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Welcome! Sign in Pick up your child’s schedule and materials

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Sign in Pick up your child’s schedule and materials"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Sign in Pick up your child’s schedule and materials
Drop off hand sanitizer/tissues Fill out computer use form… you can turn it in at the end of the night

2 Agenda: 1. Frequently Asked Questions
2. Binder Organization/Assignment Books 3. Get schedules and locks ** Ms. Kitty Kubera will be fingerprinting students (this takes the place of using an id card for lunch)

3 Music lessons/Ensembles in Middle School!
Band/Orchestra Weekly Group Lessons Lesson Schedules Reminder Passes 10th Period Make-Up lessons 9th Period Ensemble (Band/Orchestra/Chorus) Chorus-9th Period/A days Band/Orchestra- 9th Period/B days

4 What time can my child be dropped off?
7:25 is the earliest a student can be dropped off. Parents may use the bus loop in the middle school to drop students off. Buses will use the high school bus loop.

5 How do I sign my child out?
As long as you send a note in with your child, you DO NOT need to come in and sign them out. Students can sign out in the office at meet you in the parking lot. If you didn’t send a note in then you will need to sign your child out.

6 What is tenth period? Tenth period is considered part of the school day. Students in good standing who do not owe any work may be excused to go home on the early bus, but if a teacher tells a student they need to stay to make up work, it is expected that the student stay. This is also a time when many clubs and organizations meet.

7 Staying 10th Period Each ELA Class will stay after as a class during the weeks of school. Wednesday, Sept. 5th - Mrs. Deas 1-2 Thursday, Sept. 6th - Mrs. Forbes 1-2 Monday, Sept. 10th - Mrs. C-S and Mrs. Ciciotti 1-2 Tuesday, September 11 - Mrs. Forbes 6-7 Wednesday, September 12th Mrs. Deas 6-7

8 Are there any clubs or organizations for fifth graders to join?

9 Are there any clubs or organizations for fifth graders to join?
Service Learning Club Student Council Hillbilly Hotwire Hillbilly Harmonics Middle School Musical Ski Club Art Club Yearbook Club Supply Depot Announcers Club SADD

10 What happens if my child owes money in the cafeteria?
If a student owes more than $5.00 in the cafeteria, they will NOT be allowed to purchase a meal. When a student owes money, parents will get a call from the office so that parents can add money without reaching that $5.00 limit. However, if this does happen, your child can see Mrs. Troutman or Ms. Mazlakowski.

11 5th Graders, Let’s Get Organized!

12 Things to Review: How to ORGANIZE your binder
Proper use of assignment book Proper use of homework folder Locker: How to use it & when to go.

13 Binder Organization

14 An organized binder will help you to quickly find what you’re looking for!! Here’s how to get there:
When you open your binder, you should first have a pencil case that fits into the rings of your binder. Next, you should have your schedule and travel card in a plastic sleeve. Your homework folder should come next, so you can easily slide papers in at the end of class. Then, your assignment book. You need to fill this in after every class.

15 Binder cont’d: 5. Folders. You need one for each class (Sci., S.S., ELA, & Math), one for your special area class, and the HW folder that was already discussed. Folders should be labeled. 6. Loose leaf paper – a small stack - should be placed in the back of your binder behind your folders. 7. Composition notebooks will fit nicely in the front or back pocket of your binder so they won’t fall out.

16 Using Your Assignment Book

17 Here are a few tips for using your assignment book:
On Monday of each week, write in your classes for that week. Always write down something for each class. If you don’t have homework, write No HW. This way you know exactly what you have to do 10th period and when you get home. It will also make it easy for your parents to check your HW. If your teacher has the homework written on the board at the beginning of class, write it down then so you’re not rushing at the end.

18 Using Your Homework Folder

19 Proper use of your homework folder will help you stay organized!!! Tips:
Label each side of your homework folder – KEEP HOME and BRING BACK. Unless your teacher tells you to save something, put graded papers in the keep home side of your folder, and leave that stuff at home! Do this each day! Otherwise, your binder will get heavy very quickly!! Keep your homework, study guides, and long-term projects in the bring back side.

20 Using Your Locker

21 Your locker is a tool that will help you stay organized
Your locker is a tool that will help you stay organized. It is NOT a storage closet!! Types of things that should be kept in your locker: Your jacket, backpack, and lunch bag. Extra supplies: pencils, paper, folders. Composition notebooks when you don’t need them for class. Swim clothes for PE class.

22 Things that should NOT be stored in your locker for more than one school day:
Lunch leftovers – milk, open food containers, fruit, etc. Used swim clothes – take them home or they will start to smell! Multiple sweatshirts and jackets. Old HW assignments that you don’t need.

23 You shouldn’t need to stop at your locker between every class
You shouldn’t need to stop at your locker between every class. Good times to stop: In the morning before 1st period – you should be able to carry your class materials for your first 4 periods without having to make additional trips. Before & after lunch – you will need to drop your binder off since you can’t take them to the cafeteria. That is the perfect time to grab what you need! Before & after swimming – to pick up and drop off your clothes. Before getting on the bus. There may be other times you will need to stop depending on your individual schedule. Look at your schedule and see what will work best for you!!

24 What Questions Do You Have?

25 Please Complete The Survey!

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