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Directions Grab the FOUR sheets of paper off of the table

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Presentation on theme: "Directions Grab the FOUR sheets of paper off of the table"— Presentation transcript:

1 Directions Grab the FOUR sheets of paper off of the table

2 Vocabulary Causes of the Great Depression (each needs it own card)
Stock market crash Black Tuesday Income Gap Excessive debt Overproduction Debts and high tariffs Relief, Recovery, and Reform Social Security Act (1935)

3 Test Correction Put the phones up on the board!

4 The Great Depression and the New Deal

5 Stock Market Speculation
Use of Credit/ Buying Stocks on Margin Stock Market Crash Income Gap Overproduction of Goods Bank Failures Federal Reserve/ Government Policy Falling Farm Prices Decline in World Trade /Tariffs

6 Causes of the Great Depression, 1929-1933
Black Thursday – October 29, 1929 Triggering event Underlying causes Uneven distribution of income Stock Market speculation Excessive use of credit Overproduction of consumer goods Weak farm economy Government policies Global economic problems

7 Businesses and Workers
Investors Businesses and Workers Banks The Great Crash Investors lose millions Businesses and workers cannot repay loans Consumer spending drops. Businesses lose profit Business cut investment and production. Some fail. Banks fail. Savings accounts are wiped out. Workers lose their jobs. Unemployment rises Bank runs occur.

8 Discussion Questions Of the causes listed on the previous slide, which TWO do you believe were most important in causing the Great Depression? Which ONE do you believe was least important?

9 Effects of the Great Depression
U.S. Gross National Product (GNP) Bank failures 20% of all banks closed Money supply contracted Unemployment 25% by 1933 Poverty and homelessness Hoovervilles

10 Hoover and the Great Depression
Voluntary action and restraint first, then direct government action Hawley-Smoot Tariff (1930) Proposed international debt moratorium Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) Federally funded attempt to stabilize key businesses Bonus Army March


12 1932 Election

13 Discussion Questions Was FDR’s landslide victory in 1932 inevitable? What could Hoover have done differently regarding his response to the depression?

14 FDR: The Man Distant cousin of Theodore Roosevelt
Paralyzed by polio in 1921 Eleanor Roosevelt TR’s niece Became most active First Lady in history Civil rights advocate

15 Directions Grab the THREE sheets of paper off of the table

16 FDR’s New Deal Philosophy
Three R’s Relief for people out of work Recovery for businesses and the economy Reform of American economic institutions Brain Trust and Other Advisors

17 The First Hundred Days Bank Holiday Repeal of Prohibition
Fireside Chats Glass-Steagal Act Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Public Works Administration (PWA) Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) National Recovery Administration (NRA) Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)

18 Other Programs of the New Deal
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Works Progress Administration (WPA) Wagner Act (1935) Rise of Unions Fair Labor Standards Act (1938) Established minimum wage Social Security Act of 1935

19 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Which of the New Deal’s many programs to reform the economy and alleviate the depression was the most successful, and why? Which was least successful, and why?

20 Election of 1936

21 Opponents of the New Deal
Socialists Conservative Republicans and Democrats American Liberty League Father Charles Coughlin Radio Dr. Francis Townsend Influenced idea of Social Security Huey Long Wealth redistribution

22 FDR Battles the Supreme Court
Supreme Court ruled the AAA and NRA unconstitutional in 1935 “Court-packing” FDR proposes adding up to six justices to the Supreme Court Republicans and many Democrats were outraged Tampering with checks and balances Aftermath

23 Discussion Questions Based on the election results in 1936, FDR appeared to be incredibly popular. Why do think he experienced so much criticism from both the political right and left? Take two minutes to discuss with your group.

24 Last Phase of the New Deal
Recession, Causes Keynesian Economics 1938 mid-term elections More Republicans and conservative Democrats elected Rise of Nazi Germany

25 Life During the Depression
Women Many New Deal programs paid women less than men. African-Americans Mexican-Americans Repatriation Act Hoover authorized massive deportations

26 The Dust Bowl Severe drought in early 1930s
Great Plains severely impacted Massive migration out of region Many settled in California Grapes of Wrath (1939) Soil Conservation Service

27 Discussion Question Was the New Deal Revolutionary?

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