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Thursday, September 21st , 2017 Agenda Do Now RAFTS homework/ Do Now

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1 Thursday, September 21st , 2017 Agenda Do Now RAFTS homework/ Do Now
Notes of African Geography Scavenger Hunt Postcard summary Living Map (if time) Go over the RAFTS chart You will see a map of Africa and be asked questions

2 Goals Students will be able to locate major physical features of the African continent by labeling a map and doing a scavenger hunt around the room with 80% accuracy. Students will be able to describe the climate of major physical features of the African continent by creating a graphic organizer with 100% participation. Students will be able to examine how the major physical features might have affected the people living in Africa by writing out a small explanatory text with 80% accuracy.

3 Essential Questons How did early people settle Africa?
What are the physical features of Africa? How did the physical features affects the people living there?

4 Africa Adapting to Geography

5 The Sahara Desert Worlds largest desert, over 3,500,000 square miles (30% of Africa). Has one of the harshest climates in the world. Few can survive in such harsh conditions.

6 The Sahara Camels were introduced to Africa by early Roman traders.
Before camels, travelers could only make short trips from oasis to oasis using horses. Berbers used their knowledge of the desert to lead caravans through the Sahara. Camels allowed for traders to travel for only two months in the Sahara desert

7 Review (ish) questions
What makes the Sahara desert a harsh environment to live in? How could that affect people who live there?

8 The Sahel Semiarid strip of land that divides the desert from wetter areas. Located between the Sahara and the Savannah Very hot temperatures for most of the year. Lots of plateaus, areas of high flat land. In the Sahel, there is enough food and water for people to settle. People began to settle in this area around 3000 B.C. Even though people had been hunting and gathering in Africa for over 100,000 years. Lots of plateaus, areas of high flat land. Agriculture is only possible near oasis, wells and rivers that may run through it. The Niger allows for plant life to grow such as small thorny bushes and mainly drought resistant plants. Some pasture lands, fishing and trading Dried up lake beds create salt flats that are mined for trading.

9 Review(ish) questions
What could the African people do with salt? Why would the African people be so focused on trade rather than finding a place to settle down?

10 The Savannah Has seasonal climate and is located between the sahel and rain forest. Spreads north and south. Has one wet season and one dry season (no rain) Savannahs are usually grasslands with small trees and shrubs

11 Tropical Rain Forest Covers 8% of Africa
Runs along the equator in West Africa Receives more than 60 inches of rain/year (Adequate) Temp. average 70 to 90 degrees. Towering trees and thick vegetation.

12 Now what? We are going to create a simple graphic organizer for these notes. Fold your paper in half. Then fold it in half again. So you have a small square. There should be 4 regions. Label these regions, Sahara, The Sahel, Tropical rainforests, and The Savannah. For each, list 3-5 important facts we discussed. Students will be able to describe the climate of major physical features of the African continent by creating a graphic organizer with 100% participation.

13 Lets have a scavenger hunt!
Students will be able to locate major physical features of the African continent by labeling a map and doing a scavenger hunt around the room with 80% accuracy I have placed maps and clues around the room. In groups, 1st label you map and answer the questions. Then try and see if you can figure out the answers to the clues. 1st team done gets a prize.

14 In closing Create a postcard that summarizes what you learned about African civilization. Please have at least 4 things you learned. Students will be able to examine how the major physical features might have affected the people living in Africa by writing out a small explanatory text with 80% accuracy.

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