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Demana, Waits, Foley, Kennedy

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Presentation on theme: "Demana, Waits, Foley, Kennedy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Demana, Waits, Foley, Kennedy
4.1 Arc Length

2 Why 360º ? θ is a central angle intercepting a circular arc of length a. The measure can be in degrees (a circle measures 360º once around) or in radians, which measures the length of arc a.

3 Radian A central angle of a circle has measure 1 radian if it intercepts an arc with the same length as the radius.

4 Degree-Radian Conversion

5 Arc Length Formula (Radian Measure)

6 Arc Length Formula (Degree Measure)

7 Example: Perimeter of a Pizza Slice
s 8 in 8 in

8 Angular and Linear Motion

9 Example: Using Angular Speed

10 Nautical Mile A nautical mile (naut mi) is the length of 1 minute of arc along Earth’s equator.

11 Distance Conversions

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