates on refinancing mortgages

8 TVA--bring electricity to poorest region of nation
CCC created jobs for young men aged 18-25 Federal Emergency Relief Administration--Harry Hopkins--$500 million state construction projects adult literacy programs college aid for poor students day-care centers for low-income families TVA--bring electricity to poorest region of nation

9 National Industrial Recovery Act (June 1933)
AAA (May 1933) National Industrial Recovery Act (June 1933) immunity from antitrust regulate labor conditions--right to organize National Recovery Administration (NRA) set production limits, wages, and working conditions forbade price cutting & unfair competitive practices publicity program buy only from “Blue Eagle”

10 PWA--$3.3 billion public-works program, Harold Ickles
35,000 projects Reconstruction Finance Company (Hoover) continued loans to banks, insurance companies, and railroads

11 Legislation after the Hundred Days
Civil Works Administration --$1 billion on short-term projects

12 Problems for the New Deal
Southern Tenant Farmers braintrust split between concentrating on all agricultural versus helping rural poor New Deal didn’t end depression, but most people support FDR's programs

13 FDR challenged by conservatives & radicals
Father Charles Coughlin—Catholic radio program new system based on "social justice" nation's problems were caused by bankers anti-Semitism censured by Catholic church

14 Huey Long ("Kingfish") Governor then Senator of Louisiana
Share Our Wealth program liquidate all personal fortunes above certain amount give every family enough money to buy home, automobile & radio elderly would receive pensions assassinated in 1935

15 Biggest challenge to New Deal comes from Supreme Court
1935--AAA & NIRA ruled unconstitutional

16 FDR wins reelection in 1936 > Second New Deal
focuses on needs of urban and rural poor and workers expand federal relief efforts to American workers deficit spending -- John Maynard Keynes economic policy deficit spending will pump money into economy & combat depression

17 WPA - Harry Hopkins - 11 billion to put people to work
8 million people in 34,000 construction projects murals, photographs, Slave narratives National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) requires employers to bargain with unions National Labor Relations Board Resettlement Administration--farmers, tenants, sharecroppers Rural Electrification Administration replaced by the Farm Security Administration

18 Revenue Act--Raised tax rates on incomes over $50,000
Social Security Act old-age pensions survivors' benefits for families of deceased workers unemployment insurance Revenue Act--Raised tax rates on incomes over $50,000 established federal tax on corporations Fair Labor Standards Act Set minimum wage and maximum work-week prohibited child labor under age of 16

19 Court-packing 1937, FDR tried to stop Supreme Court striking down New Deal Proposes court-reform bill Allowed president to appoint a new justices to sit with any justice over 70 who would not retire Killed by Congress, but Court stops striking down New Deal Hurt FDR’s public image

20 Recession of 1937, caused by… FDR and Congress
reduced consumer spending due to social security deductions cutbacks in New Deal work and relief programs to balance budget FDR and Congress revived and expand the PWA, WPA, etc. and other work programs revival of economy begins and unemployment declines

21 Eleanor Roosevelt Changed role of 1st Lady

22 Effectiveness of New Deal
3 R’s Relief Recovery Reform Giving direct aid to reduce the suffering of the poor and unemployed. Recovery of the economy by helping businesses grow again. Permanent programs to prevent another depression or other economic crisis.

23 Effectiveness of New Deal
3 R’s Relief Recovery Reform .


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