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Effective PowerPoint Design

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Presentation on theme: "Effective PowerPoint Design"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective PowerPoint Design
by Carolyn Clark, PhD Department of Communication Salt Lake Community College

2 Effective PowerPoint Design
Advantages of PowerPoint Purpose of visual aids Principles of design Principles of display

3 Advantages of PowerPoint
Increases credibility Aids understanding Reduces anxiety

4 Purpose of Visual Aids You are the main attraction Show key words only
One main idea per slide Use bulleted lists

5 Example of an Overpowering PowerPoint
You, the presenter should be the main attraction. The visuals are only a supplement. Plan your presentation so you could still give it, without a hitch, even if your visual aids didn’t work.

6 Purpose of Visual Aids You are the main attraction Show key words only
One main idea per slide Use bulleted lists Sub ideas indented May insert occasional photo

7 Example of an inserted photo

8 Example of an poorly inserted photo

9 Purpose of Visual Aids You are the main attraction Show key words only
One idea per slide Bulleted lists Indent sub ideas May insert photo Keep slides few in number

10 Design Principles Principle #1: Simplicity Spaciousness Templates
7 x 7 rule Templates Try creating your own background Effects Animation – within slide Transitions Advance on mouse click

11 Design Principles Principle #2: Readability Text size Font

12 Types of Font Choose “sans serif” Arial Comic Tahoma Univers Verdana

13 Types of Font Avoid “serif” Avoid “cursive” AVOID ALL CAPS Courier
Times New Roman Avoid “cursive” Corsiva AVOID ALL CAPS

14 Design Principles Principle #2: Readability Text size Font Alignment

15 Design Principles How does this color impact you?

16 Design Principles Principle #3: Consistency Same scheme throughout
Except for emphasis Parallel structure

17 Parallel Structure Parallel NOT parallel Open the package
Take out the tool Use the tool Put the tool away NOT parallel Open the package Out comes the tool The tool will do it Putting the tool away

18 Design Principles Principle #3: Consistency One scheme throughout
Parallel structure Spell check Capitalization check

19 Display Principles Preparation Speaking notes Contingency plan
Scouting trip Practice

20 professional and effective
Your presentation can be professional and effective

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