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Title IX K-3.

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Presentation on theme: "Title IX K-3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title IX K-3

2 Title IX – The Law Welcome! Today we are going to learn about a law called “Title IX”.

3 What is a law? A law is a rule that is created by lawmakers at the capitol in Washington, D.C. that applies to everyone. What is a law? A law is like a rule. Your parents set rules at home and your teachers set rules at school. This tells you what is or what is not allowed, or, what is right and what is wrong. A law is a rule that is set by lawmakers in the capital in Washington, D.C. They make rules that everyone, no matter how old or young, have to follow.

4 Safety Title IX law is about eliminating discrimination and bullying so that we all feel safe in school. Title IX law is about eliminating discrimination and bullying so that we all feel safe in school. Everyone has the right to feel safe in school.

5 Tell an Adult We should all know who to tell when we don’t feel safe:
Teacher Parent Counselor Principal Custodian Cafeteria Staff Title IX Coordinator We all should know who to tell if we don’t feel safe. Trusted adults might include a teacher, parent, counselor, Principal, Custodian, Cafeteria Staff, or the district Title IX Coordinator.

6 Discrimination Discrimination is when people are bullied or treated unfairly because of a characteristic, such as whether they are a girl or boy, what they look like, or how old they are. Sometimes, people don’t feel safe because of discrimination. Discrimination is when people are bullied or treated unfairly because of a characteristic, such as gender, ethnicity, or age. This means they might be treated unfairly because they are a boy or a girl, because of what they look like, or how old they are.

7 Gender Discrimination
Title IX law protects us specifically from gender discrimination, also known as discrimination because we are a boy or a girl.

8 Verbal Physical Written
Types of Bullying Verbal Physical Written Let’s review what bullying looks like. There are three types of bullying: Verbal, physical, and written.

9 Verbal Bullying When someone repeatedly says something mean or hurtful. Verbal bullying is when someone or a group of people, repeatedly says something mean or hurtful.

10 Gender Discrimination
When people use verbal bullying to discriminate against a person’s gender, they are making fun of that person because they are a boy or a girl, or for not acting the way they think a boy or a girl should act. Everyone is special in their own way and should feel safe at school without fear that other students or adults are going to be mean to them.

11 Written/Cyber Bullying
Written messages that are mean or hurtful: Can be on paper Online, or Text Messages Written or Cyber bullying is like verbal bullying except the mean or hurtful statements are written down. These messages can be written down on something like paper, or can be online, or in text messages. If someone you don’t know is trying to talk to you online, tell an adult.

12 Physical Bullying Touch that is unwanted or hurts.
Physical bullying is when a person or a group of people touches someone in a way that is unwanted or that hurts.

13 TOUCH Good Bad Confusing
Your body belongs only to you and you decide when and who you feel safe touching. There are three types of touch: Good touch, bad touch, and confusing touch. Let’s review.

14 Good Touch Good touch makes you feel good, comfortable, loved, and safe. Examples of good touch are hugging a pet, high fives, and handshakes.

15 Bad Touch Bad touch is anything that does not feel comfortable or right. It can be any touch that hurts, someone touching you where your bathing suit covers. Bad touch can also be an unwanted touch that makes you feel scared, mixed up, uncomfortable, or confused. It is not warm and it doesn't show that someone cares for you. If you have a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach, it's best to report it to an adult immediately. You will NOT be in trouble if you tell a trusted adult when this happens and they will believe you.

16 Confusing Touch The last type of touch we are going to discuss is called the Confusing Touch. Doctors might touch you with your permission to check your health, and your parents should always be present.

17 Say No Get Away Tell Someone Three Rules
There are three things you must remember to do if you ever have a problem that makes you feel uncomfortable, scared, or unsafe. The three rules are: Say No, Get Away, and Tell Someone. If something feels wrong to you, then it is not ok. It is okay to say, “No”. It is okay to say no to an adult who gives you a bad or confusing touch, even if it is someone you know and trust. You can say no to any kind of touch at any time, even a good touch.

18 Tell an Adult We should all know who to tell when we don’t feel safe:
Teacher Parent Counselor Principal Custodian Cafeteria Staff Title IX Coordinator Remember, we spoke earlier about how everyone needs to have an adult that they feel safe talking to. It can be a teacher, a parent, a counselor, a Principal, a Custodian, a Cafeteria Worker, or the district Title IX Coordinator. These are just a few examples.

19 Resources Handout It is okay if you have questions about what we spoke about today. Your school counselor can answer any questions you may have or help you learn more about anything we have talked about today. We have a handout to remind you of the things we talked about. Thank you for being such a great audience. Some presentation content courtesy of Kansas City Schools and MOCSA

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