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ESE534: Computer Organization

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1 ESE534: Computer Organization
Day 12: March 5, 2014 Instruction Space Modeling 2 Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

2 Previously Instruction Space Modeling {Area, Energy} from Architecture
Application Structure Mismatch Net area, energy Efficiency Example: Wtask vs. Warch Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

3 Today Application vs. Architecture Mismatch
Net area, energy Efficiency Path Length vs. Context Depth Impact of multiple dimensions Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

4 Context Depth Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

5 Two Application Drivers
Latency goal Throughput goal E.g. operate in real time Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

6 Throughput Goals Examples of application throughput goals we might have? Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

7 Throughput Goal Have 1GHz datapath (1 ns operator)
Want to compute one result every 10ns How many operations can it perform per bit operator in the 10ns period? Throughput-driven Path Length Path Length: How much sequentialization is allowed? Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

8 Latency Path Length How many primitive-operator delays before can perform next operation? Reuse the resource Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

9 Latency Goal Reuse How many times can I reuse
each primitive operator without Increasing latency? Path Length: How much sequentialization is required? Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

10 Critical Path Single cycle multiply and add What is critical path?
si=ai*qi-1+(1-ai)*xi ti=bi*ri-1+(1-bi)*xi qi=qi-1+si ri=ri-1+ti What is critical path? Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

11 Application Needs Common critical paths?
Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

12 Examples Application Wapp Lcritpath Lpath Notes Conway LIFE 1
Run as fast as possible ECC 1-10 100 100ns memory interface Video 8 1-6 24 1GHz for 1024x1024x30 frames/s Audio 16 20,000 44KHz for 1GHz FDTD 35 1-5 Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

13 Model Area Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

14 Relative Sizes Bit Operator 4KF2 Bit Operator Interconnect 240KF2
Instruction (w/ interconnect) KF2 Memory bit (SRAM) F2 Shown here are the ballpark sizes for each of the major components in these devices. Here, and elsewhere, I’ll be talking about feature sizes in normalized units of lambda, where lambda is half the minimum feature size in a VLSI process. This way I can talk about areas without tying my general results to any particular process. Lambda-squared, then is a normalized measure of area. These numbers are come from looking at the composition in VLSI layouts both constructively and decompositionally looking at existing artifacts. A bit operator, like an ALU bit or an FPGA LUT or even a gate, along with a reasonable slice of interconnect will take up 500K to 1M lambda-squared. The instruction which controls this compute and interconnect will be about one 10th to one 12th that size. A single memory bit for holding data will be fairly small, but these do add up when we collect a large number of them together. Shown here is the relative area for these components. Note that the operator itself is generally negligible in area compared to the interconnect. As we’ve noted the instruction is an order of magnitude smaller than the interconnect, but a large number of these can easily dominate the interconnect. Similarly for memory bits, they’re small by themselves but can rapidly add up to consume significant amounts of area. So, now let’s look at how these areas impact what we can build in fixed area. Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

15 Context (Instruction) Depth
Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

16 Efficiency with fixed Width
Path Length Context Depth w=1, 16K PEs Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

17 Robust Point for C Abitelm = 240K + C*30K Given compute model: HW5.2c
What is area efficient robust point for C? HW5.2c “energy competitive” = robust point Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

18 Ideal Efficiency (different model)
Two resources here: active processing elements operation description/state Applications need in different proportions. Application Requirement …make sure to define lpath Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

19 Technology Change Abitelm = 240K + C*30K
What happens to the robust oint if we have a technology change that reduces the cost of memory cells? E.g. from 300F2 SRAM cells to 100F2 DRAM cells (logic process)? Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

20 Multiple Parameters Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

21 C Robust Point depends on Width
Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

22 Model Area Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

23 Robust Point for C given W
Abitelm = 240K + (C/W)*30K Given compute model: What is area efficient robust point for C: When W=8? When W=64? Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

24 Robust Point depend on Width
Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

25 Intermediate Architecture
w=8 c=64 16K PEs Hard to be robust across entire space… Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

26 Processors and FPGAs (architecture vs. two application axes)
c=d=1024, w=64, k=2 FPGA c=d=1, w=1, k=4 Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

27 Caveats Model abstracts away many details that are important
interconnect (day 16—20, 25) control (day 23) specialized functional units (day 15) Applications are a heterogeneous mix of characteristics Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

28 Modeling Message Architecture space is huge
Easy to be very inefficient Valuable to understand to pick right point Hard to pick one point robust across entire space Why we have so many architectures? Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

29 General Message Parameterize architectures Look at continuum
costs benefits Often have competing effects leads to maxima/minima Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

30 Big Ideas [MSB Ideas] Instruction organization induces a design space (taxonomy) for programmable architectures Arch. structure and application requirements mismatch  inefficiencies Model  visualize efficiency trends Architecture space is huge can be very inefficient need to learn to navigate Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

31 Admin Homework HW5.1 Due Today Reading Spring Break Marked 4.1
TODO 4.2, 4.3 HW5.1 Due Today Reading Spring Break Penn ESE534 Spring DeHon

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