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Johnson High School International Baccalaureate Programme

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1 Johnson High School International Baccalaureate Programme

2 Savannah Chatham County Schools Vision: From school to the world: All students prepared for productive futures Johnson High Mission: Not to Equal But Excel IB Mission: The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

3 95% of the members of the Johnson IB Class of 2018 are currently enrolled at an institution of higher learning

4 In 2018, Johnson IB students averaged $136,706 in scholarship awards (not counting HOPE)

5 The Class of 2018 completed over 1000 hours of service to our community

6 IB students have the opportunity to travel in the US and abroad


8 Our students work with the National Archives to document the experiences and heroism of our nation’s Vietnam veterans

9 Testimonials from former students and parents:

10 “Being in IB inspired me to care about my education
“Being in IB inspired me to care about my education. I had phenomenal teachers that I still am in contact with. IB was one of the best things I’ve ever done and was instrumental in helping me gain admission to the college of my dreams.” Matthew Mataxas, SCJ IB Class of 2013

11 “IB prepared me to handle the pressures of college while at the same time allowing me the chance to graduate early.” Marcia Solomon, SCJ IB Class of 2013

12 “The IB Programme at Johnson not only ensured that my son was fully prepared for college, but it gave him an understanding of what it means to be a well-rounded member of a community. High standards and high engagement across a broad spectrum lead to excellent results.” Marian Teuton, parent of SCJ IB Class of 2011 student Patrick Teuton


14 IB student college admission survey
Acceptance rates for IB students tend to be higher than those for the general population: *From Graduate Destinations Survey conducted by i-graduate International Insight University or college IB Student Acceptance Rate Total population acceptance rate IB students vs. total population University of Florida 82% 42% +40% Florida State University 92% 60% +32% Stanford University 15% 7% +8% Yale University 18% +11% UNC-Chapel Hill 63% 31% Princeton University 16% 8% University of California, Berkeley 58% 26% University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 71% 51% +20% Harvard University 10% +3% Duke University 28% +12% Presentation Title recommended size is 20 point Trebuchet, all caps. Minimum Title size:18 point Trebuchet, all caps. Can be stacked in two lines if necessary. Maximum Title size 24 point Trebuchet, all caps.

15 Where have recent Johnson IB grads gone to college?
Agnes Scott Alabama State University AASU Auburn Brenau Claflin Cornell Erskine Georgia Southern Georgia State Georgia Tech Mercer Morehouse Oberlin College Oglethorpe Spelman SUNY The University of Georgia Valdosta State University Xavier University (LA)

16 SAT Preparation Class of 2018 SAT results Chatham County 978
Georgia                            1054 Nation                              1049 Johnson IB                      1065

17 University Course Credit
Universities award college credit for IB coursework Based on student performance on IB tests Each university has its own policy For more info on university-specific policies, visit Georgia Board of Regents adopted new policy in 2008 granting increased college credit for IB students The SCJ IB Class of 2018 were eligible to earn an average of 7.8 semester hours of college credit

18 Admission Requirements
Standardized test scores Minimum of 228 on MAP Reading AND minimum of 232 on MAP Math Grades Cumulative GPA of 80% in core academic classes Conduct Satisfactory conduct grades (“S”) Note--current 9th and 10th grade students must meet one of the following: SAT 1100 ACT 19.5 PSAT 950 Stanine 5


20 Admission Timeline/Information
Applications will be available on-line at Johnson IB Open House (January 6:00 pm) Application windor will be January 5th to January 27th Parents notified on March 13th To apply, go to Current SCCPSS students do not need to submit transcripts, test scores, etc. Students from out of county or private schools must submit transcripts, test scores and proof of address

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