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Jets Working Group WG focused so far on the following 2 physics studies: - intermediate mass Higgs searches - single top The 2 topics require the reconstruction.

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Presentation on theme: "Jets Working Group WG focused so far on the following 2 physics studies: - intermediate mass Higgs searches - single top The 2 topics require the reconstruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jets Working Group WG focused so far on the following 2 physics studies: - intermediate mass Higgs searches - single top The 2 topics require the reconstruction of jets, and their identification as b-jets. The WG will explore various jet algorithms. WG had 7 meetings so far.

2 Higgs searches We are studying the possibility to observe
(SM) Higgs with MH in the GeV/c2 range p beam jet 1 beam jet 2 q q' W H b lepton neutrino jet b To avoid the large QCD background, we select associated production: the two b quarks hadronize into jets

3 Higgs searches .2 HAssociated cross sections is
~ 0.38 pb (Pythia 6.3) for MH=115 GeV/c2 giving ~ 600 events per LHCb-year (2 fb-1) Simple selection: large Pt prompt lepton to tag W,Z the 2 jets contained in LHCb => gives ~100 events year But we have to fight against a very large background...

4 Higgs searches .3 Sources of background [pb]
reducible background weapon to fight it: bbar associated production ttbar extra jet activity g*/Z+jets b jet identification W + jets b jet identification irreducible background ZW di-jet mass resolution ZZ di-jet mass resolution after all the cuts we might hope for a few events/year...

5 Jet reconstruction Fundamental is a good reconstruction of the jets, an efficient beauty identification, and the best di-jet mass resolution. We have concentrated on KT algorithm (~Durham adapted to pp collisions). In KT the distance between particles: KT also introduces distance to beam: with R an adjustable parameter. Find min of the two sets: if min{dij} > min{dib} merge i and j. Iterate until dij> dmax. Systematic studies of KT are in progress: Victor Coco (full simulation) Laurant Locatelli (generator)

6 KT Jets E correction With KT, Victor finds a dependence on Pt which can be corrected by an hyperbolic function: Eb/Ejet Hyperbolic fit (in GeV) Pt GeV

7 Jet mass from KT Preliminary results on di-jet mass:
=> resolution ~ 32% FWHM/Mass

8 Di-jet mass from KT Resolution due to neutrini, multi-jets, underlying evt,... FWHM/M Cone and Kt, visible particles Cone, Kt, all part. Kt no underlying, all part. C. Currat studies, year 2000 Victor result R any chance to improve M(JJ) resolution ? ? ? nothing found so far...

9 Study of Jet algorithms
Parameter space of KT being studied by Laurent at generator level. Exclusive mode (i.e. fixed number of jets) examined so far, in terms of di-jet mass resolution versus parameters. Now studying KT inclusive mode. Last will be the Cone, based on the assumption that the b direction is known by secondary vertexing. With Cone: study of different contributions to resolution. Maybe a chance to gain a few % in M(Jet,Jet)...

10 General scheme for Jet calibration
In a more general context, we must revisit the question of jet calibration (see "Jet studies in LHCb", LHCb/99-016) For instance, the E parametrization could be of the kind E(jet) = a*E(tracks)+b*E(neutrals)+c*E(muons) with E(neutrals) = b1*E(ECAL) + b2*E(HCAL) or similar, plus corrections as a function of theta or Pt, etc. We should disentangle the different contributions to resolution: individual subdetector, 2) dispersion by B field, 3) charged/neutral identification, 4) neutrini, ...

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