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BattleBots: Let the Games Begin!

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Presentation on theme: "BattleBots: Let the Games Begin!"— Presentation transcript:

1 BattleBots: Let the Games Begin!

2 What is BattleBots? It is an American company that hosts such robot competitions. 2. It is a name of a robot fighting TV program.

3 What do competitors bring in a BatleBots competition?
They bring remote-controlled, armored robots armed with weapons.

4 How many minutes do the robots fight in a match?
The robots fight for three minutes.

5 How do we know the other robots win?
One robot cannot move for thirty seconds because it has been damaged or is stuck.

6 What are three categories of judging the winner?
Aggression (how bravely a robot fights) Strategy (how well a robot attacks the other robot’s weaknesses, protects its own, and handles the dangers) Damage (how much damage a robot can deal to its opponent while remaining intact itself)

7 What do players say in order to save their robots from destruction?
They call a “tap-out.”

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