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PUT TITLE HERE Put Co-Author Listing Here

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1 PUT TITLE HERE Put Co-Author Listing Here
Renaissance School of Medicine, Departments of XX , YY, and ZZ, Stony Brook, NY Background Methods Discussion/ Conclusion Describe the nature, scope, and importance of the problem. Summarize briefly the background literature that you had previously reviewed - that is, what was already known and not known before you started your project. Were there any historical reviews and/or debates that set the stage for your research project’s initiation? NOTE: Don’t forget to add citations starting with this section. Describe your study’s research methods used. Provide details related to your study’s key design-related features [e.g., study inclusion/exclusion criteria or sampling /assignment strategies used]. Clarify any special or unique features for your study’s interventions/procedures performed. Also, be sure to note study time period and participants. Remember, keep your discussion directly relevant to your study’s hypotheses and main study findings. What were your study’s major limitations? What were your major study conclusion(s)? Put your official abstract here. Do not use citations in the abstract. NOTE: Be sure to identify your CORIHS exemption or approval status (e.g., IRB or IACUC status) here. NOTE: For surgery residents who are listed as the first author, be sure to document your own study-specific role(s)/responsibilities here. Specifically, please note your own study-specific contributions for the following activities, if you were actively involved in the: 1) study design; 2) development of methodology; 3) collection of data; 4) analysis and/or interpretation of data; 5) writing (not revising) all or sections of the manuscript; 6) supervision; or 7) other (specify). Please identify all residents that are participating as co-authors in this abstract in bold. To qualify in meeting the resident scholarly project requirement, the resident must be listed as first author. If two residents equivalently worked on the project, then please put an “and” between the first and second author resident names. NOTE: Be sure to identify your faculty mentor(s) by using italics. NOTE: Abstracts submitted elsewhere during 2017/2018 are eligible can be submitted for 2018 Research Day. Future Direction Talk about the overall significance and the clinical relevance of your study’s findings in context of the literature. Be sure to discuss what happens next, that is = where do you hope to go from here? For example, is there a new research focus that should be pursued in the future as a result of your study? Results This is the most important section. Make sure all of your findings are visible from 5 feet away. Using headings/legends appropriately, import pictures, tables, and figures to be placed here. Long Hypothesis ( PICO criteria) Hypothesis: What were your primary hypotheses? Be sure to identify all of the PICO components (i.e., population, intervention, comparison, outcomes) for your research question. List any secondary or tertiary hypotheses here too. Conceptual model. Do not be afraid to use graphics to visually explain the rationale for your study’s hypotheses here. Further Readings/ Citations/ List your references used here.

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