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Published byJohn Brian Tyler Modified over 6 years ago
Positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS)
Please insert your campus information where you see any information in red. [your campus name here] Arlington Independent School District Office of Student Behavioral Supports Systems August 2017
Learning Targets Describe AISD’s Achieve Today Excel Tomorrow strategy and required action to implement a plan that ensures positive student character and behavior Have working knowledge of our school’s discipline data and how it impacts our culture and climate Explain the framework of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Describe PBIS in the Classroom professional learning and the development of a staff expectations matrix. (optional) Read: By the end of this of presentation we will be able to… (Read the bullets.)
Arlington ISD 2016-2021 Strategic Plan
Goal: 100% of AISD students will graduate exceptionally prepared for college, career and citizenship. Four Performance Objectives: Academic Achievement College Readiness Workforce Readiness Leadership, Citizenship, and Responsibilities Read the goal. Say: Of the four the objectives, the PBIS framework falls in the performance objective of Leadership, Citizenship, and Responsibilities. (click)
Arlington ISD 2016-2021 Strategic Plan
Strategy 4.3: Enhance an emotionally and physically safe learning environment that fosters cultural awareness, wellness, and a culture of respect, integrity and responsibility among students. Say: Looking more closer at the objective, strategy 4.3 … (read slide) (click)
What is PBIS? Acronym stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Decision making framework that guides selection, integration, and implementation of the best evidence- based academic and behavioral practices for improving important academic and behavior outcomes for all students. NOT a curriculum, intervention, or practice Outcomes based (Read the slide.) (click)
Characteristics of PBIS
Continuum of evidence-based behavioral interventions and supports (school-wide, non-classroom, classroom, individual student) Data used in decision-making Environment arranged to prevent problem behavior Pro-social skills and behaviors are taught and encouraged Behavioral practices are implemented with fidelity and accountability Screening and monitoring occurs continuously (Review bullets.) Read: When we look at the characteristics of PBIS, it doesn’t look unfamiliar. We use data to make decisions. We sometimes arrange our classrooms to minimize behavior problems. In other words, we practice one or more of these daily but it is not systemic in our day to day operations. PBIS is the framework that allows us to approach this systemically. When implementing with fidelity across settings and staff ensures the success of our PBIS system. Let’s take a look at the current District PBIS framework.
Our Approach Must… Fulfill the expectations of the Strategic Plan
Be student-centered Embrace collective responsibility for all students’ progress Create a sustainable, positive school culture and climate Say: Our PBIS framework helps shape how we interact with our students (consumer) and each other (faculty and staff). We just reviewed the Strategic Plan and the objective for the PBIS framework. Let’s briefly review our approach to behavior…(Read the bullets.) (click)
Our Approach Must… Be supported by professional learning
Be applicable to all classrooms Promote engagement and student ownership Teach replacement behaviors Say: Our approach to must… (Read bullets) Say: This approach will continue to be implemented through the PBIS framework. So, let’s revisit our PBIS implementation thus far. (click)
Special Education, Section 504, Dyslexia
Pbis implementation in aisd Internal and External Fidelity Measures PBIS in the Classroom Big 6 PBIS in the Classroom Booster Sessions Campus Discipline System Behavior Expectations Matrix Reinforcement System PBIS and Popcorn PBIS Playbook Coaching PBIS in the Classroom Adoption of Tier 2 System Say: We just talked about a student-centered approach to build a positive school climate and culture. Let’s review how AISD has implemented the PBIS framework thus far. (Go year by year and review the content in each year) (Note: If there are questions about the adoption of the Tier 2 system, please share that the district has adopted the Tier 2 system and campus administrators will be learning about the process in August) (click) Special Education, Section 504, Dyslexia 80% of Students
Behavior Expectations Matrix
Our Campus Behavior Expectations Matrix Insert a copy of your campus behavior expectations matrix. Review expectations Review settings Post portions of matrix in specific areas Note: Please upload a copy of the Behavior Expectations Matrix in the PBIS shared folder and review each step of the process. (Click)
Behavior Expectations Matrix
