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Welcome to Year 4 Mrs Winter Mrs Little.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 4 Mrs Winter Mrs Little."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 4 Mrs Winter Mrs Little

2 Vision for the Year For EVERYONE: To enjoy their learning
To become more independent To develop their self esteem To become confident and resilient learners To achieve the very best that they can

3 Year 4 curriculum in brief
Maths Geography English History Science – Mrs Quilliam French – Mrs Quilliam Art Music Design and Technology Computing – Mrs Quilliam Physical Education Religious Education

4 English Reading Home reading Silent reading (in school) Guided reading
Class novel Library

5 English Writing Writing across the curriculum Genres Fiction
Non-Fiction Good readers = Good writers Grammar – fronted adverbials Spelling – Test on Tuesdays Handwriting

6 Maths Mental methods Written methods Written Calculations - methods
Place Value Problem Solving Table Facts: x and ÷ Number Facts Number bonds to 10/20 /100/1000 Maths Club

7 Targets Year 4 KLIPS on website

8 RE overview Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Sacraments
People Called Gift Sacraments Reconciliation Holy Communion Spring Term Community Giving and Receiving Self-discipline Summer Term New Life Building Bridges God’s people

9 Routines Reading books Water bottles Fruit for break Guitars

10 Home reading books Mrs Little will change books:
Monday / Wednesday / Friday Please ensure the reading diary is signed. Reading books will not be changed on Tuesday / Thursday Please make sure your child’s book is in their bag every day.

11 Homework Given out Wednesday – due back the following Monday.
All homework to be completed in best handwriting in pencil. Reading at least 15 minutes a day. Table facts Spellings Maths – work related to that week’s learning. English – practising a skill covered in class.

12 How can you help? Read with your child every day Help with Homework
(How do you know?) Keep practising number bonds, tables, spellings and handwriting Encourage healthy sleep

13 Being a Super Learner

14 Safeguarding routines
End of day forms E-safety - Home and family guidelines Teaching Policy

15 Online Safety Taught throughout the year alongside our PSHE Curriculum. We follow the SMART online-safety rules In Year4 our focus is on the use of age appropriate websites including social media not sharing personal information online knowing what to do if something worries or upsets them online being responsible online  We as a school teach our children how to use the internet responsibly however, due to the age restrictions, we do not expect to have to address issues arising from the use social media.

16 Expectations of the Pupils
Outstanding behaviour – to follow the class rules at all times and the Golden Rules of the school. Super Learner of the Week Writer of the Week Marvellous Mathematician Rewards Green slip Bookworm of the Week Dojo points Stickers Gold Star of the Week

17 Expectations of the Pupils
Consequences Verbal warning Sad face Amber – ‘Amber Think Sheet’ and Parents receive Amber letter Red – Very serious – ‘Red Think sheet’, ‘Incident Report’, letter home, meeting with Parents

18 And finally... If you would like to contact the Year 4 team, please book an appointment with the office.

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