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Constitutional Convention

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1 Constitutional Convention

2 Articles of Confederation
Met in__________________________, Pennsylvania in 1787 at _________________________________ Goal was to revise the _________________________________ _______ men attended from ______ of the 13 states ____________________________didn’t send representatives _____________________________________, Thomas Paine, _____________________, and Patrick Henry did not attend ________________________________ was the oldest at 81. ________________________________ presided over the meeting Philadelphia Independence Hall Articles of Confederation 55 12 Rhode Island Thomas Jefferson John Adams Benjamin Franklin George Washington

3 James Madison __________________ to arrive Made detailed plans for the convention Did research on forms of ________________________ Brought 1st draft of a __________________________for a new government Attended every ______________________ sat in the front, and took __________________ of what was said First government framework meeting notes

4 Virginia Plan: _______________________________ Plan Madison’s
Strong central (federal) government Called for ________________ branches of government _____________________________________ Madison’s three Legislative Executive Judicial

5 Legislative Branch with __________________________ based on
_______________________________ __________________________________________ states would have less representation Rhode Island, _________________________, Maryland, _____________________________ Took some power away from ________________________ Congress _______________________ the president and judges President and judges had the power to ________________________ Congress two houses population Small population Delaware New Jersey the states would choose veto

6 Articles of Confederation
New Jersey Plan Called for a _______________________ branch government Legislative branch with _____________ house, with each state getting __________________ vote Congress kept same powers it had under the ___________________________________________________ Added powers to _____________ and regulate trade three one one Articles of Confederation tax These plans led to a two week debate!!

7 House of Representatives
The Great Compromise Called for a ___________ house Congress (_______________________ Plan) Upper house called the ______________________ Each state would have __________ senators (____________________________ Plan) Lower house called the _____________________________________________ # of representatives is based on each state’s __________________________ (__________________________ Plan) How should slaves be _______________________ into the population? two Virginia Senate two New Jersey House of Representatives population Virginia counted

8 3/5 Compromise The _________________ wanted to count slaves for
representation, but not for federal ________________ The _________________ wanted to count slaves for taxes, but not for ______________________________ Solution: Slaves count for both taxes and representation Every ____ slaves counted as _____ people Also, the _________________ agreed not to outlaw slavery for ______ years South taxes North representation 5 3 North 20

9 Convention Conclusion
Lasted ______ months _______delegates signed ______ refused to sign ______out the 13 states had to ratify for it to become law 4 39 3 9

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