Teaching Our Behavior Expectations Matrix Insert details of how teachers will teach the matrix to all students. Review lesson plans including method of instruction Review timeline Note: Please review the matrix
Reinforcing Our Students
Insert details of how teachers will reinforce expected behaviors of students. Describe the system your campus will use. What materials/supplies are needed? How are they delivered? What reinforcers will be delivered? How often will recognition/exchanges/celebrations be provided? Note: Considerations for presentation and ongoing practice: It is important to make clear for all staff the importance of a schoolwide reinforcement system in building a positive school culture. (Note: Review and/or introduce the teacher reinforcement system. Please review details like the schoolwide reinforcement system.) Points to consider are: For what behaviors can students get reinforcement How often can students get reinforcement for Be clear on the token being used (is it a ticket, coupon, chip, etc. what is it called?) How will reinforcers be delivered to teachers to give to students? If teachers already have a classroom behavior reinforcement system, remind them that it must be connected to the school-wide system. Students must be explicitly told for what they are getting reinforcement (i.e. stating the expectation they demonstrated)
Time Cost of a Discipline Referral at [add campus name here] (based on 30 minutes per referral)
[add # of referrals] Referrals/yr Administrator Time (20 minutes) [# of referrals x 20/420 minutes] xxx Days Teacher Time (10 minutes) [# of referrals x 10/420 minutes] xxx Days Student Time (30 minutes) [Admin Days + Teacher Days] xxx Days Totals [Admin Days + Teacher Days + Students Days] Say: Let’s take a look at our time lost here at (enter your campus name) last year ( ). (Review the data on the slide gathered from your own campus discipline data. Run a report or query from TEAMS or access your campus data from the Data Warehouse to get the total number of referrals from ) Say: We reviewed District data in regards to discipline placements. Now looking at the amount of time taken from instruction for all stakeholders, how do we to adjust our approach to keep OUR students in class to maximize instructional opportunities? (Engage staff in discussion regarding the question. Allow for 2-3 minutes.)
Tier 1 Behavior Curriculum
PBIS can impact campus culture Culture Climate Campus and Classroom Discipline Systems Expectations and Lesson Plans Reinforcement Systems Evaluation Systems Tier 1 Behavior Curriculum Say: Earlier we discussed the importance of our campus reinforcement system in building a positive school culture. In order to establish a shared vision and culture of high expectations, as leaders we MUST begin to look at our campus climate. The daily steps we take to build our climate should be intentional and when those are implemented over time they begin to impact our culture. Say: One of those daily steps you can take to impact your school climate is the PBIS framework. CLICK When we implement these three components of PBIS Tier 1 with fidelity we begin to impact the culture and climate of our campus. We can look at these three components as our Tier 1 Behavior Curriculum Just like we have TEKS for academics, these components drive the behavioral instruction… And as always there’s an evaluation system that gives us data to improve our systems and it’s a continuous cycle.
Special Education, Section 504, Dyslexia
Pbis implementation in aisd Internal and External Fidelity Measures PBIS in the Classroom Big 6 PBIS in the Classroom Booster Sessions Campus Discipline System Behavior Expectations Matrix Reinforcement System PBIS and Popcorn PBIS Playbook Coaching PBIS in the Classroom Adoption of Tier 2 System Say: I want to review the base of our pyramid. As you can see, our implementation of a multi-tiered system of support is provided through a Culturally-Responsive, Inclusive Best Practice lens. When the supports are implemented in a culturally responsive manner, the student experience is effected in positive ways. Say: Let’s take a look at the district information on what the students say about their experience first… (click) Special Education, Section 504, Dyslexia 80% of Students
What do the students say?
Staff respect Overall percent of students who agree that each item is mostly or always true. School Year Grade 6 Grade 8 Grade 10 Grade 12 The teachers here respect me. 86% 80% 85% School staff listen to what the students have to say. 72% 59% 62% 61% School staff believe that every student can be a success. 91% 81% 74% 67% Teachers treat all students fairly in the classroom. 66% 54% 57% 55% This is slide is required. Say: Overall for our district here’s what students have to say in regards to the relationship between themselves and school staff. This is their experience. Do you see an upwards trend or a downward trend? (pause, allow for a few remarks/statements) (click)
What do the students say?
Staff respect Insert your campus most recent Gibson results Overall percent of students who agree that each item is mostly or always true. School Year Grade 6 Grade 8 Grade 10 Grade 12 The teachers here respect me. X School staff listen to what the students have to say. School staff believe that every student can be a success. Teachers treat all students fairly in the classroom. This is slide is optional. If you decide to use the Gibson data for your campus, please confer with your building principal BEFORE presenting. Say: Overall for our campus here’s what our students (our consumers) have to say in regards to the relationship between themselves and school staff. This is their experience. Do you see an upwards trend or a downward trend? (pause, allow for a few remarks/statements) (click)
Think - pair - share At (insert campus name)…
Do students consider school a good place to be? Do they feel at least a few adults are interested in their success and well-being? Do they feel recognized as individuals? -Raymond McNulty and Russell Quaglia (International Center for Leadership in Education, Inc.) Say: Based on what you’ve just seen and what you know about your campus turn an talk to a partner to answer these three questions. (after 3 to 4 responses bring the group back together) Say: Thank you for providing great feedback! I want to ask you a rhetorical question. (click)
does this student experience align with yOUR vision OF positive community on our campus?
Read the question on the slide. (pause for a moment)
The Respect Agreement Mutually agreed upon respect commitment created by stakeholders in the classroom community (students, teacher, paras) Includes four areas: Student Respecting Student Student Respecting Teacher Teacher Respecting Student Students Respecting Classroom or Facilities Say: I want to introduce to a strategy called the Respect Agreement. Some of you may know and/or use a Respect Agreement or a variation of a Respect Agreement… a Social Contract. (ask participants to raise their hand if they are current using Respect Agreement or a Social Contract) (read slide) Say: A respect agreement is not used to replace your classroom behavior expectations matrix. Your matrix outlines what we do in our classroom community, and when it takes place. This addresses the classroom culture. The respect agreement is the “How” we honor each other as we govern ourselves through out the day. This focuses on the classroom climate. Together, culture –what we do and climate—how it feels, builds a classroom community. (click) Say: Here’s an example of a blank Respect Agreement (read the four sections) Say: Please remember, It is the district’s expectation that each classroom has a behavior expectations matrix posted and taught to students. If you want more information on how to create a classroom behavior expectations matrix, please sign-up for the “Structure and Expectations” session. Say: Let’s take a look at this completed the Respect Agreement. (click) Say: The teacher completes the Respect Agreement with the class by asking the students what it looks and sounds like for each of the four sections. Also, as a student or teacher, what do you need to feel respected by ….one of the sections. Say: Once it is completed everyone signs the agreement as a symbol of commitment to honor what was agreed upon. Then, it is posted in the classroom. (click) (briefly go through each slide reading 1 to 2 items from each, there are 4 slides) Say: This is a great strategy for redirecting students and/or teachers when the Respect Agreement is not being honored. This affords a classroom community the opportunity to collective build a positive classroom community. (click) Courtesy of Kevin Curtis and RD360 Consultants –
How to Access PBIS Support
Campus PBIS Team Internal support Function is to develop PBIS framework on campus Office of Student Behavioral Support Systems External support Provides support to campus teams and administrators (Read bullets. If your campus team members have been identified, have them stand and be recognized by the faculty and staff.) Read: Thank you for participating on the PBIS team.
For additional information for PBIS, please visit:
Read: For more information and resources for PBIS. Please visit the Office of Student Behavioral Support Systems website. It is recommended to use Google Chrome as your browser. You can also access the website by clicking the link to Student Behavioral Support Systems on the AISD intranet home page. Click Here
Summer technical support
Beginning of year start-up support New PBIS Campus Contact Training (new to their role) August 8th at Adams ES 8:30 – 12:30 am New team training or teams with 50+% turnover August 9th at Adams ES 8:30 – 11:30 am Tier 1 PBIS Teams action plan support for August 9th at Adams ES 1:00 – 4:00 pm
New Teacher & Late Hire Professional Learning
PBIS in the Classroom Modules Classroom Management Training Module is a Canvas Course provided by the Human Resources Department Ongoing PBIS in the Classroom Big 6 practices now integrated into New Teacher Professional Learning
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